OFFICIAL Star Trek Thread


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
Well, I finished the series tonight. I have some very definite opinions on what happened.

The buildup leading to the invasion of Cardassia was well done, imo. I think we could've used more main-character deaths (Garak would've been a good character to see die), but I think, overall, it was satisfying. It felt great to see Gowran die. When Worf went crashing through the glass, I was sure he was ko'd and it would've been another snooze-fest where he loses and Martok saves his ass. It would've been typical Worf, but it was refreshing to see him actually do something.

I liked Odo leaving to be with his people. Makes sense, and the old bitch stands trial for war crimes. I can live with that.

My biggest complaint was the pah-wraith conclusion. It was so anticlimactic. So much buildup with pah-wraiths fighting the prophets on DS9, the sealing of the celestial temple, Dukat manipulating Kai Winn and drawing her to the dark side (lol) --all for what? Sisko hurls him off the cliff and they both die in a pit of fire, and they're sealed. Maybe I'm used to Dragonball where it takes 50 episodes to conclude a battle, but that took all of 10 minutes, if that. It almost felt thrown in at the last instant, like they were focusing so much on the war that they sort of said "oh shit, we need to tie up this loose end." It was bad. They didn't even show the vision Sisko had where they told him he had to go to the fire caves. Like it was edited for time.

I like that Bashir and Dax finally got together, even if it was where Dax was in a host that closely resembles a 12 year old boy. I'll never argue true love, though. He has big shoes to fill, because Worf stuffed her with Klingon cock only a week or two prior. I've seen Bashir's clothes, they're pretty form-fitting --I don't think he's packing enough to please 8 lifetimes.

O'brien leaving is just weird. Almost like "hey, everything is changing and everybody is leaving, let's have him leave and give a lame excuse as to why." I'd much rather like to think that the two boyfriends would continue to suppress their gay feelings for years to come.

Worf becoming an Ambassador is hilarious as all hell. Yeah, that's what Worf is --an ambassador. Might as well be. Guy was a shit security officer, and lost like 95% of his fights (although, to be fair, he's a lot better in DS9 than TNG).

Some other observations:

So Sisko is in the celestial temple now, right? It looks like he's in the exact place he was when he got caught up in time being tied to Jake in "The Visitor" episode. Just white all-around. Looks boring, how you gonna learn anything there, Ben?

I love Vic Fontaine. The episode where everybody is fighting to get the casino back could very well be my favorite out of them all. It was delightfully ridiculous, and a much-needed break from all the super serious, dark reality they were always pushing in our face.

I also love the way Ferengi's scream like little kids whenever they're hurt or scared. I laugh every single time one of them does that. When Nog lost his leg, I almost pulled a muscle laughing at that scream. I also like how Ferengi's are fleshed out much, much more than their TNG counterparts.

Overall, I really liked the series. I'd say it's better than TNG, but not by much, and both are good for very different reasons. There were a few boring episodes, but it's nothing like the good/shit ratio you got with TNG. I'm kind of bummed that it's over.

So now that I'm finished, should I move on to Voyager? Or is it not worth it? I know not to expect it to be as good as DS9, but is it at least worth watching?

EDIT - I went back and looked at the dates, and it took me 2 and a half months to watch 7 seasons of DS9. That's insane - 176 episodes.
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Rotterdam Nation Resident,
20 Year Member
Jan 12, 2001
I watched voyager because it was the only thing on late sunday nights.
I don't rank it high in the star trek universe.


Fu'un-Ken Master
Jan 22, 2003
You don't need to watch it.

Enterprise might be worth your time. I know I liked it, but "different strokes for different folks," as has been said before.

Comrade Porn King Mikhail

TЗh ЯussiaИs Дre CФm
Oct 11, 2000
EDIT - I went back and looked at the dates, and it took me 2 and a half months to watch 7 seasons of DS9. That's insane - 176 episodes.

It took me two and half months to watch a season of Falling Skies.

I wish I could roll through shows with the same energy as five years ago.


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
Voyager doesn't seem so bad so far. Nothing great, but not bad, either. The opening and ending theme sounds like the Back to the Future soundtrack, though.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
I watched part of the first season of Voyager, then gave up. I watched the abysmal final episode on Netflix and was thankful I didn't put any more time into it.

Enterprise, seasons 3 & 4, are a pleasant diversion but feel a little off overall. It's nice to see they brought back the actor for Weyoun.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
I'm going to enjoy seeing this as I have zero expectations of it being good, much like I did with the last Trek movie. I honestly can't wait to see where they take this.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
Hey Wes, now that some time's passed--any lingering thoughts on DS9?

A few thoughts:

I actually like that Garak survived because his character was arguably one of the most complex: You have no idea what he's thinking but you sort of get a feeling that, over the course of the series, he develops his equivalent of a conscience. Seeing him quietly crushed at the utter devastation of his home world was an interesting place to see him leave off. I know that his actor, Andrew J. Robinson, would use an old acting technique and write a diary from Garak's point of view to help him figure out motivations. To help him get closure with the role, after the series wrapped, he added some more entries, this time as supposed correspondence with Bashir, and with the blessing of Paramount and published it as "A Stitch In Time". I have a copy but haven't read it--the consensus is it's supposed to be very good for what it is as Robinson understands the character so fully that it really does seem like something he would write.

I also liked the all-Vic Fontaine episodes and that they somehow (1) got a real singer from that era to play the role and (2) made the character work. I also liked how Sisko sniped about how, though the holodeck fixed it, black people weren't welcome in that age.

The end for Sisko was originally scripted and filmed as much more final: He's not coming back. Apparently, in the 11th hour, Brooks called the producers and asked if they could make there a window to his possible return only because he felt weird about portraying another black father not being there for his family. They then went back and refilmed his talk with Kasidy Yates to have some more ambiguity. It's kind of brutal that he never says anything to Jake--which makes that last shot of him looking out the window more sad but appropriate for the episode's theme and title "what you leave behind".

There was a long-running plan to give the last line of the entire series to Morn (who had the same actor throughout), but they instead went with Quark--and the line "the more things change, the more they stay the same" was great.

The stuff with Dukat and Ziyal was my favorite part of Dukat: the way he loses his sanity immediately after her death was crushing--you could tell that any chance of his character redeeming itself died with her.

I liked that Damar's death was abrupt and didn't allow for some great final speech--brutal and realistic. Interestingly the Cardie who had replaced him as the Dominion crony was the same actor as the Mars cab driver "Vinnie" from Total Recall.

With that said, characters like Garak and Damar were examples of how the writers were willing to take what were initially minor roles and run with them when the actors seemed to show promise. On the flip side, Bareil (the Vedek Kira was into) wasn't working so great so they eventually wrote him out.

As for the montage in the final episode, it's too bad Terry Farrell's agents were unable to negotiate her clip appearances--that's why Jadzia never appears and they only show clips with Erzi. That scene in the holodeck, with everyone drinking at Vic's, actually has most of the cast, crew and others without make-up in the background.


20 Year Member
Apr 19, 2001
lol, looks like a Batman poster
It's pretty interesting to me whether this film ends up sucking or not. The every-other rule was violated when both Insurrection and Nemesis stunk (though I kinda liked Insurrection), but maybe ST has shifted patterns to where now they'll make 2 good films after 2 bad ones.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
Pssh, TNG Worf was nothing more than Riker's Chewbacca.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
If you thought TNG Worf was unlikable I don't know what you're going to think of DS9 Worf.

I suppose in TNG he wasn't so much unlikeable as he was a flat character. But then again, Chewbacca has about zero character development so I dunno. I can't pin down why Worf sucks.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977

I'd read the synopsis of Star Trek into Darkness and it's nice to see that they're going for this kind of tone (at least in the trailer). I'm glad they didn't opt to go with the Klingons--mostly because the way they were portrayed in the scenes cut out of the 2009 movie (a wise decision by Abrams) made them silly and I was afraid they were going to roll with that.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
I'll never forgive them!

Klingon bastards killed my son!


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
Sherlock Holmes (Cumberbatch) as the bad guy? Sounds good to me. The dude does "creepy" well. Whether he's playing a good or bad character.


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
Mar 1, 2012
Is this a sign of things to come? Using "Trek" as the verb in the title? Reminds me of the image macro of "Batman Begins to Cook" which I can't seem to find online right now.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002

I'd read the synopsis of Star Trek into Darkness and it's nice to see that they're going for this kind of tone (at least in the trailer). I'm glad they didn't opt to go with the Klingons--mostly because the way they were portrayed in the scenes cut out of the 2009 movie (a wise decision by Abrams) made them silly and I was afraid they were going to roll with that.

Without revealing any critical spoilers you care to tell me what this movie is about, because the teaser has me less than enthused.

Creepy human unleashing havoc on earth from under the sea? Uhm ok.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
Without revealing any critical spoilers you care to tell me what this movie is about, because the teaser has me less than enthused.

Creepy human unleashing havoc on earth from under the sea? Uhm ok.

I think one of those shots was actually a starship hitting the water.

From what I understand someone comes back to earth with a desire to cause destruction and revenge--I wonder if it's like a variation on the V'ger idea from the original Motion Picture. Beyond that I'm as clueless as you are.


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
Mar 1, 2012
I think one of those shots was actually a starship hitting the water.

It did hit the water but looks like it was going to end up on shore. I hope they handle that scene properly.