KOF 98 individual team endings?


B. Jenet's Firstmate
Feb 1, 2004
Im playing KOF 98 and just wondering if there are any special endings for the teams? Or individual characters?
I played yesturday like crazy and got whipped badly by Rugal, then picked the father team. I had Takuma as my first fighter, did the A+B and ran through Rugal and picked him up and threw him a couple of times then all of a sudden I won by time! :make_fac: I had so much trouble with Rugal then all of a sudden its so easy when you know what to do!:)
Anyway I got to see Rugal blowing up his ship and then some still pics...one of them of the father team? Is that it? Can you get diffrent endings depending on how you beat the game?
When I beat him I loaded with the memory card so I started from zero points on Rugal.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
There are 15 ending pics that are shown at random after you've beaten Rugal, then there are the individual team ending pics depending on your team lineup (not necessarily original teams).

Check out Kao Megura's excellent KoF98 faq on Gamefaqs, it contains all possible individual team lineups and a brief description of their pics.

Some examples for individual teams with own pics: Andy-Beni-Robert, Chang-Chin-Choi, Chris-Yama-Yashiro, Clark-Lucky-Terry, Iori-Kyo-Shingo, etc....