Mahjong Kyo Retsuden...Got it, but how the hell do you play it?!?!


Geese's Thug
Apr 4, 2002
Stupid question, like usual.....

Just received said game and while it appears to be cool, I have no way to understand the PLOT of how to win. I have played Shanghai tons of times, but this is hardcore here.
Rev Quixo did shed some light on it right before I got saying it would most likely be all Japanese text. He was correct, sir!

What I need to know is if and how the tiles add up to be points/ect. Hell, ANYTHING!

Anyone who has a link for translation of some extent, a scan of some translated text, or an idea, I'd sure appreciate it.

Thanks all! :)



Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
Write me, tonight when I get home I well send you over the Mahjong faq I worked on last year. It should let you get up to speed. But let me tell you this, Mahjong Kyo is the WORST cheating game of mahjong you will ever play. Really, the computer always seems to be one from winning, and even if you have a killer hand he blows you away! The game to get is Mahjong Minasan!!! That is the most fair and also craziest of all the mahjong games. :) Or second runner up, Quest of Jong Master, which actually helps you and teaches you how to play!

Anyway, send me an email and I will replay back with the doc tonight.


[ August 22, 2002: Message edited by: nruva ]</p>


Geese's Thug
Apr 4, 2002

Just wanted to let you know I got your e-mail. It does help alot, but it is still VERY confusing. And yes you are right. The computer is a cheating prick and seems to win EVERY DAMN TIME!!! ARGH!!!!!

Thanks again, man! :)



Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
No problem, Mahjong is great once you learn the basic rules of the game. All the neo Mahjong games can be played without Japanese knowledge... Actually, you may not really know what is going on story wise, but to play the game it is simple. Well, good luck, and don't think all Mahjong games are like that one. Like I said, the other two in my last post are soooooooooo much easier and fun to play (and don't cheat!).
