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  1. S

    4GB & 8GB Memory Sticks For PSP It will be a shit load of money. Oh, and since the psp has only a 4GB capacity you can definetly expect a firmware update by the time the 8Gb comes out (which I wont be doing because I love my 1.5), but who the hell would need a 8GB...
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    PSP Irc Chat.. I need to try this once i get my router, also you will be able to chat on AIM soon. Just thought i would share this with you guys. Of course you have to have wipeout pure's web browser to do this.
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    Super Mario Bros 3...on PSP

    I found this on gamefaqs.. Pretty Kool.. Your Thoughts?
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    The real psp batteries..what sony didnt want you to know

    Sony has done a good job at hyping the system without showing the battery. Here's what you might expect once the system is released in the US and Europe: pic 1 pic 2 :lol:
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    Devil may cry 3 confirmed for the psp!

    its actually lookin good for the psp i doubt it will make lunch or even near it..though seems like psp is gettin the better games so far, nintendo better make some good annoncements dun think its lookin good in terms of games for ds...
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    Sony fanboys get owned this time foreal!! its a long article but this guy gives proof! and i agree with him even though i myself am a fanboy all i got to say is Ouch! what do yall think of this??
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    Is this your answer to the disc flying out of the psp?

    trying to make a point here srry if you dont get it... :)