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  1. Z

    Jump rope for the GLORY OF GOD!

    Don't know if this has been posted yet, but it's pretty damn hilarious. But only if you're a Godless heathen who laughs at phrases like "Oriental boat people."
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    Two Trailers that Rock the Earth: WILLY WONKA & WAR OF THE WORLDS

    First off, here's Tim Burton's remake of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory: I have no idea what to think of this one. To me, Wilder owns this role like Mifune owns Yojimbo, and as much I like Depp, I can't...
  3. Z

    For Halloween: What are the Greatest Horror Movies Ever?

    There's not enough Halloween-esque stuff going on around here, so here's a little something to tip the scale. I take into consideration historical significance and what's still scary by today's standards, as well as everything else that a good flick should be judged by. So, without further ado...
  4. Z

    Check out this Metal Slug-like game called ALIEN HOMINID!

    If you pay attention to the site Newsgrounds, you will have undoubtedly already played a little, fun Flash-driven action game called Alien Hominid. I always thought they were very well put-together, and obviously inspired by Gunstar Heroes, Metal Slug and other classic 2-D hectic...
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    So, Nader's running for President again... :spock: Best line: "Ignoring pleas from Democrats to stay out of the race..." I wonder why....
  6. Z

    Howard Dean's finished, Kerry now officially Great White Hope Whoda thunk? (well, a year ago...)
  7. Z

    An "educated" look at King of Fighters...

    From the Boards... Bare in mind, this guy has a Kyo avatar and got flamed into eternity, but I thought it was an...*cough*....interesting analysis of the series. Comments? Agree with him on anything? Agree with him on everything?
  8. Z

    Thief, Scammer, Liar: The Dion Dakis Story – The Definitive Retrospective

    Woah! How'd I miss that debate? Great work, by the way. I'm glad we now have a definitive thread to point to when someone wants to know why, exactly, there is such Dion/NGF hatred here. Well done.
  9. Z

    Is there any way to go back to the OLD quote system?

    And by OLD I mean, like, three months ago (at least it feels like that). I preferred it when you would quote a person, if that person had a quote in his statement, the original quote wouldn't appear in the new one. How it is currently, if the conversation takes more than three quotes...
  10. Z

    Here we go again!

    Taken from <a href=",10870,2895569,00.html" target="_blank">,10870,2895569,00.html</a> "A 27-year-old Taiwanese man has collapsed and died after playing games for 32 hours straight. For the...
  11. Z

    King of Fighters ONLINE?

    I don't know if this has been posted yet, but...WHAT THE HELL? <a href="" target="_blank"></a> I have no idea what to think. It could be extremely cool if done well...
  12. Z

    Is anybody else getting their ass beaten in Virtua Fighter 4?

    Good lord this game is hard. I played Virtua Fighter 2 to death when it was still in its hey day (when they would teach classes in Japan on how to master characters), but my god I am getting my ass handed to me in this game. I think it's all the King of Fighters I've been playing. Virtua...
  13. Z

    !Saturn Bomberman!

    Hello potential seller guy! I'm shopping around for a copy of Saturn Bomberman, preferably with a multitap, but it's not necessary. I'm trying to obtain an American copy, but if the deal's good, Japanese will do fine. PM / Email me with any info or offers. Thanks.
  14. Z

    The greatest, funniest thing ever I have ever seen!!!!

    Turn the volume all the way up and watch the entire thing! <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  15. Z

    So, who is seeing Lord of the Rings at Midnight, Tuesday!?

    Dear God, I cannot wait. I'm going to a late, late show at my local mall at midnight on December 18th. I'm such a fan of the books and the movie looks so fucking good it's been unbearable waiting for it. I've been watching the cartoon version over and over again just to keep sane. UGH, THREE...