How Many Robot Masters Did Dr. Wily Actaully Create?


Robot Master., Master Tasuke, Eat Your, Heart Out
10 Year Member
Secret Santa Veteran
Mar 5, 2013
So Not counting Skull Castle robots The breakdown kinda goes like this.

Mega Man 1- Helps Dr Light Create Proto Man/Blues and initial designs for The Original 7 Robot Masters and reprograms them and Proto Man is MIA

Mega Man 2- Creates 8 Original Robot Masters. The first true series of Wily Numbers

Mega Man 3- Helps Dr. Light create 8 new Robot Masters under the guise of peace, repairs Proto Man's Reactor and gains his loyalty.

Mega Man 4- Kidnaps Dr. Cossak's Daughter and forces him to use 8 Cossak Series Robot Masters against Mega Man.

Mega Man 5- Creates the second True line of 8 Wily Number Robot Masters.

Mega Man 6- Hijacks and reprograms 8 Robot Masters from different creators around the world disguised as Mr. X and sponsoring the first ever Robot master Tournament.

Mega Man 7- Third true series of 8 Wily Numbers Robot Masters are released to break him out of jail. Creates Bass/Forte to rival Mega Man

Mega Man 8- Fourth generation of True Wily Numbers, 8 Robot Masters created.

Rockman & Forte- Fifth Generation of True Wily Numbers , Creates 6 New Robot Masters and rebuilds 2 from Mega Man 8. Creates King to replace Bass

Mega Man 9- Convinces 8 Of Dr. Light Series Robot Masters to fight to live past their expiration date.

Mega Man 10- Sixth Generation of True Wily Numbers, 8 Robot Masters Created.

Mega Man 11- Steals 8 Of Dr Light Robot Masters and Reprograms them....again. Adds Double Gear System to Them

Rockman World1-5- Creates Mega Man Killer Series of Robot Masters Enker, Punk, Ballad, and Quint (Rebuilt Mega Man from the future) The Star Droids are not Wily Numbers but worked with Wily. Fun Fact it's been suggested that Shadow Man was a defunct Stardroid repaired by Wily and not originally part of the Light/Wily Series of Robot Masters.

Unknown- At some point in time Creates Zero as his ultimate masterpiece.

So over the entire history Wily Created roughly 45 Total Robot Masters by himself. That's actually way more than I thought before I wrote all this down. Did I miss anything?
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My poontang misses Lenn Yang's wang
10 Year Member
Apr 3, 2011
Dr. Light is the real villain of Mega Man for pioneering such dangerous robots.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
RIP Mega Man Powered Up idea for the PSP for remaking the original games. I still never played Powered Up, at the time I didn't like the cutesy look but I heard it was great.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
Whether Dr. Wily is WAY beyond Dr. Light in skill/intelligence is something I've mentally pondered on several occasions. You can argue it's a quality over quantity thing, as Mega Man trounces everything Wily can throw at him, but, geez, Wily's sheer output, and creativity, is absolutely phenomenal.

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
RIP Mega Man Powered Up idea for the PSP for remaking the original games. I still never played Powered Up, at the time I didn't like the cutesy look but I heard it was great.

Playing as the robot masters (don't pick Guts Man) and Roll with different outfits was pretty cool.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
Why does Wily even fuck around with Robot Masters? Just throw a dozen of your Skull Castle bosses at Mega Man, simultaneously, before he even has a chance to get any weapons. Game over, Rock, game over. Wily actually enjoys losing and having world conquest stolen from his hands!

Someone once wrote something similar about Dracula in SotN, why fuck around with your son or Belmont, just stick Galamoth right outside your castle gate!


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Playing as the robot masters (don't pick Guts Man) and Roll with different outfits was pretty cool.

The fuck is wrong with you? Where's your spark? Huh? HUH? I feel like I saw you in real life I'd smack you in the face. You're not the same anymore.

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
lonesage can you still kick THAT high?
You can't, so you better keep your bitch mouth shut or I'll shut it for you, SUCKA.


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Feb 19, 2015
Why does Wily even fuck around with Robot Masters? Just throw a dozen of your Skull Castle bosses at Mega Man, simultaneously, before he even has a chance to get any weapons. Game over, Rock, game over. Wily actually enjoys losing and having world conquest stolen from his hands!

Someone once wrote something similar about Dracula in SotN, why fuck around with your son or Belmont, just stick Galamoth right outside your castle gate!

Reminds me of this old video


Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
I'd like to know more the thought process behind some of his designs. Like Bubble Man, who can't even move normally. Not even underwater with flippers installed.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
Tacoguy: Fuck yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about! Those final screens are priceless! That's how the REAL Dr. Wily would roll!


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
I'd like to know more the thought process behind some of his designs. Like Bubble Man, who can't even move normally. Not even underwater with flippers installed.

Capcom let Japanese school children design them all, what can you do?


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
I wish we got a finale to Megaman Legends. I liked those games back then. Tried playing them again and the control is so fucking retarded compared to today's 3D game controls. I even tried playing the original Resident Evil on my Saturn and was like SHIT this controls like anus.


CPS2 Person.,
20 Year Member
Mar 26, 2001
The only worthwhile bot Wily created was Zero and to a lesser degree Bass.


Rugal's Thug
Aug 14, 2016
Why didn't he make a robot lined with those instant-kill spikes? He could have called it Hug Man so that the spikes weren't even its main 'weapon,' so on the off chance that Megaman did beat him all he could do is hug other robots like an idiot.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
The only worthwhile bot Wily created was Zero and to a lesser degree Bass.

Wily's greatest creation is the Met. Adamantium/Vibranium alloy helmet that is impervious to any and all damage. Hey, Wily, try making one of your Wily machines out of that shit instead of making it vulnerable to one of your Robot Master's stolen weapons.

Speaking of stolen weapons, someday, I'd like to see a Mega Man game where Rock can steal a weapon from ANYTHING, not just Robot Masters--maybe like a Gaiares play mechanic? Also, secret achievement trophy if you steal Wily's mustache during the final battle.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
Quint, I want to talk about Quint. Quint is hella lame. He's a "rebuilt Mega Man from the future" . . . so, in the future, Rock got rid of Rush and his mega buster in favor of a pile driver/pogo stick? Dear Dr. Wily: the Mega Man of the future is X, not that laughable piece of shit.

The new developer that Capcom hired to make Gameboy Mega Man 2 was just incompetent, plain and simple. Play Rockman World 1/3/4/5 and then try 2. I paid $14 for that game from Funcoland, back in the day, and beat it in less than two hours after firing it up--all these years later, I still feel ripped off.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Quint, I want to talk about Quint. Quint is hella lame. He's a "rebuilt Mega Man from the future" . . . so, in the future, Rock got rid of Rush and his mega buster in favor of a pile driver/pogo stick? Dear Dr. Wily: the Mega Man of the future is X, not that laughable piece of shit.

The new developer that Capcom hired to make Gameboy Mega Man 2 was just incompetent, plain and simple. Play Rockman World 1/3/4/5 and then try 2. I paid $14 for that game from Funcoland, back in the day, and beat it in less than two hours after firing it up--all these years later, I still feel ripped off.

I played both those games a bunch of times during quarantine. Quint is easily one of the weirdest parts of the Mega Man mythology. The fight is so absurd it makes me laugh, he has to be the easiest boss in any MM game, hands down.

I also had an identical feeling to you coming from the first MM Game Boy game to the second. The first was difficult and you felt like you accomplished something when you beat it, but the second game handed out health bits (health pellets? what's the canon name for those things) and weapon energy like candy - which, to be fair, was the exact same for the NES games as well, first game was tough and the second was way more tolerable for average players.

Anyways, I guess the point of my story is I'm glad I grabbed my GBA and a bunch of my old Game Boy games and put them in a bag with me to China eight years ago, cuz it took a pandemic for me to play them again.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
Capcom was going to release a compilation cart with GB Megaman 1-5 on it, colorized, but canned that project. Don't remember if it was going to be on GBC or GBA though. I bought the 3DS NES Megaman 1-6 compilation card a while back, when GameStop had it on sale for $10, but, haven't played it much.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Good lord M, it was going to be for the GBA. GBC had Mega Man Xtreme which was very meehhhhhhhhhhhhh to me.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
I thought Xtreme 1 was okay, but the GBC wasn't quite powerful enough to do SNES X game remixes properly in my opinion. I think continuing the NES-like Rockman World series would have been a more realistic goal until GBA.