Arcade1up better than real cabs?


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
Somebody should've taught you that you're not supposed to eat the cigarettes.


Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
Just for reference rcaido=HDRChampion. He's the same guy. Had Stefan point that out to me a couple months ago.

I mean it says so on my collection gallery page.

A1UP had a delux floor setup (including a 20 foot plus tall custom one with workable buttons) at the NY Comic Con before COVID hit & I got to try many of these out including Marvel SH, MK, SF, TMNT & some others. I have also tried Pacman/Galaga & Goldan Tee.

These things, stock, are worth it at no more than $150 to $350 to me. If they would simply increase small aspects of production spec & execution in regards to build quality I could see the MSRP's but they are too fucking janky in all respects as they come.

I'm not shitting on those who like them, I mean, to each their own but this companies business model is a bit dubious (releasing half ass versions only to release improved versions shortly thereafter). If you are selling "home arcade machines" only to have to have your customers mod the hell out of them to half way give an arcade experience you are doing shit wrong.

Christ, SNK even did it better MANY years ago when they released that counter top mini arcade machine with genuine cabinet build & true commercial 13" CRT monitor.

A1UP could at least release a premium version of these scaled cabs that is designed to be universal, and can take individuality released modules/carts with a selection of games that gives them the added revenue stream & takes care of licensing. Have it come with one to start, design it has a rotatable high quality IPS LCD & swapable CP's, have it come with a general CP & then release specific CP's along with the game modules.

I think that is what iiRcade is planning to do. Have a modular control panel and just buy individual games for it. Im really enjoy the iiRcade just as much as the A1up Big Blue. A1up does not need to do that, they are dominating the competition w/ low quality cabs w huge markups.

As for the pro line, they are asking $1000. Which is pretty freaking crazy over price but the user base is so obsess w/ FOMO they will sell out of them. Make fun of them all you want but they are booming in popularity. Able to get triple A companies like Atari, Konami, Midway, Capcom, & Marvel. They even got the NBA. Now they partner w/ the NFL Dolphins, there is probably a good chance they will release NFL Blitz.

I dont really have the room but i might get a proline for a Neo-geo if it comes out and the game titles has online play. Eventually they will probably get another Big Blue proline like Alpha series, Street Fighter 3, & probably MvC2/CvS2


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Sorry, but I'm not paying that much for paperboard.

If they were to make it out of rigid plastic or metal... maybe.


moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
Looks like Killer INstinct (regular edition) is going to start shipping next week....but I have no interest in that.

T2 is going to be released in a month or so...looking forward to getting that.

The new MK 1 looks good, still on the fence on that one.

THe CES announcements were pretty ho-hum tho. Was really hopong for Afterburner 2 and Smash TV machine...I'm sure they will come out with those eventually.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Looks like Killer INstinct (regular edition) is going to start shipping next week....but I have no interest in that.

T2 is going to be released in a month or so...looking forward to getting that.

The new MK 1 looks good, still on the fence on that one.

THe CES announcements were pretty ho-hum tho. Was really hopong for Afterburner 2 and Smash TV machine...I'm sure they will come out with those eventually.
I actually got a notification from my fedex delivery app, said I have a delivery from A1U to be delivered on Sunday.

We'll see what happens.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Got my KI in today (not the Pro, obvs). It comes with KI 1 and 2, but also the arcade version of Battletoads, as well as the NES version, and I *guess* the Genesis version? Could be wrong, but I seem to remember the SNES version being called Battlemaniacs? Could be wrong. Either way this one is not called Battlemaniacs, I think the "16 bit" version on here is literally the NES game with better colors, lol. I dont remember playing the Genny version as a kid. Arcade Battletoads is tight butthole for sure. Also kinda cool you can choose to play KI 1.4, or 1.5 final. Pretty cool to have the choice.

As expected, the controls are complete shite, but I honestly didnt think it was going to be that noticeable. On the old Marvel vs Capcom Super Heroes cab I had before, those controls worked fine for the games that came with it, and the eventual retropie I put into it. I could play everything on it fairly well and didn't 'notice' that the controls were low quality so I didn't replace any of em.

But this one... The controls are noticeably bad. There is some precision required for certain moves like Jago's wind kick. Its not a quarter circle or half circle back like in Street Fighter. Its more like 3-o-clock to 7-o-clock, same for Fulgore's EyeSpark and Jago's sword slash (also in KI 2). I remember needing to learn to be more precise at the arcades back in the day to pull moves off. This one is still pretty wonky, tbh.

I'll prob look into replacing at least the sticks bare minimum.

Also unfortunately the size is definitely an issue on this one. Yeah it's identical in size/design to the Marvel Super Heroes one but I guess with the extra needed precision, I also notice that the control panel has very little real estate on it. I guess me and my buddy Rick are gonna have trouble playing on it since we're both fat shits. Well, ok I'm the fat shit and hes not but still.

Is it worth the price? Honestly (and unsurprisingly) - not really. I actually do like the light up marquee, I thought I was gonna write that off, lol but it doesn't look bad. Kinda cool, tbh. LEDs on the control panel is complete trash and will always -always- remain off. Complete waste of time and money adding that to the cab. Interestingly enough, this cab came with some cable management stuff, straps, lots of extra screws to mount shit, etc. I didn't use any of it, because why the fuck would I? The cab's gonna remain stock, and never really be opened again, so who cares if it's a rats nest in there.

I connected to the online player thing, but haven't played any games against people. With the controls being this shitty, I'd consider that a pretty bad handicap. I mean seriously, even farting out a fireball or dragon punch motion, moves/controller motions which are pretty much part of all of our DNA at this point in our lives - is 'difficult' to pull off. Aint that some shit. Anyway, if you do see HornheaDD on there or on the leaderboard, dass me. If I do play online, I wont use the chat option because why.


20 Year Member
Mar 15, 2011
Surprise!!! it's a fucking piece of shit that you have to heavily mod (control panel overhaul) yourself in order to get it to be usable.


Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
Got my KI in today (not the Pro, obvs). It comes with KI 1 and 2, but also the arcade version of Battletoads, as well as the NES version, and I *guess* the Genesis version? Could be wrong, but I seem to remember the SNES version being called Battlemaniacs? Could be wrong. Either way this one is not called Battlemaniacs, I think the "16 bit" version on here is literally the NES game with better colors, lol. I dont remember playing the Genny version as a kid. Arcade Battletoads is tight butthole for sure. Also kinda cool you can choose to play KI 1.4, or 1.5 final. Pretty cool to have the choice.

As expected, the controls are complete shite, but I honestly didnt think it was going to be that noticeable. On the old Marvel vs Capcom Super Heroes cab I had before, those controls worked fine for the games that came with it, and the eventual retropie I put into it. I could play everything on it fairly well and didn't 'notice' that the controls were low quality so I didn't replace any of em.

But this one... The controls are noticeably bad. There is some precision required for certain moves like Jago's wind kick. Its not a quarter circle or half circle back like in Street Fighter. Its more like 3-o-clock to 7-o-clock, same for Fulgore's EyeSpark and Jago's sword slash (also in KI 2). I remember needing to learn to be more precise at the arcades back in the day to pull moves off. This one is still pretty wonky, tbh.

I'll prob look into replacing at least the sticks bare minimum.

Also unfortunately the size is definitely an issue on this one. Yeah it's identical in size/design to the Marvel Super Heroes one but I guess with the extra needed precision, I also notice that the control panel has very little real estate on it. I guess me and my buddy Rick are gonna have trouble playing on it since we're both fat shits. Well, ok I'm the fat shit and hes not but still.

Is it worth the price? Honestly (and unsurprisingly) - not really. I actually do like the light up marquee, I thought I was gonna write that off, lol but it doesn't look bad. Kinda cool, tbh. LEDs on the control panel is complete trash and will always -always- remain off. Complete waste of time and money adding that to the cab. Interestingly enough, this cab came with some cable management stuff, straps, lots of extra screws to mount shit, etc. I didn't use any of it, because why the fuck would I? The cab's gonna remain stock, and never really be opened again, so who cares if it's a rats nest in there.

I connected to the online player thing, but haven't played any games against people. With the controls being this shitty, I'd consider that a pretty bad handicap. I mean seriously, even farting out a fireball or dragon punch motion, moves/controller motions which are pretty much part of all of our DNA at this point in our lives - is 'difficult' to pull off. Aint that some shit. Anyway, if you do see HornheaDD on there or on the leaderboard, dass me. If I do play online, I wont use the chat option because why.
You should have gotten the Big Blue instead. I heard a lot of bitching about the spectator mode was removed. So its going to be hard to record matches for tournaments. Lots of fail on the KI cab. Im glad im not a big enough fan to buy the whole cab. Im hoping to get the pcb on ebay.


20 Year Member
Mar 15, 2011
Fucking retard

Your house is going to go into foreclosure and CPS is going to take your kids away while you're maintaining your #1 rank on Big Blue against "sylvie's dick"

EDIT: your wife has probably been gone for like a month and you haven't noticed. She's with the brothers.

max 330 megafartz

The Almighty Bunghole
15 Year Member
Dec 14, 2004
Fucking retard

Your house is going to go into foreclosure and CPS is going to take your kids away while you're maintaining your #1 rank on Big Blue against "sylvie's dick"

EDIT: your wife has probably been gone for like a month and you haven't noticed. She's with the brothers.
His "kids" are nearly adults. It won't be cps. Once 5 foot father dries up, the kame hut will be foreclosed and thus the downfall of the randy bobandi cheese burger empire.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Also what the fuck is the point of including Battletoads.
It is weird that they're included on a vs. fighter cab but Battletoads was developed by Rare so it kind of makes sense. Probably a licensing bundle. Battle toads in pretty awesome though.


Still a piece of shit just like the other fake midget cabs.


moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
I thought about getting the Killer Instinct machine briefly, but I have KI 1 and 2 on Xbox and when I played them recently...I.just didn’t enjoy them as much as I thought I’did. I don’t think the first 2 games held up that well.

I love the (new) KI that was released on Xbox One though - that game is amazing.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Surprise!!! it's a fucking piece of shit that you have to heavily mod (control panel overhaul) yourself in order to get it to be usable.
I wouldn't consider replacing two sticks a CP overhaul... Its just two sticks lol. The buttons are fine, so they'll stay.


20 Year Member
Mar 15, 2011
You bought a piece of garbage for a premium price and you have to actually replace something it came with in order for it to be usable. Sad.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
You bought a piece of garbage for a premium price and you have to actually replace something it came with in order for it to be usable. Sad.
I mean... Ive had plenty of cabs in the past and recently that needed parts replaced, or sourced. I have to *actually* overhaul a CP on a Neo25. So this isn't out of anyone's wheelhouse that comes here, and I wouldn't consider that 'sad.' It's really not that big a deal.


20 Year Member
Mar 15, 2011
Yeah but this is a fucking brand new product that's supposed to be worth the price point.

Instead they gave you the chode corkboard version of the arcade machine you wanted. You can rationalize it however you want but judging from your review, and the facts, you bought a piece of shit that's practically a lemon and an imitation. Admit it.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Yeah but this is a fucking brand new product that's supposed to be worth the price point.

Instead they gave you the chode corkboard version of the arcade machine you wanted. You can rationalize it however you want but judging from your review, and the facts, you bought a piece of shit that's practically a lemon and an imitation. Admit it.
Yeah I basically did in my review, Sylvers. Im not exactly sure why your pantaloons are so bunched up about it tho. You didn't buy one so it doesn't really matta. :)


Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
It takes about 10 minutes to do the mod. You can either put $15 IL euro or $20 Sanwa. to upgrade to your premium preference. I found the Big Blue stock sticks ok, its only when i started to get more competitive i switched it recently. Most people are casuals and wouldn't know the difference.

The proline coming out will have premium controls.