WWII Online Battleground Europe - Offers Free To Play

Neo Geo MVS

Igniz's Servent
Apr 14, 2006
WWII Online Battleground Europe

Hello everyone, I wanted to let you guys know a game I play WWII Online is currently offering Free To Play. Beginning in 2001 WWII Online is a video game where you are immersed into a WW2 simulated environment, you can be infantry, tank, airplane or battleship in the same game world. The game is one game server connecting everyone together in the same world. Now the graphics are not the best but keep in mind this game is made by a handful of guys from a indie game dev company that is not very well known or very big at all, if anyone deserve support its a small indie dev company like these guys.

You are limited to certain equipment you can use for instance infantry can only play as a riflemen or smg. The game has seen a lot of new players join recently and I figured I'd let you guys know if your interested in checking it out. No credit card required to play just a valid email.

My game name is "genthc" and I play usually around 6:30 to 9:00 PM pacific time, currently I play axis also just to let you know so if you join allies you wont see me unless I'm pointing my Kar98 at you and shooting you with it, lol.

I'm more than glad to help in getting you guys familiar with the games learning curve since it's not your normal type of game. We use teamspeak 3 if you have a headset and it really helps when playing. To send me a private message type ".m genthc" then your message I have to be online to see it also. Remember don't type the quotes just .m genthc

I hope to see some of you on the game and post your gamertag so we know who's who. I also please recommend getting used to the lobby and the layout, please don't spawn somewhere and walk for hours on end to find a battle as I have recently seen some new people do this. Please ask someone in the chat bar if you need help.
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