I'm thinking of closing up shop

Teddy KGB

Капитан Борода
10 Year Member
Apr 5, 2010
kitkit was on top of all this when he was active. anyone heard from him recently?

He's still around locally from what I hear. Busy with kid and life. No tyme for ng.com anymore.


Jan 4, 2014
Holy shit, I just saw this thread.

I can't believe it. I just bought a supergun from James earlier this year. I told him when I placed the order that the decision to give him my business was simple, just from lurking around this forum and others I was able to get a sense of his great reputation, it was overwhelming.

I'm a freakin' NOOB. James was so patient with me, answering all of my questions. I also couldn't believe how much he kept me updated during the build process. Not to mention how awesome the finished product was.

I have to imagine there are a lot of people out there like me who credit James as one of the reasons they got into the scene. It's a bumout that he doesn't necessarily want to close up shop but doesn't want to lower himself to do the things it would take to be competitive. (and I admire that!)

Here's to hoping JNX is around for many more years.
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Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
I'm a little sad to read how your feeling. I hope it blows over and you find renewed strength to continue. Sometimes its good to take a step back before taking a larger step forward.



J. M Club, ,
20 Year Member
Jul 20, 2002
I agree with the "move topics to off site sales" etc.. Never bought a supergun or CMVS off James (or anyone else) since it's easier to just make them myself. I did try making them to sell a long time ago, by order, and let me tell you that it's a pain in the ass. So, hats off to anyone who's willing to do that consistantly for a long period of time. Once I got a full time job, wife, and house etc...it ws WAY too much for me. I'm sure somewhere in the last 9+ years or whatever, this guy has helped me with plenty of questions. I hope he sticks around. I'm not involved in this forum as much as I used to be, since other hobbies have taken over, but I do think members such as James, who build quality custom items for members and help with tech questions beyond the normal "you need to build this", should get some special appreciation. Anyways, hope you stick around. When this forum was the main place I visited while building superguns and cmvs was my main hobby, it was necessary to have people here to help just for the love of it. Same reason I did things like the "Ham Diagram" back in the days. Although outdated and way behind the times now, back then it was there for getting people to enjoy what I enjoyed by going the extra mile and helping newbs get a solid starting point. I hope this site always has people around to do that. Keep your chin up James. From the sound of things in this thread, you're very much appreciated and loved around here.

Neo Ash

NG.com Audiophile, Club Member,
Feb 21, 2004
How about a market rule that would simply eliminate all "commercial" mass produced product sellers? We all know these entities are just here for a cash grab, and have no interest in the community.


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Aug 29, 2012
How about a market rule that would simply eliminate all "commercial" mass produced product sellers? We all know these entities are just here for a cash grab, and have no interest in the community.

Shadowkn seems pretty tied in to the community, and how do you rate that? Like if their website has a certain level of polish remove their market access?

Jasen Hicks

Hardened Shock Trooper
Jan 3, 2010
Xian, you do quality work and I have personally learned a lot from our few private discussions and your site. I built my Ammo Can SG (First SG ever) using some of the information you shared with the community. Your willingness to share ideas, help people out, and provide a service to those who need it is great. I hope the overwhelming positive response shows you that you are appreciated and recognized as an asset to the community as a whole.

Good luck with whatever decision you chose to make! Until then, I will continue to send Neo-Geo related questions, builds, and sales to the expert!

Neo Ash

NG.com Audiophile, Club Member,
Feb 21, 2004
Shadowkn seems pretty tied in to the community, and how do you rate that? Like if their website has a certain level of polish remove their market access?

That has nothing to do with it. The difference between XX and people selling MASS PRODUCED, overpriced, and inferior shit is clear.

I'm not going to name anyone, but we know who they are.


Jul 4, 2002
I've been away from the scene for quite some time, so when I decided to consolize my two slot, I contacted Jeff Kurtz. He in turn referred me to James. To me, Jeff's endorsement of him speaks volumes.

I had quite a few questions and requests for James. As is his way, he was extremely helpful and patient during our initial consultation. I'm looking forward to him making my dream Neo Geo console a reality.

James, I would be remiss if I didn't take a moment recognize all that you have done for me and the community as a whole.
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Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Aug 29, 2012
That has nothing to do with it. The difference between XX and people selling MASS PRODUCED, overpriced, and inferior shit is clear.

I'm not going to name anyone, but we know who they are.

Yeah, I get that, but I think moving them to off-site like Xian said, or making a sub-forum under Neo Selling are more sensible solutions, otherwise it's going to get pretty ridiculous deciding who can and can't sell.

meat macmuffin

20 Year Member
Mar 19, 2001
Yeah, I get that, but I think moving them to off-site like Xian said, or making a sub-forum under Neo Selling are more sensible solutions, otherwise it's going to get pretty ridiculous deciding who can and can't sell.

Who are you trying to fool? We all know how far up christoph's ass you are. :keke:


Gai's Trainer
10 Year Member
Mar 6, 2012
That has nothing to do with it. The difference between XX and people selling MASS PRODUCED, overpriced, and inferior shit is clear.

I'm not going to name anyone, but we know who they are.

What's the problem with naming them?

You're insinuating kennyboy and christoph I presume.

Is there anybody else on this list?


Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
The next person who dares to produce something and sell it to this community needs their head examined. :lolz:

Lemony Vengeance

Mitt Romney's Hairdresser,
Jan 30, 2012
Xian, you do quality work and I have personally learned a lot from our few private discussions and your site. I built my Ammo Can SG (First SG ever) using some of the information you shared with the community. Your willingness to share ideas, help people out, and provide a service to those who need it is great. I hope the overwhelming positive response shows you that you are appreciated and recognized as an asset to the community as a whole.

Good luck with whatever decision you chose to make! Until then, I will continue to send Neo-Geo related questions, builds, and sales to the expert!

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Belnar Institute Student
Aug 8, 2012
Jon, dude, if you don't stop sucking Cristoph's dick so hard it is going to fall off. If it falls off what will you suck later (KPJ??)? Slow down a bit there cocksuckington and take things in moderation. That much dick sucking at one time cant be good for a man's health.


Whip's Subordinate
May 15, 2014
Xian, you do quality work and I have personally learned a lot from our few private discussions and your site. I built my Ammo Can SG (First SG ever) using some of the information you shared with the community. Your willingness to share ideas, help people out, and provide a service to those who need it is great. I hope the overwhelming positive response shows you that you are appreciated and recognized as an asset to the community as a whole.

Good luck with whatever decision you chose to make! Until then, I will continue to send Neo-Geo related questions, builds, and sales to the expert!

Yea I'm so glad we have people willing to share with the community and not just try and turn a profit off our hobby.


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Aug 29, 2012
Yeah.. Beef? Skips?

I realize you don't actually read my posts, but christoph is already gone dudes, get over it.

And skips? After seeing that you practice what you preach on the famicom restorations I actually respect you a little dude, and said just recently that more people should know you do great RGB mods and such. Don't ruin it by being an asshat. Especially since the things that Xian is talking about here would benefit you.


Belnar Institute Student
Aug 8, 2012
Yeah.. Beef? Skips?

I realize you don't actually read my posts, but christoph is already gone dudes, get over it.

And skips? After seeing that you practice what you preach on the famicom restorations I actually respect you a little dude, and said just recently that more people should know you do great RGB mods and such. Don't ruin it by being an asshat. Especially since the things that Xian is talking about here would benefit you.

Every time you open your mouth I think i lose brain cells, holy shit man you are as dumb as you are annoying. I have yet to see a post by you that was useful or intelligent. Don't want people here to be an asshat? Then stop being such a tool. I will admit though, you do give slashchat a few good laughs everyday so I guess I should thank you for that. Honestly, I don't give two shits if a Cristoph fanboy respects me or not so you can kindly fuck off. You just happen to be 1 of the 3-4 people on the entire site that I find to be a complete fucking moron which is why you get massive shit from me.

As for James I have nothing but for respect for the dude. He was always there to help and I return the favor if he has any questions on the stuff I specialize in. He has been an irreplaceable asset to this community. It will be a sad day if he chooses to leave however I fully understand why he is considering doing so and do not blame him.

Moria/the man

New Challenger
Oct 6, 2003
You were the first person mentioned when I questioned about a CMVS. I have a friend that is interested and I'll surely recommend him to you. You have my support!


NAM-75 Vet
Jun 2, 2008
Every time you open your mouth I think i lose brain cells, holy shit man you are as dumb as you are annoying. I have yet to see a post by you that was useful or intelligent. Don't want people here to be an asshat? Then stop being such a tool. I will admit though, you do give slashchat a few good laughs everyday so I guess I should thank you for that. Honestly, I don't give two shits if a Cristoph fanboy respects me or not so you can kindly fuck off. You just happen to be 1 of the 3-4 people on the entire site that I find to be a complete fucking moron which is why you get massive shit from me.

As for James I have nothing but for respect for the dude. He was always there to help and I return the favor if he has any questions on the stuff I specialize in. He has been an irreplaceable asset to this community. It will be a sad day if he chooses to leave however I fully understand why he is considering doing so and do not blame him.

I always imagine your current Avatar angrily spitting out every word in your posts, which makes your posts that much more awesome.

But on topic, this thread was super sad to be reading. Especially since I just had a mod finished from him! James has been nothing but the most patient, helpful person every time I had a tech question, and as has been said, I think he's absolutely irreplaceable. I'm glad many members are now going out of their way more than ever to show their support, and I myself am gonna have to send my AES to him soon for a proper souping up.
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Belnar Institute Student
Aug 8, 2012
I always imagine your current Avatar angrily spitting out every word in your posts, which makes your posts that much more awesome.

Its true, my government job has made me an angry and bitter man.


Sakura's Bank Manager
15 Year Member
Apr 27, 2005
James, hopefully you stay open, mayb you can do some work on other systems as well. RGB out for Turbo Duos, CDX, etc. Theres always room for a trust worthy modder


Belnar Institute Student
Aug 8, 2012
James, hopefully you stay open, mayb you can do some work on other systems as well. RGB out for Turbo Duos, CDX, etc. Theres always room for a trust worthy modder

James did do a fantastic job on that Top loading NES he posted. That had to been one of the cleanest NES mods I have ever seen. That palette switch was like nerd porn.


Gai's Trainer
10 Year Member
Aug 23, 2010
James, you sold me my first 3 MVS carts and have answered many tech support questions since. Hopefully you stick around even if you close the store. You're an asset to the community.


Hardened Shock Trooper
10 Year Member
Apr 19, 2009
Kinda bummed to come back and see this news. James, you have been an invaluable resource to fans of the neo and are a downright good dude. I hope you reconsider.