Thanks, I assumed MVS would equal the default arcade setting which is level 4. So if Normal is 4, Hard is 8? What is Easy then? 1 or 2?
it don't needs to trust the level write while we play
in ntm levels are crazy, usually level 1 or 2 it's not difficult, anyway at lev 1 and 2 can happen wind 11 or 14 or 15 and pins positions lev 8
for this we have levels into the level
lev 4 can be almost easy, or a little bit difficult, or almost as lev 8
and we can find lev 8 easy, with only 3 times wind 10 or 13 'bout 52 shots or 49 shots
then lev can be almost difficult, with difficult pins positions and sometimes bad wind
but the real lev 8 is very rare, the real lev 8 is always the more difficult pin position and strong wind in worst direction at every hole
so it needs to see at the end of the match, if you've played at lev 8 how it was the wind and pins positions
thz same for lev 4
there's just one way to have the real lev 8, you set hole select, and save the state at the beginning of the hole
and u restart the hole until u find the worst wind
so if u play at lev 8 but u find wind 2 at hole 5, than wind 4 at hole 6, u can restart the hole everytime until u find wind 10 or wind 13 at every hole
This is the only way to have the real lev 8
usually programmers set lev 8 with sometimes wind 0, then wind 3 or 4, and few times wind 13 or 15
then it's possible set the worst lev 8 with hole select, but it needs also the worst pin position for every hole
'cause if we have wind 13, but pin position at lev 8 is a common pin position as lev 4, it means the putt can be easy
If u try with hole select to find the real lev 8, you'll be surprised how difficult is ntm
ntm needs deep understanding for levels