What's so great about turbo speed?


20 Year Member
Apr 12, 2001
I played some SF Alpha 3 while I was in Vegas during vaction a week ago. The game speed was automatically set to Turbo 2 and after playing four games (Only finishing once with Karin) I remember why I hate turbo speed so damn much. I already have a hard enough time with double fireball motions when I'm plyaing at normal speed and that extra speed did nothing to help. I also had a hard time doing most specials because I got to move the stick faster. Anyway why do people feel a fighter sucks if it doesn't move at a ridiculous speed?


"Don't be scared! I'll only cut off one of your heads! Guess!"


Big Bang Pro Wrestler
20 Year Member
May 20, 2001
I don't know. I think people just feel that they can get a rythm or a groove going easier if the speed is faster. The combos just feel more right and it feels so good to play. Remember SFII Turbo on the SNES where there was a code to increase the speed to 10 stars. THAT WAS SWEET!!!!! But if you put it on 10 though it got out of control so I would just put it on 6 or 7 stars.


Galford's Armourer
Aug 3, 2001
Turbo speed is good... in moderation. Like in Marvel vs. Capcom you can set the speed to be so fast that you can hardly tell where your character is. So I always keep it low (if you can change the setting) but just high enough to be comfortable. Find what you can deal with.