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WWE Smackdown Results: 11-20-09
Results courtesy of PWTorch.com (direct link to Park's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.
I really didn’t need to see this re-match. Batista went to the outside right off the bat, where he pulled Matt. Hardy got the best of him there too, but Batista got him coming back into the ring. Batista threw Hardy face-first into the middle turnbuckle to take control, then slammed him to the mat for two. Batista worked the lower back of Hardy and worked a chin-lock about 1:20 into the match. Pretty early for that, leading me to believe this’ll be a relatively short match. Jaw-breaker got Hardy out of a bad situation. Elbow to the back of the head off the second rope by Hardy. Twist of Fate was shrugged off and Hardy got out of a Batista Bomb. DDT followed it up for two. Rake of the face by Batista, who elbowed out of a Side Effect. Chop block took Hardy to the mat. Hardy with a drop-toe hold into the second buckle, but Batista dropped him face-first in the corner. Spinebuster shook the ring. And another. One more for the road. He seemed to have a minor bloodied lip. Batista Bomb finally sent Hardy packing.
WINNER: Batista, at 4:25. They really protected Hardy here, more than I thought they would.
Double-leg takedown by Finlay started the match. McIntyre got away and fled to the outside, but did not find safety out there. Finlay chased him down and the two continued to brawl in the ring. Finlay kicked away at McIntyre in the corner as the ref struggled to separate them. Finlay had a handful of hair as the ref got him back. McIntyre went after Finlay’s eye with a right hand behind the ref’s back. As he tried to recover, McIntyre hit a swank version of his double-arm DDT for the win.
WINNER: McIntyre, at 1:39. McIntyre won in short order, but from bell-to-bell, they didn’t give him much.
Ziggler went for a few quick covers, but got nothing out of it. Standing dropkick from Morrison in retaliation, then a flying heel kick. He got a two-count from that. Morrison dodged a boot and tripped Ziggler up. Starship Pain, but Dolph moved and Morrison landed on his feet. Morrison then did a springboard 450 over the top rope and onto Ziggler on the outside. He brought Ziggler back in, but Ziggler lifted his knees on the Starship Pain. Ziggler went to capitalize, but Morrison hooked him in an Inside Cradle for the first fall, at 2:13. Completely unbelievable that it would be that short. Anyway, they went to break before the second one could begin.
Back to the match, Ziggler got a two count during the second fall. Striker noted that Morrison’s ribs and back were being worked on throughout the break. Roll up by Morrison for two, then a Zig Zag from Ziggler for the second fall at 7:04. Once they got started for the third one, Ziggler kicked Morrison in the mouth for two. High elbowdrop in the ribs for two. Ziggler continued on offense and took Morrison off his shoulders and onto his knees as he fell back for a gut-buster. Ziggler intensified the pain quotient by twisting Morrison’s torso around the ring post. High X-Factor face-plant for a two-count by Ziggler. Morrison countered a suplex with a DDT. He then set up Starship Pain, and this time hit, and retained the title.
WINNER: Morrison, two falls to one, at 10:46. Really disappointing. Not the match itself, but how it was booked. Most of their one-fall matches (including last week’s) went longer than this. Where does Ziggler go from here?
Mickie sent some forearms into the kisser of Layla, then landed a Thesz Press. I hope Matt Striker brings out the chalkboard to explain the Survivor Series Elimination match possibilities. Dropkick by Layla while Mickie was on her knees. That got two, despite the pleas from Layla. Roll-up into a bridge by Mickie, nicely done, for the win.
WINNER: Mickie, at 1:10.
After the match, Layla got the mic. I’m glad they’ve given Layla some outfits to show off her body. She said that Mickie should look at the Titan-Tron before she starts partying. It was a rooster crowing. Michelle McCool, with a farm in the background, called Mickie “Piggie James.” She even sang “Old McDonald,” inserting Mickie as the pig. They even did the Looney Tunes ending with the “That’s all folks!” with Mickie’s face as a pig. You stay classy, WWE.
Kidd tripped up Mysterio on the top and put a knee into the throat. Hard whip into the buckle by Kidd. Hard kick in the back and a cover got two. Still nothing from Batista. Rey kicked away at the head of Kidd, but Kidd landed a dropkick to Rey’s face for two. He missed a springboard elbowdrop though. After Kidd rolled through a hurricanrana, Rey kicked him in the face and got two on a pin attempt. Rey set Kidd up in the 619 position, but Kidd slipped out of the ring. Rey went to the top, but Batista shoved Kidd out of the way so Rey would have to jump on him. The ref called for the bell, which Striker disagreed with.
WINNER: Kidd by DQ, at 2:36. Good, high-energy match between the two. I’d like to see an extended contest between these two.
After the match, Rey jumped onto the announce table and then onto Batista, sitting down on him as he fell backward onto the chair he was sitting in. Batista tried to chase Rey around ringside, to no avail. Batista was left angered in the ring.
Taker and Kane came out at the same time. Kane didn’t vacillate at all when the bell rang, attacking Jericho at the outset. Taker then came in and wailed away at Jericho himself. Finally, Jericho grabbed the ropes on a whip and tagged in his bigger half. The two giants went toe-to-toe in the middle of the ring. Show missed a punch and Taker hit him with rights of his own. Taker put his boot up on a Show charge, then nailed him with a flying clothesline. Double-team clotheslined Show over the top. Jericho checked on him as they went to break about 2:30 in.
Taker clotheslined Jericho as he came out of the corner. The Dead Man planned to go Old School, and did so successfully. Double boot by the Brothers of Destruction and Kane’s pin got a two-count. Kane went for a chokeslam, but Big Show speared him. Show was the legal man at this point, and cornered Kane in the heel section of the ring. Jericho did some cheating behind the ref’s back to soften Kane up a little more for his tag partner. Kane fought back from his knees, but speaking of, Show kneed him right in the face. Jericho came in and applied the boots to Kane. Lionsault landed right on Kane’s knees. Both men went for tags- Jericho was successful, Kane not so much. Big Show struck Kane in the ribs with his massive fists, then set Kane on the top rope. He went to the middle rope, but Kane knocked him down. Kane, off the top, hit a not-so-good-looking clothesline. Show tagged Jericho and Taker tagged in as well. Snake Eyes in the corner on Jericho, followed by the running boot and legdrop. Only got two on the cover. Taker knocked Show off the apron, then he grabbed Jericho by the throat. Jericho turned it into a roll-up and tried a Walls of Jericho, but Taker caught him in the Hell’s Gate. Before he could tap, Show legdropped Taker. The match broke down at this point and all four men brawled on the outside. Show was thrown into the barricade and into the announce bay. We have a Lauren Mayhew sighting! I think it’s a count-out by now. They went to double-chokeslam him through the table, but Jericho broke it up. But he barely affected the faces, and they threw him into the ring. I guess we’re still going. Chokeslam by Kane, but Show pulled Kane out of the ring and decked him with a right. Taker grabbed him by the throat on the apron, then caught Jericho with a boot. Show came in the ring and chokeslammed Taker. Show stood tall in the ring, then got Jericho to his feet. Jericho gave him a Codebreaker and went to grab the World Heavyweight Title. He fled the ringside area as Grisham and Striker debated on whether or not Jericho knew he was giving the Codebreaker to Show. I still didn’t hear a bell, but I saw the ref counting Jericho out, so let’s say….
WINNERS: Taker & Kane, by count-out, at about 15:00. Interesting end of the match.
Jericho stood tall with the World Title on the top of the ramp as Show and Taker recovered in the ring. The show faded out at this point.
Results courtesy of PWTorch.com (direct link to Park's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.
I really didn’t need to see this re-match. Batista went to the outside right off the bat, where he pulled Matt. Hardy got the best of him there too, but Batista got him coming back into the ring. Batista threw Hardy face-first into the middle turnbuckle to take control, then slammed him to the mat for two. Batista worked the lower back of Hardy and worked a chin-lock about 1:20 into the match. Pretty early for that, leading me to believe this’ll be a relatively short match. Jaw-breaker got Hardy out of a bad situation. Elbow to the back of the head off the second rope by Hardy. Twist of Fate was shrugged off and Hardy got out of a Batista Bomb. DDT followed it up for two. Rake of the face by Batista, who elbowed out of a Side Effect. Chop block took Hardy to the mat. Hardy with a drop-toe hold into the second buckle, but Batista dropped him face-first in the corner. Spinebuster shook the ring. And another. One more for the road. He seemed to have a minor bloodied lip. Batista Bomb finally sent Hardy packing.
WINNER: Batista, at 4:25. They really protected Hardy here, more than I thought they would.
Double-leg takedown by Finlay started the match. McIntyre got away and fled to the outside, but did not find safety out there. Finlay chased him down and the two continued to brawl in the ring. Finlay kicked away at McIntyre in the corner as the ref struggled to separate them. Finlay had a handful of hair as the ref got him back. McIntyre went after Finlay’s eye with a right hand behind the ref’s back. As he tried to recover, McIntyre hit a swank version of his double-arm DDT for the win.
WINNER: McIntyre, at 1:39. McIntyre won in short order, but from bell-to-bell, they didn’t give him much.
Ziggler went for a few quick covers, but got nothing out of it. Standing dropkick from Morrison in retaliation, then a flying heel kick. He got a two-count from that. Morrison dodged a boot and tripped Ziggler up. Starship Pain, but Dolph moved and Morrison landed on his feet. Morrison then did a springboard 450 over the top rope and onto Ziggler on the outside. He brought Ziggler back in, but Ziggler lifted his knees on the Starship Pain. Ziggler went to capitalize, but Morrison hooked him in an Inside Cradle for the first fall, at 2:13. Completely unbelievable that it would be that short. Anyway, they went to break before the second one could begin.
Back to the match, Ziggler got a two count during the second fall. Striker noted that Morrison’s ribs and back were being worked on throughout the break. Roll up by Morrison for two, then a Zig Zag from Ziggler for the second fall at 7:04. Once they got started for the third one, Ziggler kicked Morrison in the mouth for two. High elbowdrop in the ribs for two. Ziggler continued on offense and took Morrison off his shoulders and onto his knees as he fell back for a gut-buster. Ziggler intensified the pain quotient by twisting Morrison’s torso around the ring post. High X-Factor face-plant for a two-count by Ziggler. Morrison countered a suplex with a DDT. He then set up Starship Pain, and this time hit, and retained the title.
WINNER: Morrison, two falls to one, at 10:46. Really disappointing. Not the match itself, but how it was booked. Most of their one-fall matches (including last week’s) went longer than this. Where does Ziggler go from here?
Mickie sent some forearms into the kisser of Layla, then landed a Thesz Press. I hope Matt Striker brings out the chalkboard to explain the Survivor Series Elimination match possibilities. Dropkick by Layla while Mickie was on her knees. That got two, despite the pleas from Layla. Roll-up into a bridge by Mickie, nicely done, for the win.
WINNER: Mickie, at 1:10.
After the match, Layla got the mic. I’m glad they’ve given Layla some outfits to show off her body. She said that Mickie should look at the Titan-Tron before she starts partying. It was a rooster crowing. Michelle McCool, with a farm in the background, called Mickie “Piggie James.” She even sang “Old McDonald,” inserting Mickie as the pig. They even did the Looney Tunes ending with the “That’s all folks!” with Mickie’s face as a pig. You stay classy, WWE.
Kidd tripped up Mysterio on the top and put a knee into the throat. Hard whip into the buckle by Kidd. Hard kick in the back and a cover got two. Still nothing from Batista. Rey kicked away at the head of Kidd, but Kidd landed a dropkick to Rey’s face for two. He missed a springboard elbowdrop though. After Kidd rolled through a hurricanrana, Rey kicked him in the face and got two on a pin attempt. Rey set Kidd up in the 619 position, but Kidd slipped out of the ring. Rey went to the top, but Batista shoved Kidd out of the way so Rey would have to jump on him. The ref called for the bell, which Striker disagreed with.
WINNER: Kidd by DQ, at 2:36. Good, high-energy match between the two. I’d like to see an extended contest between these two.
After the match, Rey jumped onto the announce table and then onto Batista, sitting down on him as he fell backward onto the chair he was sitting in. Batista tried to chase Rey around ringside, to no avail. Batista was left angered in the ring.
Taker and Kane came out at the same time. Kane didn’t vacillate at all when the bell rang, attacking Jericho at the outset. Taker then came in and wailed away at Jericho himself. Finally, Jericho grabbed the ropes on a whip and tagged in his bigger half. The two giants went toe-to-toe in the middle of the ring. Show missed a punch and Taker hit him with rights of his own. Taker put his boot up on a Show charge, then nailed him with a flying clothesline. Double-team clotheslined Show over the top. Jericho checked on him as they went to break about 2:30 in.
Taker clotheslined Jericho as he came out of the corner. The Dead Man planned to go Old School, and did so successfully. Double boot by the Brothers of Destruction and Kane’s pin got a two-count. Kane went for a chokeslam, but Big Show speared him. Show was the legal man at this point, and cornered Kane in the heel section of the ring. Jericho did some cheating behind the ref’s back to soften Kane up a little more for his tag partner. Kane fought back from his knees, but speaking of, Show kneed him right in the face. Jericho came in and applied the boots to Kane. Lionsault landed right on Kane’s knees. Both men went for tags- Jericho was successful, Kane not so much. Big Show struck Kane in the ribs with his massive fists, then set Kane on the top rope. He went to the middle rope, but Kane knocked him down. Kane, off the top, hit a not-so-good-looking clothesline. Show tagged Jericho and Taker tagged in as well. Snake Eyes in the corner on Jericho, followed by the running boot and legdrop. Only got two on the cover. Taker knocked Show off the apron, then he grabbed Jericho by the throat. Jericho turned it into a roll-up and tried a Walls of Jericho, but Taker caught him in the Hell’s Gate. Before he could tap, Show legdropped Taker. The match broke down at this point and all four men brawled on the outside. Show was thrown into the barricade and into the announce bay. We have a Lauren Mayhew sighting! I think it’s a count-out by now. They went to double-chokeslam him through the table, but Jericho broke it up. But he barely affected the faces, and they threw him into the ring. I guess we’re still going. Chokeslam by Kane, but Show pulled Kane out of the ring and decked him with a right. Taker grabbed him by the throat on the apron, then caught Jericho with a boot. Show came in the ring and chokeslammed Taker. Show stood tall in the ring, then got Jericho to his feet. Jericho gave him a Codebreaker and went to grab the World Heavyweight Title. He fled the ringside area as Grisham and Striker debated on whether or not Jericho knew he was giving the Codebreaker to Show. I still didn’t hear a bell, but I saw the ref counting Jericho out, so let’s say….
WINNERS: Taker & Kane, by count-out, at about 15:00. Interesting end of the match.
Jericho stood tall with the World Title on the top of the ramp as Show and Taker recovered in the ring. The show faded out at this point.