AXE the War Room

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Shawn, its entirely up to you. The War Room sucks...

IMO it should be axed. Keep the "I'm a dead sexy bitch" topics for some other forum. When I first came here as TonK and boasted about NGF all of my topics were dealt with by members in the War Room....

You really want to keep the War Room? Clean the motherfucker out and disable the New Post...then all flammable topics could be moved there and dealt with off topic. Otherwise its your server space that is being wasted.


Originally posted by TonK:
<STRONG>Same fucking people all day...SPAM SPAM SPAM...with LWK gone it might be a good more B.S.</STRONG>

axeing the war room is like, well... watching T.V. with the cable service provider being down for an entire day. i vote we leave this war room alone.
<IMG SRC="smilies/ohno.gif" border="0">

Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
Say, why is LWK gone now? ... when did this happen?!


[ July 16, 2001: Message edited by: Spike Spiegel ]

Neo Bomber Man

Miracle Seller, , ,
Aug 19, 2000
Originally posted by TonK:
<STRONG>You really want to keep the War Room? Clean the motherfucker out and disable the New Post...then all flammable topics could be moved there and dealt with off topic. Otherwise its your server space that is being wasted.</STRONG>

Now this I agree with even more. Why? As I recall, the purpose of the War Room, here or anywhere else, was to be a place where threads that got out of hand could be dealt with in the most vulgar of manners by whomsoever wished to take part, without infecting any "clean" areas of the BBS with its content. I haven't forgotten why un-registered posting was even allowed in the first place, I don't fully agree with it either, but that's beside the point. So, if it's to stay, which I'm sure will be the case regardless, how about removing the new post feature?

Caris Nautilus

That sounds like a good idea. But then it would provoke people to make flame posts in other forums, since then they know they would get moved to the war room, where they could spam to their wishes.

Axeing it is the smart decision. But hey if you wanna breed fights and hate at your BBS, go for it.


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Originally posted by Caris Nautilus:
<STRONG>That sounds like a good idea. But then it would provoke people to make flame posts in other forums, since then they know they would get moved to the war room, where they could spam to their wishes.

Axeing it is the smart decision. But hey if you wanna breed fights and hate at your BBS, go for it.</STRONG>

Geez regardless of my current fighting with Caris, freezing the warroom could do this site good.
In all seriousness I cannot think of one good thing the warroom has brought to this site.
Its only brought.
-Racism, which I was exposed to in the past by a certain unregistered name "Nazi Fucker"
refer to the post about canadians.
-Killed space
-Spam grounds to the max, lets face it the warroom used to be fun in the past as it was not taken seriously to my belief. It also had more meaning in the past, but now is just fights people are starting with no real basis or origin for the hate they brought on others. IE wolferaizer posts etc.
It has now become a threatining zone, and a space waster, freezing it might bring us together as a community once again.
It is used for the following now.

1) Post count riders.
2) DLD thousands of topics, which my Private message part of my profile is 10 plus topics by him alone, and the fact I get called for being him, which anyone with half a brain can tell is not me.
3) No limit to the number of topics being put forward.

Shawn a minor suggestion is for you to make a designated number of topics members can make hourly.
For example one topic per hour.

The warroom is a spam fest and even though it had some good times should not be cut, but frozen and left for viewing.
First, its not taking hatred and secluding it to the warroom, 90% of the fights that ensue are in topics not in the warroom, that pertain to the original meaning.
Fights cannot be stereotyped to one forum they occur everywhere. This is uncontrollable IMO.
And NGF talk has completely ceased which is great! WE NO LONGER NEED IT! They get basically no publicity from us, as we got so sick of speaking about there shotty corruption.
The warroom is useless now.
Do not cut, freeze it and let it stay as and example of the hatred this site has generated.
(Not meant in and insulting fashion, just food for thought.)

Why even call it the SNK WARROOM? It has almost nothing to do with SNK in the first place, I am going to contradict my statement of it going nowhere, because lets face it, its a pile of shit.


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Originally posted by Spike Spiegel:
<STRONG>Say, why is LWK gone now? ... when did this happen?!


[ July 16, 2001: Message edited by: Spike Spiegel ]</STRONG>

I am not gone, just do not post as much, lately I have been back a tad more.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
The warroom's turned to shit,when i first came to the forums the warroom was full of crap and it was funny,at the time,now its fairly tiring to look at, maybe its just me but of late the warrooms gone from a bit ridiculous to downright stupid,go look at the posts in there now and its just a load of unfunny childish crap,add to that youve got people clocking up 800 posts just for doing this: <IMG SRC="smilies/tongue.gif" border="0">
or <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0">
every 5 seconds,some are just stupid one lines or words, like they think they are talking on the phone i.e:
we shall call the fictional characters mr a mr b and mr c

mr a:
hello you have no nob

mr b:
your a smelly poo

mr c: i aggree with b

mr a: c smells as well

just an example but a true account nethertheless of what you will see lately,if it carries on like that then it is fairly pointless.


Rugal's Panther
20 Year Member
Apr 6, 2001
Is there a way to make war room posts not count toward post count totals? That'd probably axe the whole reason people do pointless threads (as illustrated by snknutball in an earlier post)



Baseball Star Hitter
Aug 29, 2000
Is there a way to make war room posts not count toward post count totals? That'd probably axe the whole reason people do pointless threads (as illustrated by snknutball in an earlier post)

If people are so lame, they feel better by having higher post counts then thats sad.

I say scrap the post count.
So everyone always reads nada. This BBS was for mature users to chat about the neo.


So, what are we gonna do? I say DELETE the post count, nobody will need to spam. Delete the War Room...its just a cess pool.


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Another thing you may want to consider, the warroom lays waste to the over all impression of the site, whether or not it gets things solved.
You seriously have to wonder when the most popular part of your board becomes the war section of the site, iit defiately brings hatred on members and alot of inccorect accusations are made on behalf of members that the insulter does not even know.
Maybe you should change the name to something that works with its use like
"Hate grounds"
Ity makes the neo in general LOOK TO CONTROVERSIAL, so the best solution is to make a decision based on members opinions.


Gal Ageise's Demon
Apr 12, 2001
Originally posted by TonK:
<STRONG>So, what are we gonna do? I say DELETE the post count, nobody will need to spam. Delete the War Room...its just a cess pool.</STRONG>

u r da man! <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">

i agree, its like pool of shitz! <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
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