I'm thinking of closing up shop


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013


Professional College Dropout
10 Year Member
Jan 7, 2013
He's been here a month and has only 188 posts, but he's already a better member than you are. Why the fuck are you arguing over the definition of the term "mass produced"? Is that really the point of this thread? The point of using the term is that a dickwad like christoph is cranking out as many CMVSes as his undocumented workforce can make, all after learning how to make them by leaching the information off of the community, while adding nothing back into it. And this type of bullshit is what is making James feel like throwing in the towel. But fuck all of that, because some rando on the internet is using a term in a manner that you don't care for.

Does your wife sit around the house waiting for some attention while you worry more about sucking up and endearing yourself to as many people as you can around here, while at the same time having to correct stupid shit like the textbook definition of "mass-produced"?

By the way, I had to click "view post" to see your last reply to MM, since I have you on ignore now. But without reading the content, just seeing that you posted irritates the living fuck out of me. I would be willing to put up with 10 more heavymachineguns if it meant that you'd fucking disappear.



Angel's Love Slave
Dec 4, 2013
The point of using the term is that a dickwad like christoph is cranking out as many CMVSes as his undocumented workforce can make, all after learning how to make them by leaching the information off of the community, while adding nothing back into it.

Unlike you, I don't own an AI CMVS.


Shigen's Fitness Trainer
Feb 20, 2013
Seriously guys? Personal attacks? Shit slinging? In *this* thread of all places?


Remember where you are and show some fucking respect. Friggin kids STFU and take that crap to the hyphen for crying out loud.
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Fu'un-Ken Master
10 Year Member
Oct 11, 2011
I'd thought I'd chime in before Ex-Lax turns this to shit.

I just hope the info I left behind helps people in the future.

Everything, from JNX guides to answers to my posts, has helped me throughout my 2 CMVS builds. As everyone has said, you are a valuable figure in this community.

Sifu, I'm sorry it came to this. It'll be sad to see you go. Mahalo and Aloha for everything, my braddah.


Belnar Institute Student
Aug 8, 2012
I'd thought I'd chime in before Ex-Lax turns this to shit.

Everything, from JNX guides to answers to my posts, has helped me throughout my 2 CMVS builds. As everyone has said, you are a valuable figure in this community.

Sifu, I'm sorry it came to this. It'll be sad to see you go. Mahalo and Aloha for everything, my braddah.

Same with my CMVS builds. The JNX site is where I learned how to build CMVS units. I still go and look up information on it from time to time.


Note to self, Place interesting, Custom rank here.
20 Year Member
May 8, 2002
James is the only guy I buy from - it's sad to see that instead of supporting him most people buy wanna be AES or wooden furniture CMVS units at jacked up prices.


Angel's Love Slave
Dec 4, 2013
Easily 98th+ percentile of members. Only people I would consider "more important" to the "scene" are Razoola or TurfMasta.

Sincere apologies to XX for derailing his thread and MM for overreacting and being a pedantic jerk.

XX is a catalyst and is a crux of the Neo explosion over the past couple of years.
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Kula's Candy
10 Year Member
Jul 2, 2012
I'm actually saving up money to buy a supergun from Xian, its going to be my next big purchase! A lot of my games are from him and he's a class act! :buttrock:

Comrade Porn King Mikhail

TЗh ЯussiaИs Дre CФm
Oct 11, 2000
A bit late to the party since I'm barely online nowadays, but just wanted to chime in and offer support to James, one of the best guys in the hobby.

I'm a bit biased since James is a friend, but anyone who has ever interacted with him will know him as a caring father, impeccable technician, and a supportive friend. James has always been about the community, sharing information, and supplying resources to keep our hobby strong. I'm glad to see the outpouring of support and increased business going his way. For anyone who is a picky OCD bastard like myself, James is the man for your custom arcade work and repairs. Good luck to you bud and I hope business picks up and thrives because your great products and customer service deserve a place in this world!


Crazed MVS Addict
Mar 29, 2013
I know i'm new here, but Xian Xi, you've obviously been a huge help and wealth of information to not only me and my annoying threads, but everyone here. I'm sure i'm not alone in my appreciation and gratitude for the help you've given us over the years. I do hope to absorb information and help people in the future... but thanks so much man. I hope you're able to stay open, man.


Astra Superstar
Jan 3, 2014
Xian, just wanted to tell you that I really appriciate you and jnx for providing help for the whole community. I personally just took for granted all the info and used them to make my own CMVS and later understood their worth.

I'm also still amazed how you can keep your cmvs prices that low considering how much work there actually is, especially with the build quality you have. Custom work is always custom work and time is money.

You sir Rock.


Bolt Thrower.,
Mar 21, 2014
I also do appreciate the work you put in all those guides and the help in the tech forum very much - thank you.


Dec 15, 2013
I think all of us feel the same way. We do not want you to close store and all appreciate your effort and technical knowledge and help you've given us over time. However, if you feel you can't take it anymore, do what's best for you and what you need to do, we will understand your decision and fully support it.



Cheng's Errand Boy
Nov 23, 2004
I bought a modded Neo Geo from James a couple years ago and it works flawlessly today. His price was beyond reasonable and he also offered to trade in my broken Neo Geo to give it a new life. Please do not go away.


Aug 2, 2014
As someone who is brand new to this hobby and is looking to gain knowledge about building a CMVS or a supergun I went to jnx numerous times for information. I actually tried to put up an order for an JROK encoder, sync cleaner and a pair of MVS controller ports last week with no avail(this post says it all). The wealth of knowledge that would go away if anything happens to jnx would be a horrible for any new people getting into the hobby like me. Enough of my ramblings. Good luck in what ever you plan on doing in the future!
Mar 21, 2012
I gave everything to this community that I could and for the past year I noticed that the community would rather support people who don't contribute shit to the community who are just here to leech off the community.

It sickens me to the core. I put my heart into everything I build with very high standards. I don't just slap shit together and kick it out the door. Everything I've made has come from a hardworking father of two who suffers from carpal tunnel in both hands. I do what I do because I love the Neo and the arcade scene. I'm one of the last CMVS builders out there who can use anything to make a CMVS. It saddens me how mainstream the Neo has become and the creativeness out the window.

I'm giving it until the end of the year and decide if I am closing up or moving on.

For those that have always supported JNX no matter what, I truly do appreciate your business.

I used to build CMVS units for fun because I loved building them. After I built a couple, people started asking me to make them units as well and with that also came people that wanted to learn how to make them. Being the person I am, I accommodated both sides by making CMVS upon request and also making tutorials for everyone to learn how to make their own so they don't have to throw money at someone because tutorials don't exist. That's how JNX was born. I always offer a helping hand, I never sell anything to anyone and then tell them to fuck off when something doesn't work right. I am there, every step of the way.

I'll most likely keep the site up but remove the store.

I'd like to thank Angelo, Mikhail, Jim, Juan, Dan, Matt, James, John, Dave, David, Jeff, Robert, RJ, Michele and whoever helped support JNX and helped put JNX together as a collective.

Sorry to hear this man. You've been around a long time and have helped me out in the past with a lot of questions. I know I'm a new member again (My email was hacked and I believe that's why my old username is no longer usable), but your posts have been helpful for many years. I appreciate all the effort you put into this.


fresh out of fucks
10 Year Member
Dec 21, 2010
I would imagine JNX gets far more positive (general) feedback not just here but in various game tech sites, than negative.

at the very least xians site is an excellent resource for new users interested in modding and electronics.

I'd say do what you enjoy, not for any potential customers, but for your self.

Massive Urethra Chode

Disciple Of Orochi
Aug 27, 2013
I bought some stuff from you a while back. Absolutely phenomenal service. Would be sad to see ya go. You should expand into other areas of modding and explore other aspects of the hobby.


Aug 12, 2014
While I am still pretty new to the scene, just snooping around for info over the past few weeks has shown that James is indeed, the man... I just saw this thread after sending a message on the JNX site about getting a CMVS from him, so I hope he gets enough interest to get out one last batch if he does indeed go! I would much rather order a unit from him than get an Omega or Analogue, especially considering it's probably built better and isn't super price inflated. I think I'm about to start getting rid of the rest of my other retro stuff just to put it all towards Neo Geo, finally having one of my own after all these years is like a dream come true!


Crazed MVS Addict
Mar 29, 2013
I unfortunately don't think i'll be able to buy a SuperGun as soon as I thought, but I did refer some people to ya Xian Xi, hopefully they actually did contact ya.

Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
While I am still pretty new to the scene, just snooping around for info over the past few weeks has shown that James is indeed, the man... I just saw this thread after sending a message on the JNX site about getting a CMVS from him, so I hope he gets enough interest to get out one last batch if he does indeed go! I would much rather order a unit from him than get an Omega or Analogue, especially considering it's probably built better and isn't super price inflated. I think I'm about to start getting rid of the rest of my other retro stuff just to put it all towards Neo Geo, finally having one of my own after all these years is like a dream come true!

Reply incoming.

I unfortunately don't think i'll be able to buy a SuperGun as soon as I thought, but I did refer some people to ya Xian Xi, hopefully they actually did contact ya.

No problem dude. I got some requests so it's cool.