Anyone like Ragnagard.......?


custom rank,
20 Year Member
Feb 6, 2001
Now i know it has been totally slated alot by people because of the grafix!! and yes they do look awful espeicially the backgrounds!!But the Animation is superb and if u do play the game a little deeper u will find a pretty damn good game!!the games characters are pretty cool and some very original all the moves are very cool and easy to pull off!! i dunno why but i do really like it maybe its a case of "its so shit its good" i dunno but it is a game i can really really play and enjoy!!all u have to do is flush the grafix from your mind (u do actually get used to them for some reason) anyone else think the same? or are u all gonna just say "your Crazy its shite!!"?



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Oct 12, 2000
I love this game but... the background's colours are really horrible. <IMG SRC="smilies/loco.gif" border="0">


Mi nah rate Ragnagard at all.What dem SNK boys a tinking when dem put out dis poor pseudo 3d pile of shit.An as fi de charachters, what idiots, dere is a women character who a call herself "benton" Hahah, mi a guess she a batty girl. <IMG SRC="smilies/tickled.gif" border="0">

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Originally posted by GBITCH:
<STRONG>Mi nah rate Ragnagard at all.What dem SNK boys a tinking when dem put out dis poor pseudo 3d pile of shit.An as fi de charachters, what idiots, dere is a women character who a call herself "benton" Hahah, mi a guess she a batty girl. <IMG SRC="smilies/tickled.gif" border="0"></STRONG>

Nah what shit were dem snk boys smokin when they made dat shit it is total shite,hey pass da bong man. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">

Neo Bomber Man

Miracle Seller, , ,
Aug 19, 2000
I love it! I was crazy about it from the moment I saw the preview for it in GameFan years ago, and when I finally got it, it was like being in fighting Heaven! I mean every single aspect about the game was great, it just never disappointed me. About the graphics... well I never happened to find anything wrong with them. Sure they were a little jaggedy but this wasn't on a newer board like Killer Instinct or something. And the music is out of this world! System Vision really knows their stuff. One thing that I like about the game is how it forces the player to be innovative with attacks. You can't play Shin Oh Ken like a KoF installment, where you use the same pattern on almost every opponent. You simply have to think up new strategies for every opponent you face or else you'll get slaughtered..... very badly. Also it was dubbed an "Aerial Battle Action Game" which further removes it from the realm of conventional, over-populous 2-D fighters. The game has actually got a fairly advanced system as far as games of its time, and even compared to some today. If you don't get this game on home cartridge or CD with the instructions, you'll never be able to play it. That is just a fact. You won't know everything it has to offer, you will get beaten, get bored, and walk away.

I'm not sure of the historicity of the game's characters, I was going to try and get help in Japan to research it, however that didn't work out in the end. Still, Lucifer I'm sure some of us can recognize. Son Goku should be familiar, either from World Heroes Perfect, from Dragon Ball Z, or, originally, from the Chinese tale "Journey to the West." As for the rest, I'm not sure, but I'm working on something related to the game.

Anyhow, yes I do like it, a damn lot, and I still feeling like crying over having to sell it last year... I wanted to say "sorry, I'll send your cheque back, I just don't want to sell it" but that would have caused me much shit. Oh well, I'll get it again one day. Guess the soundtrack and my picture of it will have to do for now.