Congestive Heart Failure and Dying Cats. The Past Two Months Kind of Sucked.


, Certified Gamer Chick,
20 Year Member
Oct 13, 2002
It's been a pretty rough year for me thus far despite the good stuff at my job. For starters, my dad began coughing constantly. He stopped taking his blood pressure meds because they made him cough, but because he stopped, he coughed even more.

What happened was his heart started going into overdrive to compensate for the blood pressure spike. Fluid started going into his lungs, making him cough. He eventually had to be hospitalized because his coughing fits were out of control. The doctors managed to drain the fluid and outfit him with a type of pacemaker with a built-in defibrillator.

He's doing a LOT better now, but he has to watch his sodium intake. I kept pretty calm during the whole ordeal, but it still shook me up pretty bad.

Then this past weekend, my dad and his wife lost their cat Jake. He was a rescue kitty that came from an abusive home. He was recently diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and had to be put on medication. He took a turn for the worse after he started breathing heavily and refused to eat. He died in my stepmom's arms last Saturday.


He was a trooper. I'm glad he was able to spend his last moments around people who loved him. :(


This is the hand that launched a thousand batches.
Apr 19, 2012
Sorry to hear about the cat. I've had two cats die on me, one from cancer, and it is certainly difficult if you love them. In many ways, they are better company than people. Its been years since my last cat died and I still can't bring myself to get another one.

Best of luck to your family and their health.

Michael Yagami

I was wondering if I might get a rank with a Castl
May 1, 2002
Glad to hear your dad is doing better. Watching a parent go through something like that and not being able to help really hurts.

My wife and I lost our "mother cat", Isis, this past November. We rescued her back in 2005, after she was abandoned by her owners. She was pregnant when we took her in, and we ended up keeping 2 of the kittens, who are now 7 years old. She was so loving and affectionate, and she was our constant shadow. She passed so quickly and completely unexpectedly. Losing her gutted me. I cried like a baby for days. I still get a little misty when I think about her.


Heartlessness is a virtue
Sep 16, 2005
Wow, that's some rough news, Domino-chan. Glad to hear your old man is doing better though. Heart problems are pretty terrifying.

I haven't lost a pet in a really long time... And of course you're never ready when it happens. My cat is really old, but in excellent health. I worry about her from time to time, even though I try not to. (She's on my lap right now.)


Rotterdam Nation Resident,
20 Year Member
Jan 12, 2001
Sorry to hear that domino.
Glad your father is doing okay though.

Castor Troy

The Esfinter that theMot Chupame's
Oct 5, 2008
Good to hear your dad is pulling through. Sorry to hear about the cat.
I do hope you guys don't have anymore setbacks for a very long time.


Kobaïa Is De Hündïn
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
I am sorry for your loss, but it is good to see there are some positives happening. I hope those positives continue


, Certified Gamer Chick,
20 Year Member
Oct 13, 2002
Thanks, guys. After the passing of Jake, I felt all kinds of down. I'll be making sure the other two cats stay healthy for as long as possible.

As for dad, he's at work for the next three weeks. And then he retires for good.

Is Socks doing ok?

Socks had his own bout of bad luck a while back. His kidneys were messing up and he had to be put on antibiotics and a potassium supplement as well as giving him fluids intravenously. Now he's med-free but on a prescription dry food diet. Luckily, he loves it. The prescription wet food... not so much. He prefers variety.


Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Jun 15, 2002
Hopefully it's only good times ahead of you. Sorry to hear about your cat and dad, at least it looks like your dad is gonna be OK.


Formerly Punjab,
Aug 16, 2001
Sorry about the rough times, Dom. :(
You're due for some positive momentum for sure.