Hi all friends.
I wanted to open a new topic for discussion, to answer questions about 2D and 3D video games (mechanical game), arcade genres, game console, and single player mode, off-line.
It seems that previously had a user open and light, but so long as to not remember this, and Habri other. Now I can not habrir new topics in forum neo-geo, but involved in issues that others have already opened. As I can not open a new topic as guest (all forums now required to have a user record, at first, were asking not all, but some); and I see no solution to this issue. As I open it here.
Perhaps some of you, this very position on the issue of the gaming world, can help me with any questions you've dragging on this subject for some time now.
1.1 Are there genres of video games that were born to mechanical 2D game, lateral, vertical and isometric? What might these games.?
- ¿On the contrary, every genre of arcade games, can change Mechanical or 2D game development, other mechanical 3D, if your programmers and designers know that things must change, to adapt to other mechanical 2D 3D ?. And if so, why they do not have all done well? Has been for lack of experience when passing from 2D to 3D mechanical.?
- Are video games 2D, lateral and vertical, are less playable than mechanical 3D mechanical; when lateral and vertical, more limited views; and that such fixed screens do not allow much showmanship and depth; horizotal being videogames and vertical mechanical movement of the past. Therefore, arcade games have ushered in gameplay, 3D?
- Is it true that retro is fashionable at the moment / year.? Remember the past, a new genre.? Does the retro spirit, a style.?
_ Video games lateral, vertical and isométric, tend to disappear in the future, for 3D gameplay; especially whit the Virtual Reality.?
A blog about video games, commented that, "An innovative mechanical or sublime history is necessary to keep them alive in times of new technologies, I imagine much more immersive. Who knows, games you placed at the center of the stage, perhaps by glasses or contact lenses, or downloaded directly to the brain. Technology will make only a few geeks screen choose life, shifting up and down this society. But that will be a new page in history. "Http://eljueguista.wordpress.com/2013/01/02/como-envejecen-los-videojuegos.
Some media argue that "over time, the game will cease to exist and instead be 3D indistinguishable from reality simulations, there will be a virtual reality for people wishing to participate in the only refuge for the nostalgic players will be your PC and emulation software that allow them to relive the "glory days" of the games, while the rest of mankind are slaves of the matrix, or system requirements. "
http://illbethejudgeofthat.wordpress.com/2009/08/05/2d-vs-3d-a-gaming- evolution /
Also on the website of info consoles, talk about the possible future that could have video games.
http: //www.infoconsolas.com/general/pasado-presente-y-futuro-de-los-videojuegos ...
Some fans, in this line, that speak about the future, foresee that different systems coexist until you can do as Matrix and play and receive imputs directly to mind, in which case any other interface will be obsolete.
In this line, he explained, a user by internal mail, forums MeriStation, which "sees that he can do as Shenmue, DOTT or Beyond Good and Evil, where there are classic games in virtual reality. (a play within a play). "
the only thing that could make a significant change would be a revolutionary control. I'm not convinced that came to kill the 2D gameplay, but if there is any possibility that the 2D would definitely die.
Nasic, a user forum game Canal, comments on this idea: "I see no practical creation of minigames with scroll in 3D virtual worlds. It would make sense to introduce you to a virtual 3D environment to get to play a game in 2D, being able to do directly in reality. As a bonus you can, but not as attractive ... "
But Rob_Fer, I commented to propodito the topic "What could be: console virtual reality Hasbro" that "VR is compatible with all kinds of experiences If you want to sit and play with titles in 3rd person or even classic, you can so,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sytBH9vfO9U "This video (Snes9x VRcade-Oculus Rift Gameplay & Review) shows a mario game with a classic platform development, side-scrolling. another video, the user, got me was the following:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wby8pMrYYaM. I kept commenting that "But this and give you the ability to choose your room, the size of your screen, etc or whatever you want.
Anyway with 2D games or 3rd person, at least in the genre VR platforms is quite interesting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HkMGQA7M6s .The chances are very high, does not escape any genre or type game, and if classic games only expands our experience unlimited by the size of your screen or the environment. "
In this line the founder of Oculus said once that 'TVs will not be viable in a few decades'http://www.vandal.net/noticia/1350649871/el-fundador-de-oculus-los-televisores-no-seran-viables-en-unas-decadas/ Contrast, co which explains an article on the subject published on the web Xombit "Will the future virtual reality helmets among home users?"
Http://xombit.com/2014/03/futuro-realidad-virtual. Within this line, we also have a curious and interesting video Iron Man 2 Amazing interfaces and holograms
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRi1dmFgRfo, which seems to suggest that in the future, coexist different ways of presenting images moving.
Also the CEO of Take-Two says Oculus Rift most gamers will be limited.
Other media refer to the emergence of a new control interface for 3D mechanical game, will disappear at the lateral and vertical scroll 2D, which would become mechanical in the past.
"The evolution of graphical environment experienced in the last 15 years is not equivalent to changing the interface. Responsible companies today of electronic entertainment platforms Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft have chosen an alternative way: until technology can offer the ultimate interface will stay in their catalogs, plus 3-D video games today, a good bunch of 2-D games, many of them downloadable and produced with low cost by independent-that studies are being genuine successes on different platforms. "http://www.pixfans.com/herederos-de-otra-dimension/
Some fans, on this issue, arguing that the first thing that we should have for this alleged muertede mechanical 2D game is 3D sensations and then a convenient interface that allows us to interact as naturally and accurately as possible in this environment 3D. 'I'm not convinced that came to kill her, but if there is any possibility that the 2D definitely would die that' argued one.
2._ Different generes of video games (plataform, shoot'em up, beat'em´up, run and gun, and fighting Vs), tend to the merger between them, in search of the perfect game, with 'the best of each one' (and incipient trend).; tending to disappear the originals.? Why.?
_ Finally, all of them, from a super genere or an only mixed or hybrid gene video game, looking to make the perfect video game. Gathering them all into a only genere of game, having to do a bit of everything.? Why.?
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Quizás quisiste decir: Una vez, leí, en un par de foros de videojuegos, that evolve the way it should be, apart from graphics and aesthetics, playable, as always. Following shoot em up, there has always been playable innovations, for example: Defend and Scramble with scroll -Gradius Defining the style of the predominant genre games with powerups, level design and choice of weapons Darius the selection screen area R-Type with The Force -BlaZeon With the possibility of turning the ship into enemies -Axelay Combining vertical and lateral scroll -The Company Cave with its bullet hell -Radiant Silvergun the distinction of enemies in three colors -etc .... The developments should go in this direction, while preserving the essence of mechanics. If not, it is no longer that evolved arcade, is another thing. In a forum, once commented that "It will be difficult to create new genres simply because there are many created already. The "new" are rather hybrids of existing (as Portal, Borderlands, Catherine or Heavy Rain). "
Once I read in a couple of forums videogame That evolve the way it Should be, apart from graphics and aesthetics, playable, as always. Following shoot'em up, there've Always Been playable innovations, for example:
Defend and Scramble with scroll
-Gradius Defining the style of the predominant genre games with powerups, level design and choice of weapons
Darius the selection screen area
R-Type with The Force
-BlaZeon With The Possibility of turning the ship into enemies
Combining -Axelay side and scroll vertically
Cave -The Company With Its bullet hell
-Radiant Silvergun the distinction of enemies in three colors -etc ....
The Developments Should Go in esta direction, while preserving the essence of mechanics. If not, it is no longer arcade That evolved, is another thing.
In a forum, eleven commented That "It Will Be Difficult to create new genres Simply Because there are many created already. The" new "are rather hybrids of Existing (as Portal, Borderlands, Catherine or Heavy Rain)."
3._And finally therefore their views on the future of desktop gaming consoles. I have read, that these may disappear, and instead served games streaming, as the films at home via internet, with a payment or monthly subscription, and likely to save game in a virtual cloud, to continue another day or time with heading, where before, we had left. Gaikai and OnLive, would be two examples of this idea.
At home we would have a modem, and a port for connecting a gamepads. Some Smart TVs, which have integrated series.
Some people argue that the consoles as we know them today, stay for the music lovers of video games, while the vast majority straming play through, for remote servers and virtual storage cloud.
Is this true, or the business of the physical consoles, could continue in the future?
I've also read that player modes (campaign or offline, off-line, in English mode) could disappear in the future, being replaced by the on-line model. Is this also true.? Why.?
I hope your participation in the subject, and can resolve any questions that come dragging for some time on this issue, with your answers.
Greetings to all.