New MVS Cabinet??


Quiz Detective
Dec 17, 2000
While scanning the internet, I found a report from a recent JAMMA show which displayed a picture of a New Hyper Neo Geo cabinet that featured a cool LCD display above the monitor which showed the gameplay on the monitor. It looked awesome and I am wondering how to find more info about it or if it was ever released in the states or if at all, price, etc. Are there any other unique Neo Geo cabinets out there?? Which is the best for flexibility and durability??
Does SNK still manufacture game cabinets?? Does anyone have any good experiences with custom made cabinets--MAS Systems has some nice ones, but talk is that they are going out of business. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
The cabinet you are describing sounds like an Aerocity cabinet. That's a japanese cabinet usually used by Capcom and Sega, but you can put whatever you want in them. You can find them on eBay usually from $300 - 400 with a 29" display, but I have seen them go lower then that. Actually, I think the cabinets are cool... but in a home setting it is pointless since the screen is intended so that people could watch you play without crowding over your shoulder



I bought a Sega Aerocity cabnet for my non-MVS Jamma games just this last summer for $200! It's a great unit, I recommend the Japanese systems because they are MUCH easier to open up and get into for changing boards and fixing the screen.

Of course, the seller was in LA and he was able to deliver it to my building (and it has back wheels so it can be dragged


Oh, you mean this one. It looks like its probably a dedicated cab:


[This message has been edited by Bobak! (edited February 03, 2001).]


Quiz Detective
Dec 17, 2000
Yes, that's the one. So you mean this cab would not work well for changing boards or for using a MVS board?? I thought it would be the newest Neo Geo Cabinet on the market and since it is Hyper NG that it would work well as a MVS set-up--but want to make sure that it would be flexible for using other game boards. Just thought the LCD Display was cool and had never seen that before--and that it looked like a SNK/Neo Geo manufactured cabinet? Any thoughts where to find such a cab or would it be extremely expensive new??
Can you give me any info on the Aerocity Cabinet?? Is it similar to this one and would it work well for exchanging JAMMA boards?