I apologize if it seems like I'm needlessly antagonizing you. In this particular case, I'm just sick to death of the culture warrior nonsense from all sides and, as I also respect you for your intellect, I was trying to poke at what I saw as a lazy generalization.
There are still a ton of movies being made out there by men, for men and about men dealing with issues unique to men. Everything from traditional he-man "guy" action flicks to more nuanced stuff about the expectations put on men and the burden of power and success. Movies in general are increasingly silo'd and niche so I can appreciate that you may not hear about all of them and I'm happy to recommend a few if you're looking for them. Monkey Man would be a good start. If you like John Wick, there's a whole genre of "you fucked with the wrong guy" movies made in the last few years that have the same basic premise... with varying levels of brutality and cheek.
Beyond that, I'll drop it. Enjoy your evening.
Thank you for responding with kindness. I appreciate you.
I think that me celebrating the greatness of
RRR should be proof enough that I'm not intimidated by movies with action heroes that aren't white. When you hit me with 'is that too black for you?', it really pissed me off and I'm not going to pretend that it didn't.
My big problem with western cinema for men is that it's predominantly a 90 minute beer commercial. I am sick to death of men being treated like idiots in cinema. Same with anti-Christian messaging. Not because I'm a man or a Christian. It's just played out bullshit, low hanging fruit and willfully dishonest storytelling.
RRR is a film that is practically elemental in its expression of friendship between two men. The movie never insults you by insulting them. I appreciate that it treats their bond as deep and complex, kindred spirits finding their way to one another against all odds. The movie never laughs AT them. It laughs WITH them. And their women actually SUPPORT them.
I'm really looking forward to
The Bikeriders with Tom Hardy and Austin Butler. Unfortunately, even THAT movie is going to be about criminal behavior couched in the spirit of rebellion and brotherhood. They aren't going to be acting morally in their decisions. It's obvious from the trailer.
I have no problem finding movies like
RRR when I want to. And I don't need EVERY movie to be like this. But it's nice to see that in other countries, we get cinema like this and it's an open celebration of brotherhood without caveats.
Much love, 'proof.
EDIT: I understand your frustration with the culture war. In many respects, I share it. But I can recognize that some of the conservative takes aren't entirely bullshit, as well as some of the liberal takes having merit as well. When people called
Furiosa 'woke', that didn't stop me from seeing it. Was 'the message' in there? Yes, it absolutely was. However, that was not my beef with the film. I didn't care about that and it didn't bother me.
But yeah, I totally get it. So I try not to bring those criticisms into films that I have problems with.