suicidekiller's collection


Whip's Subordinate
Oct 31, 2016
Such an awesome collection.

What is your audio rig? Do you have a listening room?

I've noticed that when I get to listen to music on a nice rig I can hear little things that were not present in a simpler system.

Goodluck in your search for amazing music.


Host for Orochi,
Feb 3, 2003
At first thank you very much for your appreciation guys! I'll put up more of my collection in the future :) Now to your remarks and questions.

Excellent update! My favorite out of those seven is one of the most iconic: Strider Hiryu.

Sorry for my ignorance, but I find it to be the least interesting of the bunch. This may concur with my relation to Strider in general: I just don't like the game too much. Apart from that the soundtrack is not very "listenable" imo. But then again that's just me.

This is an awesome collection! Very nice! Love that the Ninja Warriors ost in there too, but where the Ninja Warriors Again ost at? lol

(It's just a coincidence I have this album. Never played Ninja Warriors Again and just bought the CD for the Pocky & Rocky first press amulet bonus)

since we are all nerds in some way: how long would it take to listen to all your soundtracks in a row ? Lifetime wouldnエt be enough I guess

Nice question. I'm now close to 500 CDs/Vinyl LPs (mind: just the game music related ones ;) ). Add some discs for multi-volume releases you may end up with 550 records total. Given an average playing time of 40 minutes you get 22.000 minutes in total which equals ~366h which equals ~15.3 days in the end. Well I hope I do have a bit more time to spend in my life ;)

Such an awesome collection.

What is your audio rig? Do you have a listening room?

I've noticed that when I get to listen to music on a nice rig I can hear little things that were not present in a simpler system.

Goodluck in your search for amazing music.

I don't use any special audio rig to listen to them or am audiophile by any means. I do have a mid-range audio system and that's it. Nothing really fancy, sorry. However I'm planning to get me some good headphones just for the reasons you explained.


Whip's Subordinate
Oct 31, 2016
At first thank you very much for your appreciation guys! I'll put up more of my collection in the future :) Now to your remarks and questions.

I don't use any special audio rig to listen to them or am audiophile by any means. I do have a mid-range audio system and that's it. Nothing really fancy, sorry. However I'm planning to get me some good headphones just for the reasons you explained.

Mid-range audio I feel is perfect because return on investment/increases in fidelity for high end audio takes tons of money. A nicely reviewed $700-1000 speaker set gets you pretty close in sound to a 5-6000 speaker, or more. Some will argue this is not the case, but I truly believe it is true.

Find an old audio receiver (1970s), most can really drive headphones nicely, and you'll have a nice phono stage also.
I really like the Sennheiser HD600 headphone, great overall headphone.

Can't wait to see more of your collection. I can still remember listening to Yuzo Koshiro's music 25 year or so ago. That's when I began realizing how important a role music can play in a game.

Music can bring back some great memories.


The Fatal Fury Disciple
15 Year Member
Aug 30, 2016

(It's just a coincidence I have this album. Never played Ninja Warriors Again and just bought the CD for the Pocky & Rocky first press amulet bonus)

Yep, that's the one! You rock!

Give Ninja Warriors Again a good playthrough some time. It's a great game and one of my favorite OST's on the snes along with X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse and of course Mega Man X.


Igniz's Servent
May 10, 2013
Seeing all this nice soundtracks: What´s your favourite Shmup Soundtrack (original & arranged) ?


Host for Orochi,
Feb 3, 2003
Good question. There are so many good ones out there I'd trim them down to the Psikyo and Toaplan shmups which are basically Masaki Izutani and Tatsuya Uemura for me. From there it get's tough though since they've done so many good ones. Probably Strikers 1945 II for Izutani-san and Out Zone for Uemura (or Vimana if you don't count Out Zone as shmup). A honorable mention goes to Yousuke Yasui with Eschatos. Great game and great music! Raiden was also awesome... just so many to choose from :)

Concerning shmups arrangements there are not enough of them available imo to get a fair choice. Some of the Toaplan soundtracks contain an arranged track and Zuntata later did some arrange albums for Taito games but that's about it. However I can really recommend the Metal Black -The First- arrange album, great music throughout!


Igniz's Servent
May 10, 2013
thats nice. Didn´t knew that anything useful comes from Metal Black. But I don´t really like horizontal shooters at all and the saturn version isn´t that good overall. Anyway I like those Toaplan Soundtracks also very much, the composition and the used instruments/sound effects are Toaplan specific and can be recognized even by shm-oobs. Eschatos I didn´t like at all, so I haven´t heard the soundtrack, but yeah, Raiden was great, everything from Seibu I like :)

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004

(It's just a coincidence I have this album. Never played Ninja Warriors Again and just bought the CD for the Pocky & Rocky first press amulet bonus)
So baller, congrats! If you can, you should def try SNES NW, it's amazing, for years I stared at it at the mompop shop and never bit, deep regret, did emulate the bejesus out of it well after for a long time and now the everdrive fills the void, maybe one day I'll splurge and get the cart but this is not a game you want to miss, play it however you can, it's worth it.

Awesome gets, I love it!


Host for Orochi,
Feb 3, 2003
Time for some update guys. And this time with home carts ;)

I chose the first five games released for the Neo Geo for today's show-off. And as they perfectly fit the Neo Geo Sound Power G.S.M. 2 soundtrack I've included that one too. Also thanks a lot to Frazer (frazer99) from whom I got the last one of the bunch (TPG).

So what we got here? The first five games in carton box format.*


NGH-001 Nam 1975
NGH-002 Baseball Stars
NGH-003 Top Player's Golf
NGH-004 Mahjong Kyouretsuden
NGH-005 Magician Lord

In my oppinion the games are very varied in terms of gameplay, music and graphics and therefor do offer something for everyone. You've got action (Nam) and sports (BS & TPG) right up to platformer (ML) and traditional Japanese Mahjong (MK). So I think they were quite a worthy start for the Neo.

On the sound side of things they can also show a lot the Neo has to offer. From chilled laid back songs in TPG and Mahjong Kyouretsuden over rock songs (BS) to atmospheric music for Nam and Magician Lord. Baseball Stars even features one of my all time favorite Neo composers TARKUN (Toshikazu Tanaka) who would later do memorable soundtracks like Matrimelee or MS5.

I don't think I have to say much about the games themselves as they have been discussed a lot before. The only thing I would want to mention is my experience with Mahjong Kyouretsuden. Since I do know a bit of the Japanese language (Kana and some basic Kanji) and have an interest in traditional Japanese games like Hanafuda, Shougi and the like I always wanted to learn Mahjong as it is basically available on any Japanese console and arcade platform I guess (check this video for a very comprehensive Japanese Mahjong tutorial). I finally did learn the basic rules last year although learning all the different hands (yaku) can be quite a pain. However, I was rather surprised after playing Mahjong Kyouretsuden to find out it is a Eroge. I always thought it has some story involved like the Quiz games. But seeing nudity on the Neo was quite a surprise :D



*I've decided to collect the early games in carton box format. Contrary to the later Japanese releases the carton box spine is rather consistent and does look awesome lined up. Normally I'm down for English releases but I made an exception for the early games.