Wanted: Alien Vs. Predator blue USA CPS2 B board phoenix mod

Shawn Carr2o

6200|!!|Drillslug Driver
Oct 13, 2004
I have a blue Alien Vs. Predator USA CPS2 B board and I was wondering if there are any local San Jose members here who can do the phoenix mod for me and I heard that it doesn't cost that much to do it? All of my other five CPS2 B boards were already phoenixed when I purchased them last year and I need this one board done before it suicides. Also I don't know when the battery was changed. :)
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Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Jun 15, 2002
You can Phoenix a board AFTER it suicides, so don't worry about that.


Chang's Grocer
Jun 30, 2010
Yes, time IS NOT of the essence if you are planning to REVIVE (PHOENIX) your game board.

Phoenix roms MUST be installed AFTER the backup battery stops powering the game board and the game board suicides (looses the start up keys) (displays the solid colored start up screen.)

BUT, if you are planning on keeping your game board ORIGINAL (OEM), then time IS of the the essence. A Battery change MUST be done BEFORE the backup battery stops powering the game game board and the game board suicides.

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Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
For AVP I wouldn't wait to Phoenix it. If you wait and yours happens to be one of ones where the battery explodes then you just lost $200 because of a $5 part.


Chang's Grocer
Jun 30, 2010
Thread In Point.


Oh crap I seemed to have scared a few of you which I didn't intend to do. I think what has happened to me is a extremely rare occurance, don't be scared of cps 2. To phoenix your board you just need to buy the roms from their creator which is neo member raz. Yes phoenixing your make it immortal and removes the battery from the equation, it a simple procedure of removing the battery and switching a couple of eproms on the board with eproms that have been burned with the phoenix hack. (n1. mainman, Post #11)

Just ran some test on the dead PCB and dicovered the diode on the battery was actually operating bidirectionally, so when the board was powered voltage was some how being feed back into the battery which caused it to eventually explode. Just use a flat head screw driver to carefully remove the chips. (n1. mainman, Post#21)

I do indeed take care of my stuff, I just don't throw it anywhere & anyhow. I got thousands of dollars invested in this hobby. My stuff is carefully stored in a special cabinent that is not hazardous to my gear or causes harsh environmental stresses either. Is more like if you own expensive arcade equipment you need to know how to fix it yourself. In the end it was a faulty 20 cent diode that was a undetectable problem that caused this. (n1. mainman, Post#21)

Apparently you did not catch my old thread. This has happened a additional 4 times since then. (n2. mainman, Post#6)

n1. mainman. This is why you should phoenix your cps 2 boards. http://www.neo-geo.com/forums/showt...d-phoenix-your-cps-2-boards&highlight=mainman
n2. zhulien. wtd: cps2 battery reliance removal - in Australia? http://www.neo-geo.com/forums/showthread.php?169049-wtd-cps2-battery-reliance-removal-in-Australia
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Shawn Carr2o

6200|!!|Drillslug Driver
Oct 13, 2004
For AVP I wouldn't wait to Phoenix it. If you wait and yours happens to be one of ones where the battery explodes then you just lost $200 because of a $5 part.

I paid $154.99 for the blue AVP A+B board and since I now know that the battery could possibly explode at anytime and ruin the board I decided to have it phoenixed which was my plan to begin with. This game is worth saving and is a keeper. :)

Does my Final Fight PCB have a suicide battery or is it already suicideless? :)

Shawn Carr2o

6200|!!|Drillslug Driver
Oct 13, 2004
These are the CPS2 boards that I own which where already phoenixed.

Armored Warriors grey A+B boards
Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom blue B board
Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara grey A+B boards (A PCB has no shell)
Marvel Super Heroes blue B board
Street Fighter Zero 2 Green B board
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers blue B board

I just remembered that I did contact a member here who said that I can open the CPS2 shell and send the PCB to him to be phoenixed and he will charge $5 for the mod and $15 for return shipping. He suggested that sending the AVP PCB to him so that he can test it. I need to decide to either send the board to him or send the eprom chips or get the eprom chips from Raz?
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Chang's Grocer
Jun 30, 2010
...Does my Final Fight PCB have a suicide battery or is it already suicideless? :)

FINAL FIGHT does not have a suicdie battery. :)

And, so far, my OEM AvP is a OK [knocking on wood for good luck]. :D
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Shawn Carr2o

6200|!!|Drillslug Driver
Oct 13, 2004
FINAL FIGHT does not have a suicide battery. :)

Good to know because I love owning this classic Capcom beat'em up and I like it more than the SNES, GBA and SCD versions (SCD had better music) because Poison and Roxy were unaltered.

I do own both the JPN and US versions for the GBA. :p

I got the US Final Fight PCB for $45 or $50 from kitkit.com back in 2009 if I remember correctly.
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Shawn Carr2o

6200|!!|Drillslug Driver
Oct 13, 2004
I heard that Vampire Savior 2 was finally phoenixed? It's to bad that I sold off a mint looking green CPS2 B board.


These are the two boards I got this year,


Armored Warriors grey A+B boards phoenixed $134.99

Alien Vs. Predator blue A+B boards unphoenixed $154.99


CPS2 Person.,
20 Year Member
Mar 26, 2001
For AVP I wouldn't wait to Phoenix it. If you wait and yours happens to be one of ones where the battery explodes then you just lost $200 because of a $5 part.

Oh come on James what is the chances of the battery exploding on a AVP, I mean name one time when you seen that.;)

oh yeah
