ATT: Shawn. I would like to be a Moderator

Pope Sazae

Known Scammer, DO NOT DEAL WITH!, The Management.,
Dec 9, 2007
I am not Australian, French, Italian, or Chupame Esfinter so I figure that qualifies me.

Plus I am willing to bribe.


Robot Master., Master Tasuke, Eat Your, Heart Out
10 Year Member
Secret Santa Veteran
Mar 5, 2013
I am not Australian, French, Italian, or Chupame Esfinter so I figure that qualifies me.

Plus I am willing to bribe.

That's some awesome qualifications bro.
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Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
I am not Australian, French, Italian, or Chupame Esfinter so I figure that qualifies me.

Plus I am willing to bribe.

What kind of bribes are we talking about?

(daddy needs some post-2600 atari stuff...)

Aug 11, 2000
Traditionally, we vote for a new moderator on a poll we setup in the mod forum. I can toss your name in the hat along with Chupame Esfinter for the next harvest. May the odds be ever in your favor.


Genbu's Turtle Keeper
15 Year Member
Dec 9, 2006
Traditionally, we vote for a new moderator on a poll we setup in the mod forum. I can toss your name in the hat along with Chupame Esfinter for the next harvest. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Wait a sec. I volunteer as tribute!


Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
Traditionally, we vote for a new moderator on a poll we setup in the mod forum. I can toss your name in the hat along with Chupame Esfinter for the next harvest. May the odds be ever in your favor.

I'm serious, i'll do it.

Asia Pacific Moderator.


Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
You ain't got the stones for the job, boy.

Doesn't matter what you think, like Shawn said it's the mods who vote for new mods. I think I can add a little sparkle to the mod team.

Think about it, I'm not aligned to any faction here, not part of a "crew" if you will. My views are fairly unpopular and hated, I post and log in every day, I don't have a personal history with anyone so I can be impartial, more so because i'm half a world away from anyone. I would make a great mod, an ivory tower type from the land down under.
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Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
Look at this:


See Xrumertest, that is not a real user. It is a bot sent to mass spam the forum. If I was a mod I would be onto that by now.

Mot for Mod 2014. Say it.


Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
You are a faggot though.

Says the doll collector.


One of my first jobs as mod will be to give you the special custom rank: "Yes it's true, this man has a doll collection and picks one to sleep with every night."

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
I really need to make a new picture. I don't even live in that place anymore.


Angel's Love Slave
Dec 4, 2013
Think about it, I'm not aligned to any faction here, not part of a "crew" if you will. My views are fairly unpopular and hated, I post and log in every day, I don't have a personal history with anyone so I can be impartial, more so because i'm half a world away from anyone. I would make a great mod, an ivory tower type from the land down under.

Impartial? HA.

This damn forum is crawling with you Aussies.

You are defending Christoph.

Teddy KGB

Капитан Борода
10 Year Member
Apr 5, 2010
So let's entertain the thought that there is a vote for a new mod in the near future. Does that mean the possibility of an existing mod being demoted and if so, who?


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
So let's entertain the thought that there is a vote for a new mod in the near future. Does that mean the possibility of an existing mod being demoted and if so, who?

I don't know about someone being demoted as much as a replacement for Aria until he returns.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
So let's entertain the thought that there is a vote for a new mod in the near future. Does that mean the possibility of an existing mod being demoted and if so, who?


..sometimes... i feel like one of those Star Trek Security guards on their first away mission...

**Kirk**... "Any Volunteers for the first away mission...?"

**Rot**... "Sure man... it sounds like a great idea... ps. Do i HAVE to wear this bright Red uniform..."



Genbu's Turtle Keeper
15 Year Member
Dec 9, 2006
..sometimes... i feel like one of those Star Trek Security guards on their first away mission...

**Kirk**... "Any Volunteers for the first away mission...?"

**Rot**... "Sure man... it sounds like a great idea... ps. Do i HAVE to wear this bright Red uniform..."


Sometimes a little less daily responsibility can put your mind at ease.


Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
Doesn't matter what you think, like Shawn said it's the mods who vote for new mods. I think I can add a little sparkle to the mod team.

You would sparkle like a gold plated turd next to the shining pillar of the neo community that we are.

Think about it, I'm not aligned to any faction here, not part of a "crew" if you will.

I take issue with that, actually. You may view people as "part of a crew" and while members of the forum are friends with others, I would say that we moderate with a very light hand.

Additionally, I can tell you I may not *like* people specifically....or I may know that certain members run their mouths in other areas *cough*slashchat*cough* I've never done anything based in bias, slight or even revenge. People tend to mix the business-side of things from the personal side of things. Say what you will about what I've done as a member.. but as a mod, I'm very even-keeled, centered and I consider both sides of any decision.

(I'm not saying I'm awesome or fellating myself. I'm just trying to be forthright and frank. I wouldn't speak for the other mods and I'm giving you my personal perspective.)

The weird relationships between people and groups gives this place a lot of character and the last thing I would do is destroy that. I dont' like everyone but I also recognize that can't enter into it. Believe it or not, I take that role pretty seriously and I know others do as well. You may not see that necessarily, mostly because it's handled quietly.

The only fun stuff that goes on is custom ranks and names. There's quite a bit of work in moderating this place, most of which is thankless, boring labor that no one notices until it falls apart. I read threads that I'm not remotely interested in, approve accounts, maintain backend stuff, read insane rambling PMs asking me to ban people for stupid shit.. you name it.

My views are fairly unpopular and hated

Not as big of a deal as you would think. I was (and probably am still to many) a very hated or strongly disliked figure around here. Hell, Shawn was going to ban me about 6 months before I became a moderator. Public opinion doesn't matter, what you bring to the site does.

I would make a great mod, an ivory tower type from the land down under.

Funny thing is that Bobak actually had to talk me into it. I didn't volunteer, I didn't ask for it and when Shawn told me what was going on, I actually told Bobak that I probably didn't want to. I was shocked I was even considered, much less voted in. It grew on me eventually.

Being a mod here is like the plot of Bruce Almighty... except you don't get to eat Jennifer Aniston's ass.