Could someone please tell me what happened with NeoAlec

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Neo-Geo FAQs Editor
Aug 26, 2000
Originally posted by chimpmeister:
Neolord, as usual you're a bit confused.

The nickname of the person was not "Dark Kaeda". I believe their is a Dark Kaede seller on eBay, which you seem to have confused with the ripoff artist.

The ripoff artist was known as Orochi Kaede. "She" started a Yahoo message board (long after the Neo Alec bullshit) called Kaede's Flame. "She" was supposedly a female (duh), supposedly in frail health, supposedly owner of a rare "prototype" Magician Lord 2 cartridge, and supposedly working with several other people on a game called "Master of Blades", a fighter with characters mixed from the Samurai Shodown series and the Last Blade series.

"She" took a fair amount of money from people for products, including Shawn for a supposedly complete Last Blade 2 MVS cart (which I will confess to thinking about buying myself, thank God I just felt that there was something wrong, no verified reputation, and didn't follow through). "She" then dropped completely out of the picture, and deleted "her" bullshit Yahoo club, Kaede's Flame.

Where the hell you ever got "Dark Kaeda" I'm not too sure, but as usual, you're a bit confused. #8-)

[This message has been edited by chimpmeister (edited December 08, 2000).]

Hmmmm... whose to say that the two aren't the same ? =) I know Mullins was slammed
hard when he tried to return to the community a few months back, and he was suppose to
send some material to Jeff to be converted, but whether this happened or not is anyone's
guess (unless Jeff wants to comment on it -- I'm sure he has better things to do).

Confused as usual? I might have mixed the two names up, but that isn't important anyway.
=D If you read my post carefully, you would have noticed that I admitted to not knowing
much about the Mullins issue, and was just stating that it was refreshing to hear the 'other' side of the story for a change (i.e. my comments were about Alec's rebuttal to the posts made on this board -- the comment about Mullins was just something I wanted to add in)

[This message has been edited by NeoLord (edited December 09, 2000).]


Neo-Geo FAQs Editor
Aug 26, 2000
Originally posted by DEVIL_GUI:

That's true, too. This is like the NGF issue: no resolution will ever come.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
i do not believe how some of those rumours grew into such large fabrications of Sh*t. Maybe i am just to educated to be fooled by peoples acusations, but this whole thread was embarassing. I consider the Neo community to be a fairly knowledgeable and respectable group of people. This flaming of Neo Alec reminds of jealous teenagers in High School or Junior High even. I don't know Neo Alec but i enjoyed his web page while it was around. Some of you people are so quick to flame people. Why don't you think before you type from now on.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
i do not believe how some of those rumours grew into such large fabrications of Sh*t. Maybe i am just to educated to be fooled by peoples acusations, but this whole thread was embarassing. I consider the Neo community to be a fairly knowledgeable and respectable group of people. This flaming of Neo Alec reminds of jealous teenagers in High School or Junior High even. I don't know Neo Alec but i enjoyed his web page while it was around. Some of you people are so quick to flame people. Why don't you think before you type from now on.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
i do not believe how some of those rumours grew into such large fabrications of Sh*t. Maybe i am just to educated to be fooled by peoples acusations, but this whole thread was embarassing. I consider the Neo community to be a fairly knowledgeable and respectable group of people. This flaming of Neo Alec reminds of jealous teenagers in High School or Junior High even. I don't know Neo Alec but i enjoyed his web page while it was around. Some of you people are so quick to flame people. Why don't you think before you type from now on.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
i do not believe how some of those rumours grew into such large fabrications of Sh*t. Maybe i am just to educated to be fooled by peoples acusations, but this whole thread was embarassing. I consider the Neo community to be a fairly knowledgeable and respectable group of people. This flaming of Neo Alec reminds of jealous teenagers in High School or Junior High even. I don't know Neo Alec but i enjoyed his web page while it was around. Some of you people are so quick to flame people. Why don't you think before you type from now on.


Neo-Geo FAQs Editor
Aug 26, 2000
Originally posted by NeoSneth:
i do not believe how some of those rumours grew into such large fabrications of Sh*t. Maybe i am just to educated to be fooled by peoples acusations, but this whole thread was embarassing. I consider the Neo community to be a fairly knowledgeable and respectable group of people. This flaming of Neo Alec reminds of jealous teenagers in High School or Junior High even. I don't know Neo Alec but i enjoyed his web page while it was around. Some of you people are so quick to flame people. Why don't you think before you type from now on.

People wil be people, NeoSneth. I'm sure the people you're talking about will have plenty to say in their reponse to your post.


Neo-Geo FAQs Editor
Aug 26, 2000
Yooow! Quad postings? Damn....

[This message has been edited by NeoLord (edited December 09, 2000).]


Former Moderator
Aug 13, 2000
Hey NeoSneth, chill out on the "Submit Reply" button. It doesn't take four posts in a row as you did, to get your point across.

That's the first QUAD post I've EVER seen here . . .

Lou Gojira

Enemy Chaser
Sep 13, 2000
I certainly hope you don't think my comments toward Alec were flames NeoSneth. I was only stating the situations that I observed and what I thought had lead up to his dropping out of the scene for a while. Looks like I was way off on a few of the comments.

First off, and this is mainly for Neo Alec if he's reading, a few clarifications.

1. I never said you hated Gunstar Heroes, I just said you mentioned that it "wasn't that great of a game". And, if memory serves, that was right around a time when a few people were saying how cool it was. Hell, I don't think it was the greatest game on the Genesis, but it was definitely among the top 10 of all time greatest. I still fire up the Genesis and play that game now a days. I used that as an example of how he never seemed to feel the same way about a particular game that everybody was praising. I know one time, he and I both agreed that Final Fantasy VII was blown WAY out of proportion in the popularity department, but it seemed like he never saw eye to eye on something everybody liked. That's not saying you have to like what everybody else does, but at least come to an understanding, especially if you have to deal with the public on the scale that a web master does. Hell, I got a couple of buddies I have to grin to and say: "Yeah, Tekken 3 ain't bad for a 3D fighter." when in reality, I think it's garbage, but I do this to avoid unnecessary bickering back and forth. I'm not lying and saying I like the game when I don't, I'm just sort of keeping things cool. See where I'm coming from?

2. About the growing up comment, I was talking about attitude in general. Nobody, including me, doubts Neo Alec's web skills. I don't know shit about web-site design or html or any of it, but I wasn't measuring Alec on that. Also, it wasn't a judgment call on my part either. Over half the stuff I post is probably immature, but then again, I don't have a responsibility of being a web master. And that is exactly where I was coming from. When dealing with the public, you can't afford to be thin-skinned and quick to jump, that's all I was saying. Like the old saying goes: "Laugh and the world laughs with you. Don't laugh, and they laugh at you even more." I went through stages in my life where I wore my feelings on my sleeve, got pissed off and wanted to fight at the drop of a hat. But, I learned that you can't be so serious all the time, and that's where I came from in the maturity part. I just thought that if Neo Alec had laughed a few situations off, things would've went a lot more smooth. But that's just my opinion, again, not a judgement call.

3. I was obviously WAY off on my comment about Neo Alec's admiration of all that is Japanese. Nobody is gonna knock liking Japanese stuff, not around here. You should see the boxes of manga I have, or the shelves of anime, or the rack of CD soundtracks. Jeez, I even nicknamed myself after Godzilla. But back in the day, Neo Alec just came across as knocking American things a bit, and I took it as his means to boost Japanese stuff. I know guys in real life that will like something PURELY on the fact of it being Japanese, and I'm not kidding. Alec just seemed to have a lot of the same behavior, so that was the conclusion about him I came to. If I was way the hell off on that thought, my apologies.

In conclusion, I have to say that I was surprised to see Neo Alec pop up again. But, rest assured, nothing I said was meant to flame Alec. If he took it as that, well, there's really nothing I can do. And let me add that whatever Alec gets into from here on, best of luck.

I think Dolphinlord said it best when he said: "Let sleeping dragons lie." (my apologies DL if I screwed that up) Looks like a can of worms sort of got opened, so as for me, this is all I'm gonna say about Neo Alec. Hope this post didn't put anybody to sleep...

Caris Nautilus

I've never dealt with Neo-Alec. But I do know he's a jerk and an elitist.

Mabye his freinds know him differently, But that's how I know him.


Jpop/Jrock/Gaming, nuff' said.


Baseball Star Hitter
Aug 29, 2000
I've never dealt with Neo-Alec. But I do know he's a jerk and an elitist.

You never dealt with him, but you know all about him?
Well, I did know him. Alec was a nice guy, that had to deal with a tuff situation.
No one is perfect. I think we should a reflect on that. He made mistakes. We all did & still do. He's not a regular poster, or even a part of the online "neo scene" anymore. I think he desreves to be left alone. We should all reflect on that I think.

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