Man screws prostitutes, then kills wife and son over fear he has HIV


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001

GOODYEAR, Ariz. — A man charged with fatally stabbing his wife and adult son in their suburban Phoenix home told investigators he carried out the killings out of a fear he had given his wife HIV from prostitutes he used to frequent and out of concern about what would become of his jobless son.

Investigators said in court records that Eugene Maraventano, 64, believed his wife, Janet Maraventano, 63, was ill and feared she might test positive for cancer or a disease he had given her from prostitutes he slept with when he worked for a rail line in New York.

Eugene Maraventano, who planned to kill himself after killing his wife, wondered what would become of his son, Bryan Maraventano, 27, after his suicide, explaining that his son played video games all day and had no girlfriend or job, according to a court document filed by police. Bryan Maraventano lived with his parents.

Police say they haven’t yet been able to confirm whether Eugene Maraventano had HIV or whether Janet Maraventano had any ailments that her husband said he was worried about.

Eugene Maraventano made several unsuccessful suicide attempts after the killings and called authorities Saturday to say he had carried out the stabbing deaths a few days earlier, police said.

“I killed my wife and I killed my son,” the police document quotes Maraventano as telling a dispatcher.

Maraventano acknowledged getting a 14-inch knife from the kitchen of his two-story stucco home in Goodyear and going into the upstairs master bedroom, where he stabbed his sleeping wife twice. He then attacked his son after the son answered a knock on his bedroom door from his father, according to the police record. The knife was found on the nightstand in the master bedroom.

Maraventano was treated at a hospital for injuries he suffered during his suicide attempts and is now in jail on $2 million bail. It’s unclear whether Maraventano has an attorney.

He told investigators that he and his wife hadn’t been fighting the night of the killing.

Neighbors said Maraventano and his family were “friendly” and “really nice people” and they were shocked to hear of the killings.

“There was nothing negative to associate with Geno and his family,” said Phil Wesson, who lives two houses away from the Maraventano home. “There was no sign of anything for me. I knew him as the most likeable guy.”

Nicole Schwartz, another neighbor, told Phoenix TV station KSAZ that she was “in shock ... that something like that would happen in our neighborhood.”


Analinguist of the Year
15 Year Member
Mar 14, 2003
of course... had to be a red state

yeah, seemed like this guy really well-balanced except for a his political leanings

i bet it was those fancy New York hookers with their newfangled progressive attitudes!


20 Year Member
Sep 24, 2003
Eugene Maraventano, who planned to kill himself after killing his wife, wondered what would become of his son, Bryan Maraventano, 27, after his suicide, explaining that his son played video games all day and had no girlfriend or job, according to a court document filed by police. Bryan Maraventano lived with his parents.

No such thing as a free ride.

(Also someone warn GregN.)


Frenzy Football Player
Dec 9, 2011
Why even the fear of catching HIV makes me want to go out and kill a family of at least 5 right now. This man is sane and well adjusted, clearly its the world that is wrong.

Blue Steel

previously "bubu_X"
Feb 26, 2003
All that dipshit had to do was get a home test kit. Fucking douche bag murderer.


fresh out of fucks
10 Year Member
Dec 21, 2010
what's with the fucked up threads lately?


15 Year Member
Jul 29, 2004
yeah, seemed like this guy really well-balanced except for a his political leanings

i bet it was those fancy New York hookers with their newfangled progressive attitudes!

Tier list for stupidity:

SS - People who look to kim Kardashian for inspiration, Juggalos, Lil Wayne Fans, Costco shoppers/employees

S - Religious people, Conspiracy theorists, dogmatic atheists who fail to see the irony of their own small minded zealotry

A - Sports fans with strong affiliations to a certain team, people who think voting makes a difference, people who think Charlie Sheen is interesting

B - Political automatons who believe one Party/Candidate shits rainbows while the other is Satan

C - Regular folks who don't give a fuck

Feel free to revise my list, but these days I only discuss political shit with people who are c tier or lower.


Long Dong Silver.,
10 Year Member
Jun 21, 2012
Sports teams are all I have left to hold onto, and Costco hot dogs are cheap and delicious....... Fuck.


Galford's Poppy Trainer
Dec 13, 2010
Tier list for stupidity:
S - Religious people, Conspiracy theorists, dogmatic atheists who fail to see the irony of their own small minded zealotry

I have heard the term dogmatic atheist thrown around by theists but it never makes sense to me. What does being an atheist have to do with a persons beliefs or narrow mindedness? Serious question.


Long Dong Silver.,
10 Year Member
Jun 21, 2012
I have heard the term dogmatic atheist thrown around by theists but it never makes sense to me. What does being an atheist have to do with a persons beliefs or narrow mindedness? Serious question.

Holy fuck, it means you have your head so far up your own ass you don't realize that you're worse than the people you bitch about, how the fuck is that not self evident. Atheists like yourself give the rest of us a bad name, you want to know why atheists get a bad rep, it's because you are too stupid to realize shit like that. Fuck you, and start believing in God, because we don't need you.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
As someone who is atheist I wouldn't even refer to a collective group of atheists as "we" or "us."

I'm not a part of a group or movement. I'm just atheist.