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  1. S

    Limit Sig tests

    Even though I've done them in the past, I think there should be a limit to the amount of sig tests you can do.
  2. S

    Tekken vs. Virtua Fighter vs. Dead or Alive

    Alot of people in this forum have their favorite of these three 3d fighters. While some may prefer Virtua Fighter over Tekken or even say that the Dead or Alive series is better than both. Its got me to think and ponder on this question: Which of these three games do you think has better...
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    sig test

    does my sig work?
  4. S

    Image Signature

    Can someone help me? How can I put a picture or image where the signature is?
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    Any Tips???

    I'm pretty much a beginner in the arcade version of SNK vs. Capcom even though I rule the Dreamcast version. I'm going to the local arcade to play SNK vs. Capcom 2. Can anybody tell me which characters I should use since I'm a beginner at this game?
  6. S

    Project Justice

    I just started playing this game while I was at school yesterday. Even though its just like Rival Schools the many team combos and team supers that you can do kicks major ass. When I first played it I beat the living crap out of everbody in the class. Anyway, what is your opinion on this game?