Stephen A. Smith is Right About Something


20 Year Member
Mar 9, 2001
I never thought I'd have reason to type that title, but here we are:

I think it might actually be beneficial long term to scorch the earth and start over. However, I feel bad for individual guys like Clint Dempsey, who will now miss a chance to score in four World Cups, and Christian Pulisic, who may miss the same chance on the front end.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
I agree with him. I mean your playing Trinidad for God Sakes. I understand the other team wants to win too but this is pretty embarrassing. On top of that with all the coach's they could hire, who do they get? Bruce Arena. What a joke.


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
That thread topic made me legit laugh.

Also, news flash: America doesn't give a fuck about soccer/football outside the World Cup. And even then it's only as a curious novelty and an excuse for shallow patriotism. Also the sky is blue and the sun sets in the west.


I survived Secret Santa, It wasn't Easy.,
Feb 19, 2016
I agree with him. I mean your playing Trinidad for God Sakes. I understand the other team wants to win too but this is pretty embarrassing. On top of that with all the coach's they could hire, who do they get? Bruce Arena. What a joke.

It's not just Trinidad, though. It's Tobago, too. No team can win two on one. Not especially after shooting yourself in both feet.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
That thread topic made me legit laugh.

Also, news flash: America doesn't give a fuck about soccer/football outside the World Cup. And even then it's only as a curious novelty and an excuse for shallow patriotism. Also the sky is blue and the sun sets in the west.

This is not 100% accurate. Soccer is not the most popular sport in this country but it's on the rise. You think alot of people in this country aren't watching English Premier League games on NBC? You think no one is watching Champions or even Europa League games?

I understand it might not see the same ratings as Football, Baseball, Or Basketball but there is a reason why these games are showing on major networks. Alot of people are watching.


I survived Secret Santa, It wasn't Easy.,
Feb 19, 2016
No one watches Europa League games except for Benfica fans.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I agree with him. I mean your playing Trinidad for God Sakes. I understand the other team wants to win too but this is pretty embarrassing. On top of that with all the coach's they could hire, who do they get? Bruce Arena. What a joke.

But they also lost points on matches they should have won or at least drawn in.

Hopefully they can get angry, and fuck those teams back. Trinidad’s field condition was a complete joke. It was gulash worthy.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
This is not 100% accurate. Soccer is not the most popular sport in this country but it's on the rise. You think alot of people in this country aren't watching English Premier League games on NBC? You think no one is watching Champions or even Europa League games?

I understand it might not see the same ratings as Football, Baseball, Or Basketball but there is a reason why these games are showing on major networks. Alot of people are watching.

Rednecks need their pride in shit sports that they can’t even compete in anymore.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
I will now need a replacement team to poke fun at during the next World cup seeing as the the USA are out...

...I plan to laugh at the England team...



Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
This is not 100% accurate. Soccer is not the most popular sport in this country but it's on the rise. You think alot of people in this country aren't watching English Premier League games on NBC? You think no one is watching Champions or even Europa League games?

I understand it might not see the same ratings as Football, Baseball, Or Basketball but there is a reason why these games are showing on major networks. Alot of people are watching.

People have been saying that soccer is on the rise for the last 40 years and it never happens. It's a D-tier interest in this country.

It's less popular in the US than American football, basketball, baseball, hockey, college football, college basketball, golf, tennis and NASCAR. Congratulations. It's now the 10th most popular sport. In a country that dominates pretty much every team sport imaginable, we can't field a team that can even qualify to make an international tournament. It's not because we don't have the athletes. It's because the athletes and the parents of athletes in our country don't give a shit about soccer past the age of 8. Blame it on the USSF and its piss-poor infrastructure. Blame it on nationalism and dumb Americans not being interested in a sport we don't dominate at. Blame it on whatever you want. But it's still the truth.

Not saying it will never change. I'm just saying that soccer is still watched in this country by ex-pats and a small, fiercely devoted fanbase. With the emphasis on small.


20 Year Member
Mar 9, 2001
There is definitely an opportunity right now though. Parents are pulling their sons out of football to avoid concussions and related head injuries, and soccer is a very cheap alternative that also doesn't require size. It seems to me that a growing player pool is an inevitability, and if we could develop a single global star, he could grow the game exponentially.


Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
Soccer will lose even more national interest once trump kicks all the Mexicans out.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
There is definitely an opportunity right now though. Parents are pulling their sons out of football to avoid concussions and related head injuries, and soccer is a very cheap alternative that also doesn't require size. It seems to me that a growing player pool is an inevitability, and if we could develop a single global star, he could grow the game exponentially.

Christian Pulisic is already a top 10 winger. Probably the best player America has ever produced.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
In a country that dominates pretty much every team sport imaginable, we can't field a team that can even qualify to make an international tournament.


What team sports does the USA dominate internationally outside of basketball? Baseball? But that isn’t very popular outside of 3 countries. American rules football is fun, but it’s a joke internationally.

You are right about the talent pool going to the other sports. This is a fact, and one that will change as kids realize how much money is available to soccer players. Salaries have risen exponentially in the past decade.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006

What team sports does the USA dominate internationally outside of basketball? Baseball? But that isn’t very popular outside of 3 countries. American rules football is fun, but it’s a joke internationally.

You are right about the talent pool going to the other sports. This is a fact, and one that will change as kids realize how much money is available to soccer players. Salaries have risen exponentially in the past decade.

Even if you consider racing sports. NASCAR is a joke compared to Formula 1. Yes, NASCAR is popular but who really gives a shit about a bunch of guys racing around a oval. Ohh shit, here comes turn 4 for the 80th time, Watch out. Formula 1 and Rally require real driving skills.

Soccer might not be the most popular sport in our country but it has come a long way from the original mls with those bullshit rules.
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evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Even if you consider racing sports. NASCAR is a joke compared to Formula 1. Yes, NASCAR is popular but who really gives a shit about a bunch of guys racing around a oval. Ohh shit, here comes turn 4 for the 80th time, Watch out. Formula 1 and Rally require real driving skills.

It’s essentially higher stakes Keno; a way for low income low education people to drink alcohol and gamble mindlessly.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
It’s essentially higher stakes Keno; a way for low income low education people to drink alcohol and gamble mindlessly.

Sad but true. Bunch of rednecks waiting for a crash to happen.


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014

I was referring more to the Olympic sports where we consistently medal in pretty much everything that isn't distance running. Gymnastics, Swimming, Track (pre-Bolt), etc. I guess there aren't all that many team sports outside of the ones mentioned already. <shrug> Also we medal in hockey just about every Olympics (pretty much the only international tournament for hockey) despite it being the like the 5th most important sport in this country and only really played regionally.

You are right about the talent pool going to the other sports. This is a fact, and one that will change as kids realize how much money is available to soccer players. Salaries have risen exponentially in the past decade.

Right but the infrastructure in this country for soccer is shit and most parents (that aren't rich, self-involved WASPs) aren't interested in driving their kids 100 miles to tournaments on the weekends to play a sport where they have to play in Europe to make any money when it's so much easier, less expensive and more lucrative to just play basketball, football or baseball (or hockey if you live in the frozen parts of the country). Like I said, that could certainly change but none of the indicators say it will and people have been talking about the rise of soccer in the US for 40 years (since Pele came to play in the US in the 70s at the end of his career) and it never happens.

I'm not trying to shit on people who like soccer. It is one of the great spectator sports (both live and on TV) and SHOULD be more popular in this country. It just isn't.


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
I've been coaching soccer a few years now. As has been said - each year we lose about half our kids. They want to play hockey, baseball, football or basketball. You get to an age where the seasons are longer and you have to make a choice. Some really talented kids each year drop out - a top 5 league player in soccer wants to go be in the middle of the pack on the JV football team. Football has cheerleaders, homecoming, names on jerseys, and 300 people in the stands. Soccer has none of those things.

Case in point - when my oldest son was U8 we had 6 teams of 13. When he was U10 it was 4 teams of 14. When he was U12 it was 2 teams of 13. Now at U14 it was 1 team of 11. We had to call up some U12 players just to have enough to play some nights. Literally losing more than half our players each year. Because a 5' kid in Minnesota really believes he's gonna make millions playing along side a 35yo Steph Curry.

Our high school team doesn't have enough for a team - we partner up with the next town over. The football team dresses 80.

100proof is on point tho - a much better watch than baseball. The live action of football or basketball is as good, but so many breaks. Watching live soccer is fantastic.
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Jun 25, 2002
Rednecks need their pride in shit sports that they can’t even compete in anymore.

Funny because I had this sort of savant red neck at my bar for a few days and he knew everything about football, baseball, and international soccer.

It was kind of refreshing


Baseball Star Hitter
Sep 18, 2010
It's alright, you'll still be best at all those sports that no other country bothers with :tickled: