Here ya go Lubu
SD opens with *suprise!!!* Vince McMahon. Lots of McMahon bullshit at the beginining, ending with the introduction of THE MOST IMPORTANT MAN to the future of sports entertainment, Paul Heyman as the new GM of SD *cheers and pumping of fists*.
Next Angle and Benoit get into it during their match with Cena and the Alberttrain. I can never get enough of Angle/Benoit, so this is a good idea in my opinion!!
I like the pop Jamie Noble is getting these days, he deserves it.
More Stu Hart tribute stuff. His impact on the business will be missed. R.I.P. Stu Hart, thanks for everything.
*yay* the return of Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi NOT! Big whoop, same gimmick from 2 over the hill past their prime "superstars", and I use the term loosely. WORM, what the fuck ever. Next....
Bashams beat Los Gurreros for the tag titles. Good stuff as far as I'm concerned. Now that Eddie is free of his belts the next logical step is a main event push, FINALLY!!! Eddie for champ!
Tajiri beats Zach Gowen (who doesn't). I can't believe they made Matt Hardy roll to him at the PPV. I respect ZG, but Matt is one of the biggest talents on the damn roster. After the match we see....
wait for it.....
JIMMY YANG!!!! Oh hell yeah!! About time they signed him. Now, if they would let Paul London show his stuff the WWE could have a cruiserweight division that rivals TNA's X-Division. Too bad they would get absolutely 0 tv time, except when the "big" wrestlers need an easy squash. Fuck the WWE
The return of "Sparkplug" Bob Holly is coming soon. Yet another "rival" for Brock. What does that make now 10...12 people who "owe" Brock for squashing them. Lesnar sucks ass and you all know it.
Main event time. Yay, two 300 pounders and a 500 pounder. Lots of meat in the ring. McMahons wet dream. Taker still won't roll clean for anyone, wins the match to set up.....
ANOTHER McMahon PPV match. Taker/Vince in a Buried Alive match at Survivor Series. *Yawn*, whatever. The end is near anyway, as Steph is set to wed Michael Paul LaVesque next week and hammer the final nail into the coffin of sports entertainment as we know it. Let the McMahon/Helmsley era begin for real this time. Hopefully TNA or someone else will have a television contract by that point, so we won't have to suffer anymore year long championship reigns by the so called "Game".
Way I see it is you have Bill (I can't and never have been able to wrestle) Goldberg as the champ on RAW, and you have Brock (hand me everything on a silver platter because I'm big and Vince likes that shit) Lesnar on SD. Meh, their not my champs.
TNA has AJ Styles as the champion. That's a goddamned no brainer if you ask me. AJ's my champ
EDIT: Forgot to mention the tribute to Road Warrior Hawk. Thanks for the memories Hawk, you were one of the best to watch in your day. R.I.P.
Especially LOD2000, What Sunny wants, Sunny gets

SD opens with *suprise!!!* Vince McMahon. Lots of McMahon bullshit at the beginining, ending with the introduction of THE MOST IMPORTANT MAN to the future of sports entertainment, Paul Heyman as the new GM of SD *cheers and pumping of fists*.
Next Angle and Benoit get into it during their match with Cena and the Alberttrain. I can never get enough of Angle/Benoit, so this is a good idea in my opinion!!
I like the pop Jamie Noble is getting these days, he deserves it.
More Stu Hart tribute stuff. His impact on the business will be missed. R.I.P. Stu Hart, thanks for everything.
*yay* the return of Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi NOT! Big whoop, same gimmick from 2 over the hill past their prime "superstars", and I use the term loosely. WORM, what the fuck ever. Next....
Bashams beat Los Gurreros for the tag titles. Good stuff as far as I'm concerned. Now that Eddie is free of his belts the next logical step is a main event push, FINALLY!!! Eddie for champ!

Tajiri beats Zach Gowen (who doesn't). I can't believe they made Matt Hardy roll to him at the PPV. I respect ZG, but Matt is one of the biggest talents on the damn roster. After the match we see....
wait for it.....
JIMMY YANG!!!! Oh hell yeah!! About time they signed him. Now, if they would let Paul London show his stuff the WWE could have a cruiserweight division that rivals TNA's X-Division. Too bad they would get absolutely 0 tv time, except when the "big" wrestlers need an easy squash. Fuck the WWE

The return of "Sparkplug" Bob Holly is coming soon. Yet another "rival" for Brock. What does that make now 10...12 people who "owe" Brock for squashing them. Lesnar sucks ass and you all know it.
Main event time. Yay, two 300 pounders and a 500 pounder. Lots of meat in the ring. McMahons wet dream. Taker still won't roll clean for anyone, wins the match to set up.....
ANOTHER McMahon PPV match. Taker/Vince in a Buried Alive match at Survivor Series. *Yawn*, whatever. The end is near anyway, as Steph is set to wed Michael Paul LaVesque next week and hammer the final nail into the coffin of sports entertainment as we know it. Let the McMahon/Helmsley era begin for real this time. Hopefully TNA or someone else will have a television contract by that point, so we won't have to suffer anymore year long championship reigns by the so called "Game".
Way I see it is you have Bill (I can't and never have been able to wrestle) Goldberg as the champ on RAW, and you have Brock (hand me everything on a silver platter because I'm big and Vince likes that shit) Lesnar on SD. Meh, their not my champs.
TNA has AJ Styles as the champion. That's a goddamned no brainer if you ask me. AJ's my champ

EDIT: Forgot to mention the tribute to Road Warrior Hawk. Thanks for the memories Hawk, you were one of the best to watch in your day. R.I.P.
Especially LOD2000, What Sunny wants, Sunny gets

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