It probably would ruffle a feather or two.
Like if a longtime but inactive member showed up here with a want to buy thread looking for a deal.
I got mine (off eBay) a year ago for $135 iirc.
For sure it would. I can see the angry comments now. The forum would be set on fire with people pissed you asked for an uncommon game. I would ask anyway though. A fella bought a boxed magical chase on there maybe a year ago for over 4K or around that area. It all calmed down in the end.
Glad I piked mine up about a month ago when It could still be had for around $160.00. It's slowly climbing to the $200.00 mark. I'm sure there are plenty of copies to go around, but the Japanese sellers are goping to slowly leak them. Somewhere some guy in Japan is propping up his couch with about 30 copies waiting to list them.
Did you try yahoo japan? I'm not sure if shoppingmalljapan is still an option to get it to you, maybe there are better. But even with the crazy fees you may get one a bit cheaper.
There is also a chick on wordpress called stopwhispering whom I subscribe to. She lived in japan for awhile, it might be worth asking her if she has a hookup. Or ask forum member Jon on here if 16-bit has a copy for a fair price.