My new Lumines top score! Look in!


Olly C,
15 Year Member
May 24, 2004
Alrite guys,

I've had Lumines now since the Uk's PSP launch and when I got it I loved it! I played it loads at home, on the bus, and on lunch at work for a good few weeks but after a while I found it hard to make time to play it as my single games were taking too long and they get too hectic to jump into after a long rest later on in the game :(

So I pretty much stopped playing it and got more into DS titles, I'd just picked up Meteos which I was playing loads after that, My top score at the end on stadard challenge mode ended up at 620,000 I posted that score in the old Lumines Score Thread Here and that was back nn 09-28-2005..

Since then I havent played it at all, until today I had to take a 1:30 car journey up to see my Grandma and Grandad so I decided to take it along..

After 3 HOURS of pretty much constant play on the same game without dying I ended up with a new top score of 905,000 :eek: near the end I so wanted to max it out and get 999,999 but the buttons seemed to not respond very well because of the speed and it was so hard around the 750,000 mark not to screw up and let blocks pile up making it hard to not lose.

So there we are, my new top score of 905,000 on challenge mode, took pretty much the entire day, its been my only go since 09-28-2005 and I probably wont want to play it for a few months again :p I'd actually gone through the entire Lumines level sequence about 3/4 times some of the levels like the nasty green and brown ones wernt too nice to replay but others were a refreshing break.

Anyway I just thought I'd share my result/ahcomplishment with you guys and hopefully Lumines 2 will be just as adictive, also I'll be grabbing all possible acheivement points on Lumines Live on the 360 too :D

Cheers Olly.
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General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
Well done!!!:buttrock:

I can't get anywhere near that, I'm yet to work out the best patterns to clear blocks faster.