Wyo_vr4's Collection


Annex Florida Coalition, Goodwill Ambassador,
15 Year Member
Jan 2, 2009
Nice collection sir.

Have any premium snes carts in there, I can't read the labels.
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Blame madman, You Know You Want To.,
Jun 1, 2007
Dude doesn't even own Knight's Chance. Weak ass buster collection.


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
There has been some talk of kit collecting lately, so I have decided to share a selection of mine with fellow cardboard enthusiasts.

First up, here is my collection of Samurai Shodown kits. With the exception of IV, these were acquired between 2013 and 2015, during the height of my Neo Geo MVS collecting. Special was of course the most expensive, clocking in at just shy of $800 from a Japanese eBay seller. Come to think of it, it's still the most expensive game of any type I've ever bought by a significant margin. However, IV in kit form actually appears to be rarer. Didn't get that one until 2016 as part of a huge local kit lot that popped up out of the blue, the likes of which I will probably never see again.



Host for Orochi,
Feb 3, 2003
Nice collection! Looking forward to more :)

Btw do you know if there is there any reason V Special was only released as JP version? And do you really think IV is that rare? Available here and that is a Neotropolis offer so actual market value should be way below it.

PS: all matching? ;)


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
Nice collection! Looking forward to more :)

Btw do you know if there is there any reason V Special was only released as JP version? And do you really think IV is that rare? Available here and that is a Neotropolis offer so actual market value should be way below it.

PS: all matching? ;)

LOL, yes they are all matching :D

I'm not sure why V Special was Japan only. Maybe an English release was planned but never came to fruition. It was the last game SNK made and we're lucky it was released at all. I wouldn't be surprised if it was something mundane like they ran out of parts and it was not financially viable to order another batch to produce a few more carts, what with it being the final release.

The late releases coincided with SNK emerging from bankruptcy and going through significant corporate upheaval. SSV and SSVS got JP cart releases. SSV also got an English cart release. Meanwhile SVC Chaos, Metal Slug V and King of Fighters 2003 were PCB only in Japan, cart only in the US. Perhaps the PCBs were a way to use up spare motherboard parts they had lying around.


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
Very nice, mate. Keen to see more.

Your appreciation is appreciated. Here are some more kits for your viewing pleasure!

Sengoku 2 is a rare kit that has eluded me but I do have 2 Sengoku 3 variants. Besides the cosmetic differences, they contain different revisions of the game. Until very recently, the serial numbered version was undumped. I haven't noticed any functional gameplay differences. You will notice the label quality is inferior. Almost seems like a photocopy and the edges are not rounded. The cart is the same way. Very few of this type were produced.

Shock Troopers full set! Both of these were part of the big kit lot I mentioned in my previous post. I probably wouldn't own them otherwise, since they are relatively uncommon and tend to go for a significant premium over the loose cart price. I tend to shy away from acquiring kits that cost 3+ times as much as the loose cart. A reasonable premium is to be expected but paying $200 for a $50 game makes no sense.



Oct 13, 2018
Beautiful collection. Thanks for sharing. Super jealous of the two PVM's. I was looking for one but settled on an OSSC and a Sony Bravia LCD. I still wouldn't mind having one though. Artificial scanlines just aren't the same.


Street Hoop Star
Jun 19, 2013
Haven't seen the update to this in the LONGEST but man, that Saturn setup is king man.