CPS3 Problems- Red Earth


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Aug 16, 2007
I bought a Red earth CD and Security cart from a member here. I also bought a Jojo Venture, with the intention of using the Motherboard, simms, and CD drive for RE.

When downloading the data from the CD to the simms, the timer stuck. I left it overnight to be sure to give it enough time, and wound up having to turn it off in the morning.

I thought the cart had died during the download, but when I boot it up, I DO NOT get the common scrambled dead cart screen.

What I get is a screen that says there is not enough RAM on the motherboard. (Mexican region)

The only site that I have been able to find with simm info for the different CPS3 games has since been relocated (without that info) but I remember it saying that Red Earth needs 1 64 on the right, 2 128's on the left and "another 64mb simm". It did not say which side the other 64 goes on, but I get the error message whether it is on the right or the left.

So, basically I'm at a loss as to what to do. Thinking that it was a dead Ram slot on the mobo, I bought another from Bibliophile, but using the new mobo and working simms, I still get the same error. I know the problem is with the cart or CD, I have been able to install Jojo again with no problem. I'm hoping the cart isn't dead, because I don't get the scrambled screen, but it's possible.

Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated.



Known Scammer, NeoGeoFreak Co-Founder
Aug 24, 2000
You may have a bad simm.


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Aug 16, 2007
I thought so too (or a bad ram slot on mobo), but Jojo works fine on the same mobo/simm setup, and uses the same slots/simms, so I don't think that's the case.


Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
There is particular *placement* and sizes that need to be deployed to get your CPS3 running.

It sounds crazy, but I had the exact same problem.

If they're not labeled, I'm afraid it's trial and error.

It takes a few hours to actually finish the process, that's to be expected.

Check the requirements. Not all games require the same placement and memory, which explains why one game works and another doesn't.

Give it a shot. It took me about a week of trial and error to get SF3:2i to work correctly.