


If Tonk has really left for good. It is a sad day for Although I don't neccessarily agree with the way he did things, or the way he said things. Whenever one member leaves it makes the entire community smaller.
I think that Tonk had a lot of stuff dumped on him. Maybe he did deserve some of it, I really don't know, I've never argued with Tonk. If he felt like leaving because people disrespected him, that is sad. I'm pretty sure some people must have left because of him too. But we need to preserve this place{ the forums}.
It's good that we are all working, going to school and maintaining our lives outside the forums, but when we do come here, we should appreciate each other's time and opinions.
What would happen to this place, without people like Shawn, Biomotor, Bobak, Homeslice, Hidden Warrior, Dark Lord Dragon, Devil Gans, Devil Gui, Dark Lord Yamazaki, Miaka, Steve, BBH, Snknutball, Silver Angel, Dolphin Lord, TheMan, PJ,the Kaimuki bunch{sorry if I have left any one out} you kinda get the point?
The number of people posting seems{though I can't prove it} to be getting smaller and smaller as of late. For each other's sake and for the sake of this hobby we should work together to keep this place alive. I maybe wrong, maybe this place is flourishing but when I hear about people even thinking about not coming back and saying goodbye, it worries me.
The only exception is those who hurt others outside of the forums, by sending viruses and worms. Those kinds of people should be gotten rid of.


I wrote this because, I saw the same thing happen to the arcade I used to play at. There was a guy, who really upset people all the time, outside of games he was really cool, but it was during games that he would act the way he did.He was good at the games too.
One day, somebody, kicked his ass or something, and he never came back, so went most of the competition. Everyone came to play against him, and then play each other. But as soon as people realized he wasn't coming back, playing against each other soon came pointless, cause eveyone knew how everyone else played, and the mannerisms were soon getting boring. As time went by, the place was raking in less and less money, to the point where the collectible card side of their business was pouring in money to operate the game area, in the end, the collectible cards side became slow because of the increase in price of their products, and they couldn't find a concession to take over the space used by the game area, so in the end they went broke, with most of the machines being sold off to the arcade we go to now{for dirt cheap prices}, and most of the collectible cards went to paying off some of the debt to the store's creditors.
One guy does make a difference. Although the short term effects were small, the interdependence of things magnified those small effects into the end of that place.


Jun 9, 2001
I completely agree! It does seem that way! Lets keep it alive and not get rid of people!

I dont mind it when Tonk expresses his views and opinions. Thats just the way he is. He adds something in these forums! Dont take that away! I'm sure people love to argue with him so why get rid of him?

(Sorry i lost my manners for a minute there! Thank you for putting my name down! I'm sorry i didnt say it before that was rude of me)

[ August 01, 2001: Message edited by: SilverAngel ]


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
TonK is nuts, there is no coming back, I have put up with his sob stories, and manipulation techniques, I shall no more.
He has made the vchocie to stick with ngf, when he comes back here asking forgiveness in a weak, I will be here with a blood stained sword.
Never again.


LWK, I'm here to stay...I sent you a PM...come see me at the CGE...I'll shove that blood stained sword up your ass...

Bring whoever you want...I won't be alone <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Originally posted by TonK NGF:
<STRONG>LWK, I'm here to stay...I sent you a PM...come see me at the CGE...I'll shove that blood stained sword up your ass...

Bring whoever you want...I won't be alone <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0"></STRONG>

Sorry I wont be attending the neo geo mafia conferance, I would rather not get shot, why you ask?
Its called having a brain.
Amazing we were cool to you, yet dion shits on you and your his "friend" the question is how long will it last?
You are truly a victim of yourself.
TonK, the reason you do this is because you hate yourself.
When your plastic friends break into pieces then look at yourself then, nothing true to grasp upon, all a vail that covers your weakness. You may have money, but we on the whole have one thing you desire endl;essly peace of mind.


TonK comes back (cue Jurrasic Park 3 ending music) <IMG SRC="smilies/loco.gif" border="0">

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
<STRONG>Sorry I wont be attending the neo geo mafia conferance, I would rather not get shot, why you ask?
Its called having a brain.
Amazing we were cool to you, yet dion shits on you and your his "friend" the question is how long will it last?
You are truly a victim of yourself.
TonK, the reason you do this is because you hate yourself.
When your plastic friends break into pieces then look at yourself then, nothing true to grasp upon, all a vail that covers your weakness. You may have money, but we on the whole have one thing you desire endl;essly peace of mind.</STRONG>

hey i think i can do a lyrical song on that:

Yo tonk
you been dissing yo punk
with no friends
friends that will push you to the edge
not that you know it yet
youll get stabbed in the back

you have the money
to make you feel calmer and safe
but nothing
will save you from yourself
you hate yourself punk
with your bitching and dissing
you just get drunk
time to overthrow your friends
cos they see your money now
they are in the front seat
you back back
time to take them pills
and accept you need help
to calm the fever and the chills
take them fucking pills
take them fucking pills
then realise who you need to kill.


1cc my ASS!,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2001
I'm surprised you mentioned me SHIN-HIDOSHI... I don't post that much but I guess our little disagreement stood out <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">

Anyway, the thing about TonK is that he suffers from the same problem as Dion and Chris.... they just LOVE to see their names mentioned. They thrive on all the attention they get, whether it be good or bad. The "solution" is to just ignore them and let them go away, but that's not so simple, as there's ALWAYS bound to be someone who's going to take the bait and reply.

I also think one of the driving forces behind Dion and Chris creating "NGF USA" was that it would give them a chance to refer to themselves in the 3rd person. Not surprisingly, now TonK has taken up that suffix in his name... how sad.


Hi BBH, haven't seen you in a while.

I enjoy it when people stand up to me. outside the forums, people just agree with me on many things. Some people "fear" me because of the connections my ex{now deceased girlfriend used to have." I always thought that people have to stand for something they believe in. Sometimes people believe in the wrong thing, but in time they usually learn.
Well nice to see you're still here. Take care of yourself BBH, maybe someday, I'll argue with you again.J/K.
I have been banned from the arcade, somewhat. Which is good.


Shigen's Fitness Trainer
Apr 17, 2001
Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
<STRONG>Sorry I wont be attending the neo geo mafia conferance, I would rather not get shot, why you ask?
Its called having a brain.
Amazing we were cool to you, yet dion shits on you and your his "friend" the question is how long will it last?
You are truly a victim of yourself.
TonK, the reason you do this is because you hate yourself.
When your plastic friends break into pieces then look at yourself then, nothing true to grasp upon, all a vail that covers your weakness. You may have money, but we on the whole have one thing you desire endl;essly peace of mind.</STRONG>

LWK it's like the same thing with women. They never want nice guys just the ones who treat them like shit. Funny how the world works eh?


Angel's Love Slave
20 Year Member
May 20, 2001
What would happen to this place, without people like Shawn, Biomotor, Bobak, Homeslice, Hidden Warrior, Dark Lord Dragon, Devil Gans, Devil Gui, Dark Lord Yamazaki, Miaka, Steve, BBH, Snknutball, Silver Angel, Dolphin Lord, TheMan, PJ,the Kaimuki bunch{sorry if I have left any one out} you kinda get the point?
Just curious. Why am I on this list, and is it good? <IMG SRC="smilies/glee.gif" border="0">


It's a good list, and I apologize for leaving alot of you guys out. Those were the names that came into my head first at that time.


Angel's Love Slave
20 Year Member
May 20, 2001
Thanks! I'll do all I can to make this forum a better place. <IMG SRC="smilies/glee.gif" border="0">


NEST Puppet
Feb 6, 2001
Originally posted by SHIN-HIDOSHI:
<STRONG>Whenever one member leaves it makes the entire community smaller.</STRONG>

technically a true statement.

this place was twice as good when it was half the size.


Andy, you are right, when the community was half it's size, it probably was better. Maybe it came bad, when the number of members grew too fast. With all these people trying to leave their mark, some of them have polluted the place.