Samurai Shodown 5?


Galford's Armourer
Apr 1, 2003
What do you want or expect in SS5?
Here is what I would like
- A solid traditional 2d figting game
- Every SS char who has ever stepped foot on an SS screen to be in it. With a couple LB chars namely Zantetsu.
- Completely redone GG meets MOTW level sprites.
- The beautiful Music as usual
- Beautiful artwork type backgrounds that are interactive where things can break and bombs fall like in the original.
- VERY BLOODY, I want to be a be able to lop arms off and do "Fatalities" very creatively
- If both players drop their weapons they should be able to pick up either.
- Single and Tag Team mode.
- The Ump a playable char.
- Direct zooms on people like always.
- Lots of new moves, more bonebreaking ones too like in SS64 buttrock
Game Play Wise-

I want very SS with the three styles added in, some of the SS3 mechanics and SS64 also I want there to be more ways to disarm an opponent and make it much easier to die namely a direct hit to head will kill where as hard slash to the arm will take off a hand or knock off the sword. I also would like to see either in a special mode or in regular game play the ability to put in armor and have it destroyed for certain chars ala Cosmic Carnage.

Anyways that is my take on what it should be like what do you guys think?

<small>[ May 17, 2003, 02:03 PM: Message edited by: Sickliquid86 ]</small>


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001
Since I missed out on the last one in general I'll add to this one as time goes on. Some key features I want to see:

-A returning cast in its entirety. Every char from every MVS Shodown + a few key players from the 64 series (2D Shiki already a given).
-An awesome and BELIEVABLE story involving shit I can't even think about.
-Kickass animation.
-Highly polished in terms of char select screen, VS screen, win screen, shit like that. When that stuff looks awesome a game rises to the next level.
-Very big and very interactive backgrounds that capture the while feudal Japan thing. Environment is extremely important to the Shodown series and I reaaaaallly want to see a really kickass map system with different environments kinda like Shodown 4 but much better. Some key features I want to see in stages include uneven terrain (screw the flat stages. I want rolling weat fields, wooden porches, stairs, stuff like that), about 3 times bigger than the tradition 2D fighting stage, very drastic in its presentation. Maybe a portion of the stage is a river while another is a thick bamboo thicket. Random weather changes including wind, rain and lightning, fog, sunny/dark/overcast.
-While I'm dreaming about shit that can never be done on the MVS I might as well add deformable characters. I want to see their shit get fucked up if they take a beating on a particular round. Shredded clothing, bloody cuts and a lopped off head or limp if they are "finished". NO FATALITIES! Just make it all random.
-Something with the weapons. I think we should keep the Bust/Slash system but also add a weapon selection thing. Maybe Bust and Slash use different weapons or maybe each char can select from 2-4 weapons particular to that character. Or maybe each char can have different "stances" (offensive, defensive, etc) and have sub weapons of sorts they can whip out on the fly (for combos, ranges attacks, etc).
-Fucking bloody. I want my eyes to bleed playing this game.

I'll add more later.


Galford's Armourer
Apr 1, 2003
Since I missed out on the last one in general I'll add to this one as time goes on. Some key features I want to see:

-A returning cast in its entirety. Every char from every MVS Shodown + a few key players from the 64 series (2D Shiki already a given).
-An awesome and BELIEVABLE story involving shit I can't even think about.
-Kickass animation.
-Highly polished in terms of char select screen, VS screen, win screen, shit like that. When that stuff looks awesome a game rises to the next level.
-Very big and very interactive backgrounds that capture the while feudal Japan thing. Environment is extremely important to the Shodown series and I reaaaaallly want to see a really kickass map system with different environments kinda like Shodown 4 but much better. Some key features I want to see in stages include uneven terrain (screw the flat stages. I want rolling weat fields, wooden porches, stairs, stuff like that), about 3 times bigger than the tradition 2D fighting stage, very drastic in its presentation. Maybe a portion of the stage is a river while another is a thick bamboo thicket. Random weather changes including wind, rain and lightning, fog, sunny/dark/overcast.
-While I'm dreaming about shit that can never be done on the MVS I might as well add deformable characters. I want to see their shit get fucked up if they take a beating on a particular round. Shredded clothing, bloody cuts and a lopped off head or limp if they are "finished". NO FATALITIES! Just make it all random.
-Something with the weapons. I think we should keep the Bust/Slash system but also add a weapon selection thing. Maybe Bust and Slash use different weapons or maybe each char can select from 2-4 weapons particular to that character. Or maybe each char can have different "stances" (offensive, defensive, etc) and have sub weapons of sorts they can whip out on the fly (for combos, ranges attacks, etc).
-Fucking bloody. I want my eyes to bleed playing this game.

I'll add more later.
I like your ideas, if making it with all the above mentioned isnt possible with the AES/MVS then that sux... As for fatalities I mean doing your super to kil a guy would end uo in massve gore buttrock also, I want ALL the SS64 chars 2d ized and put in. I love your idea about the stages I imagine a stage that is really long where like you said- You start out in a bamboo thicket ala ninja scroll, and then your opponent is about to get jacked so he starts dashing for it and you get to the river and he jumps on this raft with a japanese guy pushing through the water you try to jump for it, and miss and instead get about chest level in water so you start dashing and then do a jumping slash attack special move onto the raft it creaks from the sudden impact and water spashes you slice the little japanese guy on the boat straight in half, your opponent having healed a bit slashes at you get locked with him and your sword goes flying into the water, you pick up the broken oar thing and skew the mofo on it with a well placed stab, and then IPPON! One round matches baby you settle it to the death. At times it should do the half screen if chars get two far apart ala Super Butoden

<small>[ May 17, 2003, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: Sickliquid86 ]</small>


Apr 25, 2003
There are some awesome character designs in SS.
I know some people go on about the originality of the GGX and GGXX characters.
But SS has some really kool designs.
Alot of which have never appeared on mvs.
Such as the majority of the SS WR and SS 64 characters.
I really hope they make use of some of those.
Playmore has no excuse to fk this up.
But they probably will :confused:

But I'm always optimistic buttrock

<small>[ May 17, 2003, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: Rikute ]</small>

Rade K

Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Mar 17, 2001
I'm waiting to see what RyoGeo has to say first. Im sure it will be something about damage levels.

<small>[ May 17, 2003, 04:42 PM: Message edited by: Rade Kuruc ]</small>


Global Moderator, Voice of Reason, Member #13
Aug 14, 2000
If I can play SS5 and not have a good percentage of my slashes whiff through my enemy, even though they clearly made contact with the enemy sprite, I will be happy.

Rade K

Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Mar 17, 2001
If I can play SS5 and not have a good percentage of my slashes whiff through my enemy, even though they clearly made contact with the enemy sprite, I will be happy.
Are you saying you dont like the amount of damage dealt in SS3? I guess it is an aquired taste. I just like how it felt like you were actually fighting with knives. It Made the battles WAY more intence for me and thus, a lot more fun in the end. Once you get better at SS3 and learn all the CPUS weaknesses, its tons of fun wreaking havoc with ...ukyo for instance. Too much fun.



The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001

ss3 made it seem/feel like you were holding weapons


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001

ss3 made it seem/feel like you were holding weapons
Ass opposed to a couple of pussies bitch slapping eachother for 60 seconds until one of them passes out from exhaustion?

Fists r 4 pussies. Swords r 4 NINJAS!

<small>[ May 17, 2003, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: FeelGood ]</small>


Galford's Armourer
Apr 1, 2003
Are you saying you dont like the amount of damage dealt in SS3? I guess it is an aquired taste. I just like how it felt like you were actually fighting with knives. It Made the battles WAY more intence for me and thus, a lot more fun in the end. Once you get better at SS3 and learn all the CPUS weaknesses, its tons of fun wreaking havoc with ...ukyo for instance. Too much fun.

I love ss3 I like to crank the damage up so it is only 1 or 2 hits to a kill, like you guys said it is like real weapons which is how I want SS5.


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Mar 7, 2001
i would most like in ss5 for there to be a good game engine with a framerate of like 60fps like in garou and more chareters would be nice but that would also be a loss in gameplay and fighting styles but i have faith in playmore/snk to make a good new ss game
May 29, 2002
All those things you guys mentioned above sound great to me. I'm not picky with fighting games. But some things I'd love to see in a fighter are more utilitarian:

4 palette choices per character instead of the typical 2, selectable amongst the A,B,C,D buttons b4 a fight.

Must have scaling as always.
Also an effect I missed in SF2, parallax floors... I always like to see how the floor parallaxed as you moved left/right.

An experience-based system that can be saved on the memory card. Say you have several favorite characters. The more you fight with them the more powerful they get. You get HP(health), MP(special moves), EXP(just level ups).

Also I want to see a saveable combo and special move editor/creator.

I asked my girl what she would want in a fighting game... She wants Winnie The Pooh characters that squirt honey when they get slashed. She's sitting next to me as I type this, laughing her Poohass off. Oh now she wants Dorito Fighter. Lays VS Fritos, FIGHT!

Fellas, aren't girls cute sometimes?


Galford's Armourer
Apr 1, 2003
I think after playing The Last Samurai Battle
DL it here
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
(Last Blade vs Samurai Shodown Homebrew game)
that I want this game to be more like a total war game, there should be cannonballs occasionally smashhing into the ground in the fight the stages should be huge, no rounds, it is a fight to the death that up to 4 players at once can partake in. Bloody and lots of armed lopping and decapitations. I also want some AI generic warrior chars on the battle field ala Bushido Blade that get chopped and can serve as people to take weapons from. If they dont make a SS5 like that I may end up makign a homebrew game like it :D

I asked my girl what she would want in a fighting game... She wants Winnie The Pooh characters that squirt honey when they get slashed. She's sitting next to me as I type this, laughing her Poohass off. Oh now she wants Dorito Fighter. Lays VS Fritos, FIGHT!

Fellas, aren't girls cute sometimes?
your girl seems cool tell her I said hi :D if she puts up the geekiness of the neogeo then she is a keeper :) I like it when girls are funny tickled

<small>[ May 18, 2003, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: Sickliquid86 ]</small>

Wizard Werewolf

I hope that when the characters are far apart, they won't turn small and ugly! Honestly, when I play games, I don't care about music.


Galford's Armourer
Apr 1, 2003
I hope that when the characters are far apart, they won't turn small and ugly! Honestly, when I play games, I don't care about music.
I hope they do the super butoden style split screen, and SS music is some of the best I have ever heard in games buttrock


1cc my ASS!,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2001
Rade Kuruc:
If I can play SS5 and not have a good percentage of my slashes whiff through my enemy, even though they clearly made contact with the enemy sprite, I will be happy.
Are you saying you dont like the amount of damage dealt in SS3? I guess it is an aquired taste. I just like how it felt like you were actually fighting with knives. It Made the battles WAY more intence for me and thus, a lot more fun in the end. Once you get better at SS3 and learn all the CPUS weaknesses, its tons of fun wreaking havoc with ...ukyo for instance. Too much fun.

Man, I don't know HOW you got that out of Ryo's post.

What he was trying to say is that when doing a combo, if an attack is hitting the other sprite, then it should make contact. Period. Ya see, in SS1 and SS2 there are very frames during a hit animation in which you can actually connect against someone... timing had to be perfect (or lucky), or else you just whiffed and slashed air, leaving you vulnerable.

beep beep

May 19, 2003
the one thing i definetely don't want to see is the dial-a-combo system that was in ss4.

i always found it odd that special moves were pretty weak compared to a fierce slash, but seeing someone getting wailed on with a 14 hit combo to take such pitiful damage just looks.. stupid.

like to see:
suicides & the custom fatalities cleaned up a little to look less like a last minute addition

complete cast, with playable 'kuroko' (maybe we'll find out his name)

ss3 quality atmosphere, visuals & audio (imo the best in any 2d fighter)

greater animation, aof style damage indication on the sprites

each character with their own backgroud & theme song again

more explicit differences between bust & slash, nothing too drastic, less or no shared moves & a different look maybe

most of all, polish. most snk games after kof98 & lb2 seem incomplete & rushed to me, with new features & sprite animations for new moves often not fitting in too well

totally unrealistic list tho i guess crying
May 19, 2003
This all sounds good I reallly like the idea of the NEW samurai shodown to be atotal war game, it would be quite fun that way the whole lopping of limbs with 4 players war thing with the super large stages would totallly bolster the Arcade experience unfortunately the AES only has 2 ports for controllers which would make it require and addon.


Crazed MVS Addict
Apr 17, 2003
I don't know about you all but I actually want a "good game." If SamSho5 turns out to be timekillers/mortal kombat with sam sho characters I'll just be forced beat random kittens to death. Please, think about the kittens.

Arms lopped off? Fatalities? One hit kills? Yeah Bushido blade did great! it didn't. It amused me for a good week though, and that was only the first one.

Cool stages, I'll buy that.
Good Music? Sure.
The return of every Samsho character? not needed.
Should there still be slash+bust? nope.

Personally I think they need to back track and create samsho5 in a similar vain as samsho2, the best and most respected of the series by most people.

Bring back a lot of the old characters but make them a "combination" of slash/bust. And bring in some new blood. New designs are always welcomed.

Throw away the darker theme that is always prevalent in ss3-4 and bring back the colors in ss2. Games that look to moody imo aren't always well recieved.

Stay away from all the dial a combo, or free meter features. SS2 style all the way, work for your hits and let the rage meter be samsho2 style. Oh and air blocking is bad, and give everyone a proper throw, instead of the push shit. Seeing nothing but setups to throw in 3&4 for massive death combo/infinite got old real quick. F+A+B dodge = crap also.

that's all for now.


Pancho Villa is my Direct Ancestor,
Sep 11, 2002
I think it's pretty obvious what most people would want from a new SS game. More of the same :)

There's one thing I absolutely don't want and that would be unrealistic moves. By that I don't mean fireballs or burning swords. No, I mean backbreakers, armbreakers etc. I hate to break a character's arm and see him standing up afterwards as if nothing happened.

Brute finishing moves are a pre however, but only in the round where you win the fight, NOT the first round. Take SS1 as an example.

Maybe I'm the only one who doesn't like those moves, but they just spoil a lot for me.
May 19, 2003
I dont think any of us want a BUshido Blade in 2d, I think some like myself prefer ss3 style, I would like to not have fireballs as well they spoil the fun, I like in SS1 how one could deflect thrown Skulls and SHurikens with their swords. I want to see a comback of everyone I think this is the least they could give us in the sequel all the SS64/64-2 chars and all the main series chars as well as any RPG ones not previously in the fighting games. 4 player modes sounds great to me as well, this samurai shodown should have a new plot based around a war so there fore shouldnt have rounds. Every match should be one to the death, the only exception of unrealism is if one loses their arm then he should get it back in the next round of course. As for grappling moves I would like to see these in there as well, dont flame but I was playing SOul Calibur yesterday and I was thinking how SS was much better except for the lack of grappling moves which is part of the fun. I would like to see in SS5 perilous 2d cliffs that one can be knocked off and also rivers people can fight in IMO the coolest effect one can have in a fighting game plus some grunts standing around possibly guards or whatever pertains ot the stage that can be sliced apart. I think some of dont want SS to change that much in its next incarnation but having it as my fav series I want this verision to be the best ever. I think it also needs some really cool lighting effects, imagine a scene whe you are in a cave with a crystal that glows every couple of seconds but when it doesn't the char is in silhouette that would be cool.


Crazed MVS Addict
Apr 17, 2003
4 players fighting at the same time? it would be rubbish, like most fighters that try and fight 4 at the same time without a tag system. Lopped arms? Is this time killers? Also weak, falling off cliffs? You must play DOA, blah x 10. And also including all the characters would most likely mean the graphics would be crappy.

I don't need all that eyecandy for my next samsho. Just give me say 30 well done characters and what I mentioned before, I'm I'm down. If they want to generate a functional tag system that can be groovy too....but NOT like kof2k.
May 29, 2002
Speaking of Samurai Showdown/Spirits is blasphemy.

Samurai Showdown/Spirits earned its name and reputation as a classy and perhaps a semi-accurate portrayal of samurai/ninja fighting.

Last Blade may be even more so, although LB is significantly more bloody.

Lets keep the class and prestige in these fighting games.

The Mortal Kombats have their place, the SS's have theirs. To cross them means failure, something Playmore cannot afford to do and its not what us gamers want either.