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  1. DNSDies

    Web Forgery Warning

    Just FYI any mod who sees this (in case I'm still ghosted), Mozilla (firefox) has flagged as a web forgery.
  2. DNSDies

    FS: SNES Reproductions **ALL SOLD**

    I made these with some spare parts I had from doing some other translations/repros, so I thought I'd sell them to help cover some of the costs of the equipment I bought to do them. These are all reproductions made from donor boards of sports titles like NBA Live or Madden (insert year) except...
  3. DNSDies

    Who you going to vote for between Trump and Hillary?

    When four of your alleged rape victims walk into the room:
  4. DNSDies

    Who you going to vote for between Trump and Hillary?

    Ordering the deaths of people is still murder.
  5. DNSDies

    Who you going to vote for between Trump and Hillary?

    I didn't even mention the Occupy protests. I was actually in Oakland during that. Yes, it DID get violent, there were riots and massive destruction of property and theft. I took this pic during one of the protests:
  6. DNSDies

    Who you going to vote for between Trump and Hillary?

    It's ok, she only had Pneumonia! oh....oh...... ....oh
  7. DNSDies

    Everdrive GBA Group Buy

    3000 is the all-around best except for one small detail. The LCD screen's pixels are aligned horizontally by color, so it gives it this barely noticeable scanline-like effect. It's more notable on some games, like the Metal Slug collection. Nice job on the white backlit modded GBA! You might...
  8. DNSDies

    Who you going to vote for between Trump and Hillary?

    It was never about who was right, It was always about who was less wrong. I'll take the man with small independent donors over the soros-backed queen of the damned any day, even if he does say things that hurt my fee fees and make mistakes because he isn't using a teleprompter or a team or...
  9. DNSDies

    Everdrive GBA Group Buy

  10. DNSDies

    WTB - Got my cases - Closed

    I need some empty disc cases for some of my games. The ones I have are in some bad shape. I need like: 5 PS2 cases 5 Gamecube Willing to pay $15~ shipped for them. They don't need to be perfect, just no cracked plastic, no broken tabs, no holes or cuts in the clear plastic. Stickers are...
  11. DNSDies

    PS VITA/ PS TV CRACKED FIRMWARE 3.60 Anyone who has a PS Vita on 3.60 (the current firmware) DO NOT UPGRADE. There was a release of a native exploit that uses the web browser, and allows you to run native PS Vita code (not PSP mode). This will result in...
  12. DNSDies

    FBI Recommends No Criminal Charges Against Hillary Clinton

    Oh, no, the guns are for the MEXICANS. From our government. Or, it could be a van full of recently released "Dreamers"
  13. DNSDies

    Naomi Universal Cabinet - How to ID Monitor?

    So, I went out for Pizza yesterday, and I got to talking to the guy who owns the arcade cabinets at the Pizza place. Long story short, he's offering to sell me a Naomi Cabinet for a KILLER deal, delivered to my front door. Now, after doing a little research, I know the Naomi Cabs have monitors...
  14. DNSDies

    Why haven't any of you doll fuckers started a Game of Thrones topic?

    For anyone wondering if the Hound is coming back, how can you not know about Cleganebowl? If you read the books, you might be familiar with a large man on Quiet Isle who is digging graves for the Faith of the Seven. That gravedigger is like 90% positive supposed to be Sandor Clegane. The Hound...
  15. DNSDies

    Why the hell isn't Hillary Clinton in prison??

    Has anyone here read any of these emails from Shrillary's unprotected private email server? If not, you can check them out here: All searchable and whatnot. This woman is evil. Read some of the stuff about Syria and the refugees. She's hip deep in the...
  16. DNSDies

    Real hardware with bootleg games or fake hardware with real games?

    I recently finished my own arcade stick with sanwa buttons and a JLF stick in a bamboo tea box. I did a Toodles Cthulhu MC and the interchangeable RJ45 cables for stuff like SNES. It's really fun to play Super C with it.
  17. DNSDies Gun Control Discussion

    It obviously doesn't matter whether it does or doesn't, as it DIDN'T DO SHIT. They'll likely never find the guy, because there is no record of the transaction, so it's a pointless mental exercise that serves no purpose. The law is useless, but it won't be repealed because "muh feels" Edit -...
  18. DNSDies Gun Control Discussion

    Funny you should say that: The levels spiked after the 96 ban, then settled recently back to the same 1996 levels. Britain disarmed their public and the net result is nil.
  19. DNSDies Gun Control Discussion

    You also don't have African Americans in any other "civilised" country. Now call me racist for exposing you to hard data.