360 Wireless question...?


Sho's Rival
Feb 3, 2004
Does anyone know if the Belkin Wireless G Gaming Adapter


will talk to the Nintendo Wireless USB adapter?

Current setup:

I've got an old RG45 hub that i have 2 PC's and 1 laptop plugged into. The incoming modem connection uses the 4th plug. So i picked up the Nintendo Wireless USB adapter to connect to the Wii. I'd like to get the 360 setup to do the same thing but i don't want to pay the $99 for the adapter. Wallyworld has the Belkin adapter for $59 and i have a giftcard so its a much better deal. The Belkin just connects via the USB port on the 360 and requires no power. It all sounds good...but i'm not sure if it will talk to the Nintendo Wireless USB adapter. Any help is appreciated.