WTT : Neo Side Art for MVS games


New Challenger
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Mar 4, 2006
I've actually got some time in my life, and I'm starting to play with my MVS a bit more. Most of you have probably seen my thread selling my side art, so I don't need to go into details as to what it is. I'd like to get a few more games for my machine, and looking to trade some of my artwork for a few games. I'm not into fighting type games. A few I'd really be interested in would be any of the Metal Slug games, Strikers 1945, or any puzzle type games. (I've already got Bust a Move) Prefer originals, but if it's a boot, and your upfront about it, and it works perfectly, then I'd also give it consideration.

Let me know what you've got, and I'll let you know if I'm interested.