- Joined
- Feb 7, 2002
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It's getting hard to find info on Service menu settings for Sony's WEGA CRT Tvs. Much of the this info has disappeared from the Web. For the most part, this thread is relevant for WEGA CRTs produced from around 2000 to 2006 or so.
The Following info comes from:
As you can tell, this isn't on the web anymore. I had to use wayback machine to pull it up. I have slightly reformatted and cleaned up this info for the forum.
[PWR OFF] - [DISP], [5], [VOL+], [PWR ON]
[PWR OFF] - [DISP], [5], [PWR ON]
The TV will turn on in service mode and the screen will look something like this:
[1] = Moves to Previous Menu Item
[4] = Moves to Next Menu Item
[3] = Adjusts Value Up
[6] = Adjusts Value Down
[MTS] = Toggles Stereo/Mono Audio
[MUTE] followed by [ENTER] = stores NEW service mode settings to NVRAM
[8] followed by [ENTER] = Restores All *USER* settings to factory defaults
[0] followed by [ENTER] = Read Default service mode value from stored settings. (service mode reset)
[PWR OFF] = Leave Service Mode any settings not written will be in effect until TV is unplugged or a Reset is performed.
BEFORE storing NEW settings - unplug TV from wall, wait a few seconds, then plug back in, turn TV set on - All settings not written will have been lost.
AFTER storing NEW settings - restore original value from list you made of original values before adjustments and store in NVRAM.
If you have a XBR250 and you're experiencing horizontal blue, green or red banding across the screen with a component video connection, you will need to enter service mode and adjust the HOSC parameter. Initially HOSC is set to 7 (factory default), you'll need to change it to about 11 - this will eliminate the color banding in the picture.
AFC 0 0-3 AFC Loop Gain
HFRE 42 0-127 Horizontal Frequency
VFRE 11 0-31 Vertical Frequency
VPOS 16 0-31 Vertical Picture Position
VSIZ 18 0-63 Vertical Picture Size
VLIN 6 0-15 Vertical Picture Linearity
VSCO 10 0-15 Vertical Correction
HPOS 6 0-15 Horizontal Picture Position
HSIZ 11 0-31 Horizontal Picture Size
PAMP 18 0-31 Pincushion Amp.
CPIN 4 0-7 Corner Pincushion
PPHA 7 0-15 Pincushion Phase
UPIN 10 0-31 Pincushion upper ends, vertical lines
LPIN 10 0-31 Pincushion lower ends, vertical lines
PPHA 7 0-15 Keystone correction vertical lines
HKEY 6 0-15 Keystone distortion, horizontal lines
HTRP 8 0-15 Keystone correction, horizontal lines
VCOM 2 0-7 Vertical Compensation
VUSN 0 0,1 Shrinks Vertical Height to 16x9 Area
VZOM 0 0,1 Places Bars on Picture to give 16x9 Area
EHT 15 Adjust Height of VZOM
ASP 47 Vertical Picture Size - Aspect
SCRL 31 Vertical Picture Position
HBLK 1 0,1 Horizontal Blanking (on/off)
LBLK 15 Left Blanking
RBLK 3 Right Blanking
GAMP 18 0-31 Green Amp.
BAMP 14 0-31 Blue Amp.
GDRV 18 0-31 Green Driver
BDRV 14 0-31 Blue Driver
RCUT 15 Red Cutoff - (lower level)
GCUT 4 0-15 Green Cutoff - (lower level)
BCUT 1 0-15 Blue Cutoff - (lower level)
RDRV 21 Red Amp. - (upper level)
GDRV 18 Green Amp. - (upper level)
BDRV 14 Blue Amp. - (upper level)
DCOL 1 0,1 Color Temperature
COFF 0 0,1 Color On/Off - B/W Picture
Y-DC 0 0-15 BLACK background level retention
R-YR 15 0-15 Sets the amount of RED
R-YB 15 0-15 Sets the amount of RED
G-YG 11 0-15 Sets the amount of GREEN
G-YB 9 0-15 Sets the amount of GREEN
AXIS 0 0-15 Cleans up the red & oranginess in yellow
DPIX 0 0-3 Dynamic Picture
CROM 28 0-63 Chroma Trap
SPIX 30 0-63 Sub-Picture Contrast (Picture)
SCON 30 0-63 Sub-Picture Contrast (Picture)
SHUE 23 0-63 Sub-Picture Hue
SCOL 26 0-63 Sub-Picture Color
SBRT 22 0-63 Sub-Picture Brightness (Black Level)
RGBP 10 0-63 RGB Picture
SHAP 6 0-15 Sub-Picture Sharpness
SHPF 3 0-15 This helps with the S-Video sharpness
NRLV 0 0-3 Find the value that gives the best resolution
VSMO 1 0,1 Vertical Pull In Range (1 allows PAL in B&W)
REF 2 0-3 Reference Line
ROFF 1 0,1 Red Gun ON(1)/OFF(0)
GOFF 1 0,1 Green Gun ON(1)/OFF(0)
BOFF 1 0,1 Blue Gun ON(1)/OFF(0)
RON 1* 0,1 Red Gun ON(1)/OFF(0)
GON 1* 0,1 Green Gun ON(1)/OFF(0)
BON 1* 0,1 Blue Gun ON(1)/OFF(0)
AXPL 0 0,1 Cleans up Reds/Yellows
ABLM 0 0,1 Automatic Background or Brightness Limiter
NOTC 1 0,1 Notch Filter ON(1)/OFF(0)
VMLV 0 0,1 Scanning Velocity Modulation ON(1)/OFF(0)
VAPI 0 0,1 Sets vert resolution for 3-d comb filter
VAPG 0 0,1 Sets vert resolution for 3-d comb filter
DRGB 0 0,1 On-Screen Display (OSD) Intensity
DISP 35 0-63 On-Screen Display (OSD) Menu Placement (L/R)
VTMS 0 0-3 On Screen Display (OSD) - On/Off
DPDV 1 0-3 Lumipon
MPIC 8 0-63 Lumipon (depth)
SVOL 0 0-15 Sub-Volume (0=Max,15=Min.)
SBAL 7 0-15 Sub-Balance (0=Left,15=Right)
BASS 8 0-15 Sub-Bass (0=Min., 15=Max.)
TRE 7 0-15 Sub-Treble (0=Mix., 15=Max.)
MPX - 0-15 Audio ATT
FILO - 0-15 Audio I1
DEEM - 0-15 Audio I2
STEV - 0-15 Audio OSC1
SAPV - 0-15 Audio OSC2
PILO - 0-15 Audio PILOT
SEP - 0-15 Audio WIDE BAND
VD - 0-15 Audio SPECTRAL
LVOL - 0-15 Audio VOLUME-L
RVOL - 0-15 Audio VOLUME-R
PADJ 63 0-255 Hor/Vert Picture Adjustment (total picture)
UYBO 32 0-63 Upper Y Bow (B/R Top)
LYBO 27 0-63 Lower Y Bow (B/R Bottom)
HAMP 34 0-63 Horizontal Amp. (B/R OuterLines)
HTIL 32 0-63 Horizontal Tilt (R/R)
UCBO 39 0-63 Upper C Bow (B/R Corners Only)
UTIL 37 0-63 Upper Tilt (Top Corners)
LCBO 41 0-63 Lower C Bow (B/R Corners Only)
LTIL 40 0-63 Lower Tilt (Bottom Corners)
DCSH 36 0-63 DC Shift (Static Convergence All Vertical)
VBOW 30 0-63 Bow distortion correction vertical lines
VANG 30 0-63 Skew correction, vertical lines
RTCO - 0-63 Raster Rotation
PHPO 79 0-127 Picture In Picture (PIP) Horizontal Position
PHUE 0 0-31 Picture In Picture (PIP) Hue
MSHU - 0-31 Main PIP hue
MSCOL - 0-31 Main PIP color
SSHU - 0-31 Small PIP Hue
SSCO - 0-31 Small PIP Color
GV SKEW - 0-63 convergence service item
GH SKEW - 0-63 convergence service item
GH BOW - 0-63 convergence service item
RV SKEW - 0-63 convergence service item
BV SKEW - 0-63 convergence service item
GH PIN - 0-63 convergence service item
GH CENT - 0-63 convergence service item
GV CENT - 0-63 convergence service item
RH CENT - 0-63 convergence service item
RV CENT - 0-63 convergence service item
BH CENT - 0-63 convergence service item
BV CENT - 0-63 convergence service item
ID0 88 0-127 Model ID
ID1 127 0-127 Model ID
ID2 104 0-127 Model ID
ID3 64 0-127 Model ID
ID4 19 0-127 Model ID
ID5 1 0-127 Model ID
Not all ITEMS appear on all televisions models.
Provisions for convergence adjustments are not enabled on 27" or smaller Sony direct view television sets.
Typical settings may not apply to your particular model and are shown only for reference purposes.
One of the most important things you can do is to write down ANY changes you make in the Service Menu. Write down current and then new settings. It's very, very easy to misadjust these TV's and fuck everything up.
I will continue to update this first post as new info is found. Keep in mind not all the Service Menu options appear on all TV's.
The Following info comes from:
As you can tell, this isn't on the web anymore. I had to use wayback machine to pull it up. I have slightly reformatted and cleaned up this info for the forum.
[PWR OFF] - [DISP], [5], [VOL+], [PWR ON]
[PWR OFF] - [DISP], [5], [PWR ON]
The TV will turn on in service mode and the screen will look something like this:

[1] = Moves to Previous Menu Item
[4] = Moves to Next Menu Item
[3] = Adjusts Value Up
[6] = Adjusts Value Down
[MTS] = Toggles Stereo/Mono Audio
[MUTE] followed by [ENTER] = stores NEW service mode settings to NVRAM
[8] followed by [ENTER] = Restores All *USER* settings to factory defaults
[0] followed by [ENTER] = Read Default service mode value from stored settings. (service mode reset)
[PWR OFF] = Leave Service Mode any settings not written will be in effect until TV is unplugged or a Reset is performed.
BEFORE storing NEW settings - unplug TV from wall, wait a few seconds, then plug back in, turn TV set on - All settings not written will have been lost.
AFTER storing NEW settings - restore original value from list you made of original values before adjustments and store in NVRAM.
If you have a XBR250 and you're experiencing horizontal blue, green or red banding across the screen with a component video connection, you will need to enter service mode and adjust the HOSC parameter. Initially HOSC is set to 7 (factory default), you'll need to change it to about 11 - this will eliminate the color banding in the picture.
AFC 0 0-3 AFC Loop Gain
HFRE 42 0-127 Horizontal Frequency
VFRE 11 0-31 Vertical Frequency
VPOS 16 0-31 Vertical Picture Position
VSIZ 18 0-63 Vertical Picture Size
VLIN 6 0-15 Vertical Picture Linearity
VSCO 10 0-15 Vertical Correction
HPOS 6 0-15 Horizontal Picture Position
HSIZ 11 0-31 Horizontal Picture Size
PAMP 18 0-31 Pincushion Amp.
CPIN 4 0-7 Corner Pincushion
PPHA 7 0-15 Pincushion Phase
UPIN 10 0-31 Pincushion upper ends, vertical lines
LPIN 10 0-31 Pincushion lower ends, vertical lines
PPHA 7 0-15 Keystone correction vertical lines
HKEY 6 0-15 Keystone distortion, horizontal lines
HTRP 8 0-15 Keystone correction, horizontal lines
VCOM 2 0-7 Vertical Compensation
VUSN 0 0,1 Shrinks Vertical Height to 16x9 Area
VZOM 0 0,1 Places Bars on Picture to give 16x9 Area
EHT 15 Adjust Height of VZOM
ASP 47 Vertical Picture Size - Aspect
SCRL 31 Vertical Picture Position
HBLK 1 0,1 Horizontal Blanking (on/off)
LBLK 15 Left Blanking
RBLK 3 Right Blanking
GAMP 18 0-31 Green Amp.
BAMP 14 0-31 Blue Amp.
GDRV 18 0-31 Green Driver
BDRV 14 0-31 Blue Driver
RCUT 15 Red Cutoff - (lower level)
GCUT 4 0-15 Green Cutoff - (lower level)
BCUT 1 0-15 Blue Cutoff - (lower level)
RDRV 21 Red Amp. - (upper level)
GDRV 18 Green Amp. - (upper level)
BDRV 14 Blue Amp. - (upper level)
DCOL 1 0,1 Color Temperature
COFF 0 0,1 Color On/Off - B/W Picture
Y-DC 0 0-15 BLACK background level retention
R-YR 15 0-15 Sets the amount of RED
R-YB 15 0-15 Sets the amount of RED
G-YG 11 0-15 Sets the amount of GREEN
G-YB 9 0-15 Sets the amount of GREEN
AXIS 0 0-15 Cleans up the red & oranginess in yellow
DPIX 0 0-3 Dynamic Picture
CROM 28 0-63 Chroma Trap
SPIX 30 0-63 Sub-Picture Contrast (Picture)
SCON 30 0-63 Sub-Picture Contrast (Picture)
SHUE 23 0-63 Sub-Picture Hue
SCOL 26 0-63 Sub-Picture Color
SBRT 22 0-63 Sub-Picture Brightness (Black Level)
RGBP 10 0-63 RGB Picture
SHAP 6 0-15 Sub-Picture Sharpness
SHPF 3 0-15 This helps with the S-Video sharpness
NRLV 0 0-3 Find the value that gives the best resolution
VSMO 1 0,1 Vertical Pull In Range (1 allows PAL in B&W)
REF 2 0-3 Reference Line
ROFF 1 0,1 Red Gun ON(1)/OFF(0)
GOFF 1 0,1 Green Gun ON(1)/OFF(0)
BOFF 1 0,1 Blue Gun ON(1)/OFF(0)
RON 1* 0,1 Red Gun ON(1)/OFF(0)
GON 1* 0,1 Green Gun ON(1)/OFF(0)
BON 1* 0,1 Blue Gun ON(1)/OFF(0)
AXPL 0 0,1 Cleans up Reds/Yellows
ABLM 0 0,1 Automatic Background or Brightness Limiter
NOTC 1 0,1 Notch Filter ON(1)/OFF(0)
VMLV 0 0,1 Scanning Velocity Modulation ON(1)/OFF(0)
VAPI 0 0,1 Sets vert resolution for 3-d comb filter
VAPG 0 0,1 Sets vert resolution for 3-d comb filter
DRGB 0 0,1 On-Screen Display (OSD) Intensity
DISP 35 0-63 On-Screen Display (OSD) Menu Placement (L/R)
VTMS 0 0-3 On Screen Display (OSD) - On/Off
DPDV 1 0-3 Lumipon
MPIC 8 0-63 Lumipon (depth)
SVOL 0 0-15 Sub-Volume (0=Max,15=Min.)
SBAL 7 0-15 Sub-Balance (0=Left,15=Right)
BASS 8 0-15 Sub-Bass (0=Min., 15=Max.)
TRE 7 0-15 Sub-Treble (0=Mix., 15=Max.)
MPX - 0-15 Audio ATT
FILO - 0-15 Audio I1
DEEM - 0-15 Audio I2
STEV - 0-15 Audio OSC1
SAPV - 0-15 Audio OSC2
PILO - 0-15 Audio PILOT
SEP - 0-15 Audio WIDE BAND
VD - 0-15 Audio SPECTRAL
LVOL - 0-15 Audio VOLUME-L
RVOL - 0-15 Audio VOLUME-R
PADJ 63 0-255 Hor/Vert Picture Adjustment (total picture)
UYBO 32 0-63 Upper Y Bow (B/R Top)
LYBO 27 0-63 Lower Y Bow (B/R Bottom)
HAMP 34 0-63 Horizontal Amp. (B/R OuterLines)
HTIL 32 0-63 Horizontal Tilt (R/R)
UCBO 39 0-63 Upper C Bow (B/R Corners Only)
UTIL 37 0-63 Upper Tilt (Top Corners)
LCBO 41 0-63 Lower C Bow (B/R Corners Only)
LTIL 40 0-63 Lower Tilt (Bottom Corners)
DCSH 36 0-63 DC Shift (Static Convergence All Vertical)
VBOW 30 0-63 Bow distortion correction vertical lines
VANG 30 0-63 Skew correction, vertical lines
RTCO - 0-63 Raster Rotation
PHPO 79 0-127 Picture In Picture (PIP) Horizontal Position
PHUE 0 0-31 Picture In Picture (PIP) Hue
MSHU - 0-31 Main PIP hue
MSCOL - 0-31 Main PIP color
SSHU - 0-31 Small PIP Hue
SSCO - 0-31 Small PIP Color
GV SKEW - 0-63 convergence service item
GH SKEW - 0-63 convergence service item
GH BOW - 0-63 convergence service item
RV SKEW - 0-63 convergence service item
BV SKEW - 0-63 convergence service item
GH PIN - 0-63 convergence service item
GH CENT - 0-63 convergence service item
GV CENT - 0-63 convergence service item
RH CENT - 0-63 convergence service item
RV CENT - 0-63 convergence service item
BH CENT - 0-63 convergence service item
BV CENT - 0-63 convergence service item
ID0 88 0-127 Model ID
ID1 127 0-127 Model ID
ID2 104 0-127 Model ID
ID3 64 0-127 Model ID
ID4 19 0-127 Model ID
ID5 1 0-127 Model ID
Not all ITEMS appear on all televisions models.
Provisions for convergence adjustments are not enabled on 27" or smaller Sony direct view television sets.
Typical settings may not apply to your particular model and are shown only for reference purposes.
One of the most important things you can do is to write down ANY changes you make in the Service Menu. Write down current and then new settings. It's very, very easy to misadjust these TV's and fuck everything up.
I will continue to update this first post as new info is found. Keep in mind not all the Service Menu options appear on all TV's.