CALEXIT: Californians want to exit the U.S. after Trump痴 presidential win


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
you're not wasabi tho, and I'm not people. I lived over there half my life, and during my formative years, have loads of fam and tons of friends there, my family house is there,and I generally see England as my home, so I have a stake in it.

no, I'm not talking about xenephobia. amongst the words you used in your rant where ginger freeloading self centred childish cuntish shit for brains heroin addicted useless waste of skin.
that is a racial stereotype.
in anycase fuck it, it's not about that. it's about you thinking its fair game to be a twat and generalise horribly, when people who come from where you did originally have had to deal with this kind of shit for generations, and it even turning to violence and whatnot in so many cases.

watever theough, I've said my bit. like you mentioned this is so I am just as entitled to do so.

No... I am NOT Chaz... which some days can be a viewed as a good thing... as atm I'm relaxing but sometimes Wasabi tends to be more proactive about mis-informed meddling views...

HOWEVER, You think you can comment on something you don't see in day in and day out... Do you actually live here? Then I suggest you maybe mistaken replying to me...

"I have spent half my life there.."... so what... do you live here now? Do you see what the Scottish Government are doing? Do you see the shit they're trying to pull?...

NO... you're 1500 miles away... living in a country who's economy is fucked by a President who'd rather play God than solving your failing economy...



So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Buy, yea, a Cal-Exit 'll never happen. The State has a 400 Billion Dollar deficit, and it's user base is way to dependent on Federal Funding.

Actually, California is one of the states least dependent on federal funding. In fact, the Federal Government was reliant on California last time I checked..


fresh out of fucks
10 Year Member



War Room Troll
Gibson is an American, just moved there as a kid, then came back when the movie business was good to him.


20 Year Member
I am only asking a question. A person saying something bad about another group of people isn't racism bro.
I was alluding to the fact that he was making derogatory remarks with regards to a group of people who are largely related through ethnicity and culture, and I felt that how Rot was expressing himself it was more than just xenophobia.
racism isn't just about white/other. you know the irish where known as white niggers by 'academics' in England when social science was being used to justify imperialism and the mistreatment of other 'races'. horrible shit it was.
I apologize for flying off the handle the way I did, but you seemed to be patronizing me.

No... I am NOT Chaz... which some days can be a viewed as a good thing... as atm I'm relaxing but sometimes Wasabi tends to be more proactive about mis-informed meddling views...

HOWEVER, You think you can comment on something you don't see in day in and day out... Do you actually live here? Then I suggest you maybe mistaken replying to me...

"I have spent half my life there.."... so what... do you live here now? Do you see what the Scottish Government are doing? Do you see the shit they're trying to pull?...

NO... you're 1500 miles away... living in a country who's economy is fucked by a President who'd rather play God than solving your failing economy...

look, you make a fair point about me meddling in affairs that don't affect me directly and my attempting to justify it was a bit lame. but I find it hard to accept that you talk about the Scots the way you do, it's crazy. maybe scottish members don't give a shit, but its a bit much. on that point alone I took offense. you and me in much the same way have been 'other' when it comes to ethnic labeling in england, I'm baffled by people who will show this level of prejudice when they themselves are of migrant background.
also, should I be grateful for your 'leniency'? don't play that card please, come on.
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So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
No... I am NOT Chaz... which some days can be a viewed as a good thing... as atm I'm relaxing but sometimes Wasabi tends to be more proactive about mis-informed meddling views...

HOWEVER, You think you can comment on something you don't see in day in and day out... Do you actually live here? Then I suggest you maybe mistaken replying to me...

"I have spent half my life there.."... so what... do you live here now? Do you see what the Scottish Government are doing? Do you see the shit they're trying to pull?...

NO... you're 1500 miles away... living in a country who's economy is fucked by a President who'd rather play God than solving your failing economy...


Wait you live in Scotland?

Poison Sama

The Hentai Christ
20 Year Member
Well, with the state government promising everyone that they'd keep California largely untouched by the "Trump Jackboot", it's functionally almost the same as secession.

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
what's your fucking problem? do you know what I'm trying to put across when I wrote to Rot in the first place?

edit: look up eugenics. there was plenty of speculation back in the 19th c about the links between the irish, scots, and the spanish as related to primitive cavedwellers, and unevolved with comparison to 'anglo saxons'.

and then there's social Darwinism



Chang's Grocer
As of FY2016, the federal government pays up to 80% of the cost of some health and welfare programs.

CA spends millions and millions of dollars these types of programs.

And CA will continue to next year in FY2017. Governor's Budget Highlights.pdf

Yea, it's true, over the last three years CA has dropped from the top 10 to the bottom ten on the State dependency list. But, that does not change the fining structure in the State.

And I'm not even touching on the Federal Programs for Education and Government Contracts in the State.


Actually, California is one of the states least dependent on federal funding. In fact, the Federal Government was reliant on California last time I checked..
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Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Plastic bags are also now illegal in California as well.. The congestion this is gonna create is bedlam. Half of the people who leave their houses will forget or won't have bags in their vehicles. Many do not speak english, so that won't help anything. The new bags cost almost nothing, but this area is flooded with people who won't adhere to paying for them every time, so it's gonna take forever to check out. Contrast this issue with the rebellious 30% or so of rising conservatives who are pissed at everything here.. They sure won't want to pay for bags. Even at a dime each. More congestion.

Walmart was such a disaster the other day to. Gonna take time for people to adjust, but you combine this change with self checkout and it's a real kick in the nuts. Especially when you scan specific items, you also need assistance already to even check out. So it's more congestion...

The other day when I was there I had like ten items. So the self check out lanes are complete with bag forks with no bags. You got one clerk going person to person issuing these bags by hand with some environ'mentally ill logo on them, as if they towels in Las Vegas. The poor asian family across from me took ages to get checked out, and when it unfolded they didn't even have any bags. I think I was finished before they were. It was sad.

All of this bullshit is going on, and I can't help but think of Jerry 'butthole face' Brown sitting there in the reaches having a good time.. This dude probably is engaging in oil company pay to play, all the while shoving this climate change crap all over the place like it's the end of the world if we don't get tricked into another jainist level exercise. The hypocrisy and corruption might as well have us secede right to Mexico. I mean it. I think even Mexico would kick this state the fuck out if they could. I can't imagine them taking this aspie run state for long.

California Walmart's are a great thing. You need to experience one. Before my self check out adventure I was in another line to where a very elderly woman was VERY slowly totaling up items or refunding a order for someone.. I know this women well and try to avoid her. Honestly, she should be reading books in a retirement home enjoying her final years. Not doing fucking cash out lanes at walmart... Sad life choices.
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20 Year Member

I lived in a city that banned plastic bags. It took literally no time to adjust and the price of a bag is inconsequential.

I did vote against that prop, btw.

I'm still bitter we got more gun control, but didn't repeal the death penalty. Hypocrite faggots.