How to funnel campaign funds into your pocket, by Jared


Athena's Stalker
15 Year Member
Gosh, I sure am gonna miss this pack of grifters when Trump is finally dragged, kicking and screaming, out of office.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Gosh, I sure am gonna miss this pack of grifters when Trump is finally dragged, kicking and screaming, out of office.

We're going to hear four years of Not My President. The cult of personality will not stop.

Just pray the fucking news will stop giving him attention.


Athena's Stalker
15 Year Member
We're going to hear four years of Not My President. The cult of personality will not stop.

Just pray the fucking news will stop giving him attention.

I'm torn... ignore that sad sack of shit, and who knows what kind of trouble he can get himself into when you're not lookin. At the same time, I feel like the planet has earned a break from him and his dipshit followers. Sucks either way.