I can finally post!


Overtop Pathfinder
Jul 4, 2013
Hey, guys! MysticJoJo here. I usually go by Wraith on my other stuff, but used my other name that was unclaimed here. I'm a bit of a collector, but I just got into Neo-Geo when I found a cabinet for sale for just 200 dollars on craigslist. I'm hoping to expand my collection a bit, with the end results having this set of 8 for my MVS collection:

Slot 1: Magical Drop III OR Money Idol Exchanger
Slot 2: Aerofighters/Sonic Wings 2 OR Twinklestar Sprites
Slot 3: Metal Slug 3(or any from X-4) OR Shock Troopers(1 or 2)
Slot 4: SVC Chaos OR Garou: Mark of the Wolves

I hope to give the system a Uni-bios as well, as Magical Drop 3 is neutered in the US. I write comics for a living and don't have much money to spend, but I occasionally come across good deals from plain bargain hunting and will be willing to trade some of my finds across for MVS carts of equal value. I'm also perfectly willing to engage in discussions about all sorts of stuff, so expect to see me posting elsewhere, especially once I stop freaking out about my poor broken neo-geo.


Annex Florida Coalition, Goodwill Ambassador,
15 Year Member
Jan 2, 2009
Welcome to the forums! I see you already have a thread dedicated to you in the war room, congrats.