Took a look at the Kickstarter, they are already 20K+ USD over their initial funding goal within 6 hours of launching.
Think I saw in a Gameplay video that you can break them but need the right weapon equipped for it.Barrels you can break should be a Kickstarter reward tier.
It reminded me of Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts.Visually it looks great, except for the dude's ladder climbing animation being hilariously bad.
Thanks Zouzz, Works like a charm. Really short demo however.Hi,
The Darsoft rom about GladMort demo here :
I read somewhere that the game was already funded in three hours.Visually it looks great, except for the dude's ladder climbing animation being hilariously bad.
Those wooden barrels are just aching to be destroyed real good. They don't look like background elements.
Gameplay looks like a snoozefest primarily because of the enemies being really boring. It's pretty much just things going left to right in a manner that looks easy to hit. Games like G&G had a lot more enemies that were creative in how they moved and behaved.
Has potential, but that last point needs some real work.
The Kickstarter is now offering Orthros joysticks with Sanwa parts. Has anyone here tried an Orthros joystick before?
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Hi everyone, I raised a petition to ask to PixelHeart and the Gladmort team to revert their choice of changing the JAP AES insert by the flashy disgracious new one announced yesterday:
Please sign in : : Restore Preliminary JAP Insert Visual for Gladmort Kickstarter AES Game
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