offical wwe thread



Here ya go Lubu;)

SD opens with *suprise!!!* Vince McMahon. Lots of McMahon bullshit at the beginining, ending with the introduction of THE MOST IMPORTANT MAN to the future of sports entertainment, Paul Heyman as the new GM of SD *cheers and pumping of fists*.

Next Angle and Benoit get into it during their match with Cena and the Alberttrain. I can never get enough of Angle/Benoit, so this is a good idea in my opinion!!

I like the pop Jamie Noble is getting these days, he deserves it.

More Stu Hart tribute stuff. His impact on the business will be missed. R.I.P. Stu Hart, thanks for everything.

*yay* the return of Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi NOT! Big whoop, same gimmick from 2 over the hill past their prime "superstars", and I use the term loosely. WORM, what the fuck ever. Next....

Bashams beat Los Gurreros for the tag titles. Good stuff as far as I'm concerned. Now that Eddie is free of his belts the next logical step is a main event push, FINALLY!!! Eddie for champ!:buttrock:

Tajiri beats Zach Gowen (who doesn't). I can't believe they made Matt Hardy roll to him at the PPV. I respect ZG, but Matt is one of the biggest talents on the damn roster. After the match we see....

wait for it.....

JIMMY YANG!!!! Oh hell yeah!! About time they signed him. Now, if they would let Paul London show his stuff the WWE could have a cruiserweight division that rivals TNA's X-Division. Too bad they would get absolutely 0 tv time, except when the "big" wrestlers need an easy squash. Fuck the WWE:mad:

The return of "Sparkplug" Bob Holly is coming soon. Yet another "rival" for Brock. What does that make now 10...12 people who "owe" Brock for squashing them. Lesnar sucks ass and you all know it.

Main event time. Yay, two 300 pounders and a 500 pounder. Lots of meat in the ring. McMahons wet dream. Taker still won't roll clean for anyone, wins the match to set up.....

ANOTHER McMahon PPV match. Taker/Vince in a Buried Alive match at Survivor Series. *Yawn*, whatever. The end is near anyway, as Steph is set to wed Michael Paul LaVesque next week and hammer the final nail into the coffin of sports entertainment as we know it. Let the McMahon/Helmsley era begin for real this time. Hopefully TNA or someone else will have a television contract by that point, so we won't have to suffer anymore year long championship reigns by the so called "Game".

Way I see it is you have Bill (I can't and never have been able to wrestle) Goldberg as the champ on RAW, and you have Brock (hand me everything on a silver platter because I'm big and Vince likes that shit) Lesnar on SD. Meh, their not my champs.

TNA has AJ Styles as the champion. That's a goddamned no brainer if you ask me. AJ's my champ:buttrock:


EDIT: Forgot to mention the tribute to Road Warrior Hawk. Thanks for the memories Hawk, you were one of the best to watch in your day. R.I.P.

Especially LOD2000, What Sunny wants, Sunny gets:drool_2:
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Rotterdam Nation Resident,
20 Year Member
Jan 12, 2001
i know people shouldnt take wrasslin for real
or anything, but shit. that big show lesner on undertaker match
was pretty lame.
i could pretend fight better in my sleep.
i didnt know about the guy from legion of doom or road warriors or whatever dieing.
wrestling sure isnt as cool as it used to be.


Sho's Rival
May 15, 2003
first off, thanks qube. i was in need of the heads up. happy birthday arcademan. if you smelllllllll what the cookin:buttrock:!! survivor series showdown, i want kane and undertaker to duke it out again. and when is the rock going to get off his high horse and come back to the wwe?


20 Year Member
Dec 18, 2000
I just wanted to say that the entire WWE league should be ashamed with the tag team called "La resistance". Representing the french people this way, especially with such a serious name, shouldn't ba allowed :very_ang: :blow_top:

Super Porky

Camel Slug
Aug 7, 2002
Robert said:
I just wanted to say that the entire WWE league should be ashamed with the tag team called "La resistance". Representing the french people this way, especially with such a serious name, shouldn't ba allowed :very_ang: :blow_top:

What do you expect from Vince McMahon? This is a guy who creates storylines where he cheats on his wife with Sable and beats up his daughter. He's always shown he has no class.:shame:


Mai's Apprentice
Sep 21, 2001
dam i forgot today they were showing sunday night heat at 7pm (east) i only saw the last match

Super Porky

Camel Slug
Aug 7, 2002
Here is a pic from the unholy union.


A sad day for wrestling indeed.


20 Year Member
Dec 18, 2000
Super Porky said:
What do you expect from Vince McMahon? This is a guy who creates storylines where he cheats on his wife with Sable and beats up his daughter. He's always shown he has no class.:shame:

Ok, thanks for the infos, I understand better now.


SouthTown StreetSweeper
Jan 9, 2002
FormlessOne said:
How I miss the ECW. :oh_no:

Tell me about it bro. Back before we got DirecTV and we used our old huge dish, I stumbled across ECW one night at 1:00 A.M. on this unknown channel called America1. Needless to say, I was hooked until the end. We ordered about 4 or 5 PPV's during it's run and they were easily better than all of the WWF's non-Wrestlemania PPV's combined.

It's pretty freaking sad to see what's become of guys like Dreamer, Taz, RVD, Rhyno, etc. I can still remember when Taz tore Rhyno apart with that disgusting tazmission suplex through the table in the corner. :eek: :eek:

And now Vince sits on the company's entire video library and I think we all know what that means...:crying: :blow_top:


Chin's Drinking Partner
Aug 11, 2003
Earthquake said:
Tell me about it bro. Back before we got DirecTV and we used our old huge dish, I stumbled across ECW one night at 1:00 A.M. on this unknown channel called America1. Needless to say, I was hooked until the end. We ordered about 4 or 5 PPV's during it's run and they were easily better than all of the WWF's non-Wrestlemania PPV's combined.

It's pretty freaking sad to see what's become of guys like Dreamer, Taz, RVD, Rhyno, etc. I can still remember when Taz tore Rhyno apart with that disgusting tazmission suplex through the table in the corner. :eek: :eek:

And now Vince sits on the company's entire video library and I think we all know what that means...:crying: :blow_top:

All I gotta say is, "Scaffolding Match"


FormlessOne said:
All I gotta say is, "Scaffolding Match"

Man, if you are talking about Perry Saturns elbow drop in the scaffold match at Heatwave 97, that was some sick ass shit!!

God I miss ECW:(



Super Porky said:
Here is a pic from the unholy union.


A sad day for wrestling indeed.

And thus the world ended, not with a bang, but with a whimper....


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Earthquake said:
Tell me about it bro. Back before we got DirecTV and we used our old huge dish, I stumbled across ECW one night at 1:00 A.M. on this unknown channel called America1. Needless to say, I was hooked until the end. We ordered about 4 or 5 PPV's during it's run and they were easily better than all of the WWF's non-Wrestlemania PPV's combined.

It's pretty freaking sad to see what's become of guys like Dreamer, Taz, RVD, Rhyno, etc. I can still remember when Taz tore Rhyno apart with that disgusting tazmission suplex through the table in the corner. :eek: :eek:

And now Vince sits on the company's entire video library and I think we all know what that means...:crying: :blow_top:

I found out about ECW the exact same way. One of the oscure cable channels called America1 was showing it every Saturday afternoon and I loved it. A couple of months later they took it off the air and replaced it with some crap news channel. Then it came to TNN and it caught my interest once more.

I agree with you on the ECW big time wrestlers like Taz, Dreamer and the rest. Their talents were being wasted in the WWE. As much as I love Taz doing the color commentary, I'd pay good money to see him back in the ring again kicking ass and taking names :buttrock:
Apr 20, 2003
Super Porky said:
Here is a pic from the unholy union.


A sad day for wrestling indeed.

Man, Stephanie looks lovely. Too bad that she is been wasted with that moronic jerk :angry:

Oh well, at least we will have some "Tripe H FREE" Raw shows. :glee:

And you guys said it, ECW was the shit! I discovered it back in 1996, when I had Primestar. It used to be shown on Fridays at 8:00 PM (Pacific time) on one of those no-name sports satellite channels.

Then I enjoyed it every Friday evening when ECW moved to TNN until its airing was canned by those TNN bastards!!!

I just hope that some network or cable channel picks up NWA.


Sho's Rival
May 15, 2003
hey again guys. i missed raw but im off tomorrow and get to see smackdown. :) anything happenend on raw that i should know?

ecw was definately one of my fav wrestling shows, too bad vince destroyed it and molded it to his image:oh_no:


Sho's Rival
May 15, 2003
Super Porky said:
Here is a pic from the unholy union.


A sad day for wrestling indeed.
when did this happen? triple h stole my big breasted mcmahan, i will offer $200,000 to the person that will put the h man down.:make_fac: :loco: :buttrock:
Apr 20, 2003
orochi_lubu said:
anything happenend on raw that i should know?

You did not miss that much, in no particular order:

- Shane had a no DQ match against Test. Yeah I know, Test's leg is still broken. After the match Kane came out and shane stated that the match for Survivor Series will be an Ambulance Match. In my opinion it should be called the McMahon Craptacular Match.

- Bischoff's team are composed of Jericho, Christian, Steiner, and Mark Henry. Austin's team is composed of Booker T, RVD, and the Dougdleys (I know spelling).

- The main event was Jericho vs. RVD for the intercontinental title. First round was shit. Thanks to Bischoff interference, Jericho won the match. Austin came out stated that Jericho should immediately defend his title against RVD in a Cage Match and everybody was banned including co-GMs. That Cage match was pretty good, and RVD regained the title. Then Bischoff's team came to beat the heck out of RVD, when Booker T and the Dougdleys came to level the situation. Finally Mark Henry came out and Bischoff's team got the upper-hand and were triumphant.

- Match between Mark Henry vs. Lance Storm ended in a DQ because Shawn Michaels kick Henry's face knocking him out cold. Backstage, Bischoff had Michaels scorted out of the building.

- Womens 4-way elimination match for the Women's Title contendership. Lita won.

- La Resistance vs. Hurricane and that new guy that is always with Austin. I forgot his name, but this new guy is the one that gave Austin his ticket a couple of weeks ago and keeps mentioning Little Jonny. Hurricane and that guy won.

- Austin said that Goldberg will defend his title against Tripe H at Survivor Series.

- Austin wanted to be provoked by the Coach when Coach was reviewing and talking crap about Austins new book.

- Evolution with Batista at the corner vs. the guys who stole the money from evolution last week with Maven at the corner. Evolution lost thanks to Maven, but they all got their ass wiped by Batista.

That's pretty much it, so you did not miss anything important.



Hey, if anyone cares. Next weeks NWA-TNA's main event will be Jeff Jarrett Vs. Sting!!!!! Wo0T!!1111!!1!!

Tonights show was so-so, hopefully next weeks will be better. No AJ Styles tonight:(


Moon Jump

Alfred Garcia's Butler
Jun 1, 2003
Now that I have my scanner, I should get some of my pictures from the HWA (hardcore wrestling aliance, Mikey Wipwrek ran it) and from the last 2 ECW PPV's I went to. I got BLOOD on my camara because Justin Credible came into the crowd with a singapore cane and hit steve corino in the face, and we got the splatter...ewwww.