Search results

  1. -SD-

    FS: Japanese AES Carts - UK

    Hello I have the following AES games for sale 100% Authentic SNK..................£ Last Blade 1.................................350 Last Blade 2.................................500 SNK vs Capcom: Chaos.................500 Real Bout Fatal Fury Special...........250 Samurai Spirits...
  2. -SD-

    Wanted: Neo Geo CD Console

    As per the title, I’m after a CD system, either a Top Loader or CDZ... Must be in VGC with no visible dings or scratches, not bothered about it being boxed. Let me know what you have :buttrock:
  3. -SD-

    FS: Megadrive Games - Japanese NTSC-J

    All prices in £ GBP Sterling Bare Knuckle Trilogy..............................250 Castle of Illusion....................................25 Chiki Chiki Boys.....................................50 Crackdown............................................15...
  4. -SD-

    NGPC MP3 Cartridge?

    Does anyone have any more information on this MP3 cart, as this is the first I’ve ever heard of it? Was it ever shown at any trade shows, indeed, did it even make it to hardware prototype stage? And it appears there may be an English version of Cool Cool Jam too... would be awesome to find that!
  5. -SD-

    FS: NOS N64,Super Famicom / SNES Games

    Repros / Translations / Indie £ Front Mission (English) 30 Front Mission: Gun Hazard (English) 30 Gourmet Sentai Bara Yarou 40 Hyper Iria (English) 30 Iron Commando (NEW SEALED) 45 Little Medusa 40 Majyuo 40 Metal Warriors (Chinese Bootleg) 10 Ogre Battle (English) 30 Shubibinman Zero 40 Starfox...
  6. -SD-

    FS: Breakers Revenge AES Original Visco / NCI / NeoAyato release, NOT the PixelHeart reprint. Brand new, never played. £450 shipped in UK, overseas PM for shipping quote.
  7. -SD-

    FS: DoDonPachi DaiOuJou Black Label - PGM Conversion

    £125 shipped in UK, overseas PM for shipping quote...
  8. -SD-

    FS: King of Fighters 2003 AES

    Fantastic condition KoF ‘03 Japanese AES - £1050 shipped... SOLD
  9. -SD-

    Google Stadia

    So Google have announced their streaming platform, Stadia... IP40ZasO5Lg Along with their own controller: This isn’t the first time this had been attempted, but maybe Google are in a position to actually pull it off with some success.
  10. -SD-

    Decent HDMI Famiclone?

    So are there any reasonably decent Famiclones with HDMI output, or does such a thing not exist?
  11. -SD-

    WTD: Genesis Contra/Castlevania, Mario RPG

    Hello As per the title, I’m after Contra: Hard Corps and Castlevania Bloodlines for the Genesis. Must be the snaplock case versions, not cardboard box, in excellent condition. I’d also like a loose cart of Super Mario RPG, again must be good condition with no yellowing. Thanks
  12. -SD-

    Granblue Fantasy Versus - PS4 ASW

    So apparently Granblue is a thing and Arc are doing a fighting game that looks lovely... 9-rFJMMLysw# Coming to PS4 at some point in 2019. Platinum are developing a PS4 RPG based on the series too.
  13. -SD-

    Rhythm Land - New Famicom/Megadrive game

    A collection of rhythm based mini games, it seems, by various Japanese developers... Famicom Megadrive
  14. -SD-

    DOOM 25th Anniversary - New Levels

    So there you go, nine new official levels from the game’s creator... dlc 25 years later.
  15. -SD-

    The Castle of Collectardio

    Ox7En_cYAa8 :thevt:
  16. -SD-

    FS - OSSC, Brook/UD converters, PGM, Taito G-NET (UK)

    Hello DoDonPachi: DaiOuJou Tamashii IGS PGM2 - £420 SOLD King of Fighters ‘98 Ultimate Match Hero IGS PGM2 - £195 SOLD Taito G-Net multi - £190 ( Pictures: Price is for PayPal Gift payments and includes UK shipping...
  17. -SD-

    NEOSD PRO - The New Terranonion Neo Geo Product March 2018.

    Really good video, you got a thumbs up from me...
  18. -SD-

    WTB: Soccer Brawl Japanese AES

    Hello As per the title I’d like to buy a Japanese home cart of Soccer Brawl please. Thanks very much Si
  19. -SD-

    FS: Neo Geo CD / NG:Dev DC / AoF3 Trade (UK)

    Japanese Neo Geo CD games for sale. I’m after NG: Dev Japanese AES shooters, if anyone wants to do swapsies/part exchange... Free shipping in the UK if you spend over £20. Outside the UK I’ll get you a shipping quote and we’ll take it from there. I’ll do all three NCI titles for £90. Please...
  20. -SD-

    FS: XRGB Mini Framemeister (UK)

    Boxed with a Euro Scart - Din cable, as well as the original JP21 - Din cable and PSU. £255 PayPal Gift shipped in UK