Samurai Shodown V Special AES  
Recall Instructions

SNK Playmore has authorized a recall of all Samurai Shodown V Special (Samurai Spirits 0 Special) home cartridges. This recall will involve bug fixes and the addition of fatalities. (The fatalities were originally removed at the last minute due to the Nagasaki incident, a murder caused by a child killing her classmate by knife.)

Bug fixes: improvements on Voice, Back Ground Music, and Practice mode

Fatalities: SNK PLAYMORE says they will modify the game program by including the removed "Zetumei Ougi" in a modified version. You should know that this new version will not show the complete fatalities, they will instead be replaced by what SNK PLAYMORE refers to as "lessened fatalities".

Participation in this recall is optional, but it probably would be in your best interest to participate. You will receive an improved cartridge and all shipping charges (see details below) will be covered by SNK PLAYMORE.

Shipping Instructions

If you would like your exact cartridge returned after reprogramming, attach a well secured label with your order # or full name (or both) as shown at left.
If no label is attached, you will receive a cartridge in random aesthetic condition from our unmarked supply of returns, only functionality will be guaranteed.

Important request from SNKP: Return the home cartridge only. Please do not include case, insert, or manual.

Complete return address, please use this address exactly as shown to prevent any delays with processing: recall dept.
111 S Highland St # 344
Memphis, TN 38111-4640

For this recall, you will be reimbursed (by courtesy of SNK Playmore) for your shipping cost when sending your return to To simplify matters, please try to cooperate fully if possible.

Within USA:
If you are shipping within the USA it is advised that you use USPS (United States Postal Service) and send by Priority mail.
This way postage will be displayed on the package and you can be accurately reimbursed.

Outside USA:
If you are outside the USA, please include an invoice of your shipping cost within the package so that you can be properly reimbursed for your shipping cost.

Please choose your method of shipping reimbursement. To convey your choice, simply write the two letter initials on the order invoice, or label on cartridge (as shown above), or on a separate piece of paper within return package. Then circle the two letters so that they will be easily noticed.
sc = Store credit, redeem anytime through email, never expires. You will be contacted with confirmation of credit.
ck = A check through mail, to be sent to you together with your repaired cartridge
cc = Credit to your credit or debit card which was used at time of purchase.
pp + email addy = Paypal payment, must include your email address (you can omit email address if you originally ordered by PayPal)

RECALL FAQ (under construction)

When is the deadline for participating in this recall?
The cut off is August 18th, that is the day we plan to ship all cartridges to to Japan for reprogramming.  To meet this deadline, you should return your SSVS or SS0S cartridge(s) as soon as possible to allow time for delivery.

What if I ordered from NCS?
You would need to send your SSVS (SS0S) cartridge to NCS.  You should receive an email from them, or you can contact NCS for return instructions.

What if I want to order the original version with the bugs and missing fatalities?
SNKP asked us not to ship any of the remaining stock so that they could be returned to Japan for reprogramming. However, it is understandable that some may prefer their cartridge to be in top condition without cart sticker creasing. You can order the original English or Japanese version SSVS now, but understand that you would not be able to return this cartridge for reprogramming.

Will copies of the fixed version be offered on the NeoStore?
Yes. Our large portion of our remaining stock will be returned to Japan for reprogramming. When the return shipment is received back from Japan the programmed version will be offered at the current retail price of $359. Preorders for the “fixed version” are being considered.

What sort of condition guarantee is there for anyone who orders a cart once they return? Scuffs, marks, creases etc are all valid concerns. Sorry to sound like a stickler, but for $359, there's a legit reason to want minty fresh.

Of course we would hope that all remaining stock would be returned in mint/new condition. Unfortunately, they would need to open the cartridge case in order to access the chips. 90% of home cartridge repairs sent to SNKP will result in a creased cartridge sticker at the plastic seem. Additional scuffs and scratches created at the factory are also a possibility.

*Expect this page to be updated more as new questions arise.

Last Update 12/04/06 12:58 AM