Media and there rumors


Dark Solidus Snake

Is it just me is the media worst than Osama Bin Ladin? I thought that this economic problem who'd have already blown over if it isn't for CNN and other tabloids throwing rumors in the air about plane hijacks and missing bioweapon professors.
CNN, alone, has put people in fear about flying and having some peace.

Some of you may disagree and say that U.S. citizens have a right to know what is going on but what has that gotten us? No where. People are afraid of ordering online and flying to visit loved ones cause the media constantly reminds us about terrorist striking at anytime.

It is bullshit cause CNN, MSNBC, and other tabloids don't gibe a damn about the United States but to chase more ratings. Money is the root of all evil and has corrupted the media.

That is what's wrong with the economy: Media coverage over a telivised war.
Oct 3, 2001
Some advice I can give you is to choose carefully the outlets of news that you listen to. If you consider yourself a Liberal Democrat, then you will find that outlets such as NBC, CBS, CNN, and National Public Radio (NPR) will more than adequately please you as the listener/watcher, as these networks are notorious for their liberal bias. Constantly pushing liberal views and running lopsided liberal spun stories to basically act as a conduit for the minority opinion. Such as sensationalizing everything to do with the slowed economy as their pathetic little attempts to continuously harrange the new republican administration. Damn, I thought Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather were gonna cry the night when Gore conceded to Bush. Too bad for them, they need to get over it.

If you have cable, the only real option for someone to get some realism, and not idealism in the news is FOX NEWS. They are the only News channel I've found that at least offers up equal amounts of opinions from the left and the right. You can listen to Rush Limbaugh's show during the daytime on AM radio if you know what channel to tune into. He's way to far to the right for some to handle, but atleast you can get some funny commentary from him, and regardless of what alot of libs say, he does know his politics. I know Bobak doesn't like him, he made fun of Rush in his King of the Monsters 2 review. I don't listen to his show, but I like to check out his website once in awhile.

I know how you feel and can relate to the media's sensationalism and hypocrisy. Look at how they are treating this 'military tribunal' thing. Constantly giving airtime to the critics, mainly bigtime liberals, who represent the minority opinion of the whole matter! This is America where Majority Rules, and the majority (upwards of 85%) say that they are fine with this whole ordeal, but where is their coverage? I'll tell you, FOX NEWS and that's it. NBC, CBS want everyone watching to think that it's actually a huge amount of the population against military tribunals, when in truth it's only a pathetic minority of liberal activists who protest everything. If President Bush said he wears Black Socks, then the libs would protest Black socks in front of the white house the same day of the announcement. NBC would cover it with a 20 minute segment on that evenings Nightly News with Tom Brokaw saying "Black socks, should you be wearing them, and what damage are they causing to the environment?" Anyways, it doesn't take much to just think for a few minutes to punch holes in their stories, especially dealing with this military tribunal thing. I mean, these liberals who are against it are more worried about the civil rights of suspected terrorists(and this order is only valid against aliens who are suspected of supporting the al-quieda network, NOT all aliens in the U.S. like they are trying to make it out to be. Damn, why don't they just read the damn document?) than the security of our own citizens. They misunderstand that the Consitution of the U.S. is not the Constitution of the whole world. We don't have to extend the same rights that an actual U.S. citizen holds to illegal aliens connected with terrorism.

Oh well, the Liberals are looking like fools right now. Bush has an 89% approval rating and overwhelming support for our actions in Afghanistan. I think it's 96% approval from Republicans, and upwards of 85% on the Democratic front, so all this anti war crap you see is bogus and not the majority opinion. It's only NBC's or...well, you get the picture.


Big Bang Pro Wrestler
20 Year Member
May 20, 2001
Dang!! I just clicked on the link to Rush Limbaugh's website, and I haven't seen the guy in a while but man he lost weight!!!!!!!