Nagorno-Karabakh War


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
not angry..

just tired about all the "Armenia/Kurds/Greeks holy and just, Turkey bad" attitude these days.

no word about the atrocities done by the Armenias in the 90s, no word about how the PKK abducts and murders elementary school teachers etc etc.

did the Turkish government do a lot of shit on Syria and Co? yes - as all the other big and regional players.

is Erdogan a dickface? yes - still does not change my opinion when it comes to territorial integrity.

PS: my parents wanted to go to Canada first but German visa was granted before so they went here.

You mean like the territorial integrity of Cyprus ? Or does it only count when "Turks" are the injured party ?

The Nagorno-Karabach issue is stupid , if the Soviet/Azerbajian regime had given them some form of independance in 1988 instead of killing a couple 100 Armenians in Sumgait and Baku none of this would have ever happened. Even now Aliejev could have had 5 of 7 districts without force but no 8k people had to die and billions of dollars wasted. And still Nagorno-Karabach is independent. Russia guaranties it's security and the latest talk of town is that they are going to give Russian passports to Artsakh resident. Basically turning that part of azerbajian into russia.

Yes the Armenians killed lots of people in Kojahly and that is inexcusable. It is even a bit disgusting that they won't admit that even today.
But the same can be said for Azeri massacres. nothing can really happen unless both sides start talking.

The same can be said about Turkey and the Pkk if they would have recognised the Kurds and their language earlier on maybe even given them some cultural autonomy PKK would have never existed. Don't forget that those 40k deaths caused by the conflict most are done by Turkish Forces and not by the PKK.

I live in a country with two vastly different communities (Belgium). And we have never been at war with each other. Believe me people have tried to ignite a conflict but due to moderation and consessions by both parties we can live togheter peacefully. As long as people like Aliejev, Erdogan (and the Armenians) don't see that conflict will continue to exist.

I do get that Turkey feels abandoned by the West and NATO when talking about SYRIA. the help was really minimal and Assad really is a scumbag. But once again Assad "helps" minorities while Tukey backed rebels kill them so it really is difficult to support Turkey