Stick case/body roundup


way more american than wyo, way more
15 Year Member
Oct 9, 2005
I've been working on modding an HRAP 3 recently and am more or less done. However, the case is not necessarily meant for anything other than the stock wiring to be housed in it, and the Brook board is a really, really tight fit.

Which got me kinda searching for some other options. I came across a few sites selling empty fightstick cases, and it seems like there are quite a few. I'm not involved in fighting games at all anymore, so I have no idea what else is out there.

I figure there are quite a few folks like me here, and maybe we could all benefit from a thread where we post empty stick cases.

I found these sites:

If anybody knows any others, post 'em up


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
My pref is actually the old school HRAP shape. I'm surprised the Brook doesn't fit well. I ended up going with the Mayflash F500 and gutting it. The other options are Qanba and some Mad Catz stuff, but for enclosures that come empty, I think the only reliable way to go is AFS. Jansen doesn't do his metal enclosures anymore AFAIK.

Lemony Vengeance

Mitt Romney's Hairdresser,
Jan 30, 2012
All my good sticks have either been donated or traded to people here. I'm still rocking a Madcatz TE and TE2 I modded some time ago, though. They're tough as nails.

As for empty stick cases, TRFightstick makes great ones, but they're in turkey so expect shipping to be up there.

You can also get some nicer plexi ones from FocusAttack.

Jasen doesn't do or make anything anymore. Not that I'm sad to see him go but *shrug*.


way more american than wyo, way more
15 Year Member
Oct 9, 2005
I actually cut out the material that supports the turbo panel (since I won't be using that at all), and tightened up the cable/wire management in the case, and it all fits a lot better now.

Fully agree though, the old HRAP shape is legendary. To me, it will always be the ideal. Definitely happy that this has all come together. I'll post pics when I get it totally done.

One thing though - I upgraded the firmware on my Brook wireless board last night, and it seems to have somehow borked the Switch wireless functionality. It's really bad. If anybody has any insight on that part, that would be great.