Recent content by exomagnus

  1. exomagnus

    MVS Control Panel Versions Question

    Hi All, quick question. Does anyone know if all the 25" MVS cabinets use the same size control panel? I know there are variations on the button arrangement, but is the overall panel the same? Thanks!
  2. exomagnus

    AES Replacement Labels?

    Hi All, has anyone ever printed replacement labels for AES carts? Have a few titles that could sure use them... I searched around but didn't find anything but MVS labels....
  3. exomagnus

    Whats with eBay and AES carts these days

    This may have been beaten into the ground already but I've just recently goten back on a AES kick after a lengthy break and can't believe the state of things on eBay these days. WTF is with all of the extremely overpriced BIN auctions? I can only assume this is an attempt to drive up prices or...
  4. exomagnus

    NEO GEO AES BAG Pink Inside!

    Hi All, I'm selling a Neo Geo AES padded bag on ebay if your interested in that sort of thing.
  5. exomagnus

    Strange things are afoot at the circle k or what’s up with my RGB output?

    Ok this is an odd question but maybe some one knows what I’m talking about here. I have the following 4 items… AES system (70,000 something), Consolized MVS board, Arcade Monitor, and an external JROK that I built into an xbox av-pack. I use the jrok to hook the mvs system to the TV when I’m not...
  6. exomagnus

    Best Video Quality??? Help Please!

    Hi All, I’m trying to figure out this AES s-video issue. I just purchased a AES system (70,000ish) with the new S-Video Mod and was not totally happy with the resulting picture. My question is will anything be better? I.e. all of the Micomsoft S-video converters. I have one for my genny and it...
  7. exomagnus

    Baseball Stars 2 wont let me PLAY!!!!!

    Hey Guys, I have the strangest thing happening with my Baseball Stars 2 Aes cart. I just got the game again and started playing a championship game. I played through several games and it saved just fine and the next time I fired it up continued right where I left off. But not today. Today when I...
  8. exomagnus

    Some MVS games

    Hi All, getting rid of some MVS carts at what I believe are reasonable prices on eBay. Top Hunter Baseball Stars 2 Puzzled ect... Please see here...
  9. exomagnus

    32 mb linker plus Pocket and 3 games

    Hi All, I wanted to sell my NGPC Linker, 32m Cartridge, neogeo pocket color and the following games, Sonic, Kof, and Pacman. It’s all in great shape and works fine except the pocket system, which needs a new screen (just the plastic cover). I will sell it only as one package. I know the linker...
  10. exomagnus

    What happened to MD game sales?

    anyone know?
  11. exomagnus

    MVS 2slot board Capacitors?

    I have a 2slot that has a missing a component. Its one of the little blue (I'm guessing its a capacitor) jobs that are all over the top of the 2 and 4 slot board and are marked with what looks like "104". If anyone knows what it is I would love to know so I could fix it. THANKS!
  12. exomagnus

    MY new custom MVS rig Check it out Just finished up my new MVS rig please see the image in the above link. It's a MV-1C board in hdf custom casing with external power source and video converter. I built the system its self to look as much like a manufactured system as I could. The...
  13. exomagnus

    MV-1C audio causing video disruption?

    FIXED Please DELETE I just finished up my new mini-one slot Mvs project and I found something strange. When I plug the system into my Receiver the game has a horizontal video distortion but if I unplug the audio cables the distortion is gone. I have made systems using 2 and 4 slots before and...
  14. exomagnus

    2 random Neo CD questions

    I have always wondered about the exclusive Neo CD games like CrossedSwords 2 and Iron Clad. They sport Intros but only exist on a system that skips the intros for load time sake. At one point were they to be home and MVS games as well but made CD exclusive to help the CD systems sales? The other...
  15. exomagnus

    How Long Have You Been A User ?

    I recently gotten back into the Neo Geo and was quite surprised to see all the other folks who were still into it. It made me curious about all of you other neo-heads out there. Have you been into Neo Geo since it's inception back in the early 90's? Or picked it up at a late date? I my self got...