Trump-Russia collusion under investigation by FBI


So.... we cool with Pence then?

Or is everyone just going to go into Round 2 against him?

He's every but as complicit in the Russia stuff as donald, if not more so, being one more layer towards the outside of the onion.

So if kushner at am. end up eating shit then pence is done too

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
This particular detail was a fuckup, y'all.

My prediction: Monday Trump will announce that the embassy in Jerusalem will open, and a false flag attack on the embassy will be linked to Iranian ordinance. Trump will declare war, and Rod will be ordered to suspend the Russian investigation indefinitely.

This could have been avoided if the Dems started the impeachment already, but their financial backers were loathe to allow any such thing while the market was so fucking high.


Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
When the president(-elect) does it, that means that it is not illegal.
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Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
What about when Trump and his team put that advertisement on

I feel like we're talking past each other which has been fun, but I just want to clarify that all I was doing was using Nixon's quote as a substitute for Dowd's statement that the president cannot obstruct justice, which is of course monstrously stupid.


20 Year Member
FWIW, I fully expect the president to finish out his first term and pretty much continue living the life he has so far, unless the fast food takes him out first.

In the meantime, you gotta be in deep denial to think Gates, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos are merely victims of a partisan fishing expedition, or that they're the last shoes that are going to drop on this thing.

In the meantime, you'll see (for example) Keith Ellison in Al Franken's seat before you see (for example) Michele Bachmann.

In the meantime, Trump is going to drive two backlash wave elections, regardless of whether we get Roy Moore and, what the hell, Joe Arpaio seated in the senate.

Long story short, we'll be left a fucked up judiciary, a fucked up global situation that we're *just as* entangled in as we were before, but have less authority to manage, record-breaking (!!!) numbers on wall street, and a Democratic majority that's as dumb as ever because they didn't have to work for it.

They'll lose the house in two years, again.

Some time later the Asian federation will annex everything west of the Rockies, and Anime will finally be Made Real.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Looks like Alabama dodged a bullet.

And America, for that matter, as we won’t have more of these silly bollocks judge appoints rammed down our throats.