What's the deal with fighting game prices?


New Challenger
Jul 26, 2015
Games like Guilty Gear Strive, Samurai Shodown 2020, Blazblue etc.. These games are going on 2-3 years old (or older) and still cost anywhere from $40-$70. Pretty sure the price of the PS5 version of Guilty Gear strive is around $70 for the base version. Then, on top of that, the DLC packs are 20+ dollars for a few stages and characters.. Most other modern games are discounted to like 20 bucks after a year of release. I can go out and by numerous PS4/PS5 titles for around 20 bucks now.. What's up with this?


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
The simplest answer is supply and demand. The demand is such that people are paying those prices, etc.

Fighting games are a niche genre, as are RPG, SHMUP, Puzzle, etc. As such they are produced in more limited numbers.
They also typically do not have an update / revision, IE are standalone, even if the next version might only have 2 new characters or whatever, that is enough of a difference that a person is not going to sell Fighting Game 47 just because Fighting Game 48 came out. They are both worthy of being owned to a collector / connoisseur of the genre.

FPS, Party, Racing, Action, Sports - those are mass market titles, produced in higher numbers AND they often make sequels that are either significant improvement, or very little tangible difference that warrants owning both. Maybe the online audience has died or moved to newest version, making your copy of CoD XVI This Time it's War; For Real no longer necessary and thus $40-->5.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
Gotta look for the deals. I don't know about the other games, but Samurai Shodown has repeatedly been cheap on Steam and on PS4. I paid $15 for the PS4 game brand new, and got the Steam version on sale a few weeks ago for practically nothing.

Gotta remember, the current cycle for most games isn't that things get cheap indefinitely, it's that it releases at retail, then it gets cheap, then it goes back up in price when it exits mass production. Then maybe gets released on PS5 for more than the original retail price since PS5 owners are suckers I guess.


New Challenger
May 25, 2003
I've got an Astra Superstars on Saturn, great game love it. Similar to Waku Waku 7(Wouldn't like to shell out for it nowadays though), but The Last Blade is my all time favourite from those i've played in my time

max 330 mega

The Almighty Bunghole
15 Year Member
Dec 14, 2004
I've got an Astra Superstars on Saturn, great game love it. Similar to Waku Waku 7(Wouldn't like to shell out for it nowadays though), but The Last Blade is my all time favourite from those i've played in my time


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004


New Challenger
May 25, 2003
Waku Waku 7 on Neo Geo home cart is like $1500 but on Saturn can be had for around $80 with out the RAM cart or $200 with it as they released two versions of it. The sprite scaling on both WW7 and Astra Superstars is berserk! Make sure your wearing sunglasses when you play it, the colours are so bright😎


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
Waku Waku 7 on Neo Geo home cart is like $1500 but on Saturn can be had for around $80 with out the RAM cart or $200 with it as they released two versions of it. The sprite scaling on both WW7 and Astra Superstars is berserk! Make sure your wearing sunglasses when you play it, the colours are so bright😎
Reads suspiciously like a JoeX post.... commrades, we have - A CLONE!


New Challenger
Jul 26, 2015
"Aaaaannnnnd... done. Yes, managed to scrape my way to 50 banal, pointless, valueless posts... time to start spamming up that marketplace forum with neogeo tat and scam me some suckers."
That just makes me want to bombard you with even more banal, pointless, valueless. posts. Thanks for the motivation. :LOL:


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
You won't be "bombarding" me with anything mate. I've already made the decision to stay clear of the crap you post.

But, Pro Tip to keep you going - start a new thread asking what everyone's favourite KoF game is.


New Challenger
Jul 26, 2015
You won't be "bombarding" me with anything mate. I've already made the decision to stay clear of the crap you post.

But, Pro Tip to keep you going - start a new thread asking what everyone's favourite KoF game is.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
Stuff does not get sold for what it's worth but for what people are ready to pay for it. If your customers are ready and willing to pay 50 for something others wouldn't pay more than 20, it would be bad business practice to lower the price to 20. Of course it would be nice if you'd do that but companies are innit for the monies, so...


Feb 22, 2022
The simplest answer is supply and demand. The demand is such that people are paying those prices, etc.

Fighting games are a niche genre, as are RPG, SHMUP, Puzzle, etc. As such they are produced in more limited numbers.
They also typically do not have an update / revision, IE are standalone, even if the next version might only have 2 new characters or whatever, that is enough of a difference that a person is not going to sell Fighting Game 47 just because Fighting Game 48 came out. They are both worthy of being owned to a collector / connoisseur of the genre.

FPS, Party, Racing, Action, Sports - those are mass market titles, produced in higher numbers AND they often make sequels that are either significant improvement, or very little tangible difference that warrants owning both. Maybe the online audience has died or moved to newest version matching pfp download, making your copy of CoD XVI This Time it's War; For Real no longer necessary and thus $40-->5.
The pricing of video games is determined by a number of factors, including development costs, marketing budgets, and consumer demand. Fighting games like Guilty Gear Strive, Samurai Shodown 2020, and Blazblue are often developed by smaller studios and have a more niche audience compared to mainstream games, which can affect their pricing strategy. Additionally, the longevity of fighting games is often tied to their competitive scene, with new content and updates released over time to keep the game fresh for competitive players. This ongoing development and support can also contribute to the pricing of DLC packs, which offer new characters, stages, and other features that can enhance the gameplay experience. It's also worth noting that not all games are discounted equally or at the same rate, and pricing can vary depending on the publisher's strategy and the demand for the game. Some games may retain their value for longer due to factors such as critical acclaim, strong sales, or a dedicated fan base. In short, the pricing of video games is a complex and multifaceted issue, with many factors contributing to the final cost. While some games may see steep discounts shortly after release, others may retain their value for longer depending on the specific circumstances.