need some serious help here guys...

Oct 22, 2000
i finally got my supergunsvideo cable for my , masssystems screwed up my order but i got it today, well ups lost my order so they sent me another svideo, well i have two now since ups found my package, but i dont get any picture? what the f*#$%! i have a new 36 inch tv with 2 svideo inputs, i have my dc on 1 input, and i tried putting it on both inputs, i get no picture, why is that am i doing something wrong? please someone help me!
Oct 22, 2000
i know whats the problem, damn it , i opened up my SG only to find out that the svideo port in the back of the SG isnt connected to nothing, theres no wires there o anything, so now what am i suppose to do? i dont know anything about attaching wires? any suggestions?